ひだまり整骨院 豊津院

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Contact ひだまり整骨院 豊津院

住所 :

Deguchicho, Suita, 〒564-0072 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.hidamari-toyotsu.com/
街 : Osaka

Deguchicho, Suita, 〒564-0072 Osaka,Japan
佐藤美佳 on Google

頭痛がひどかったので行きましたー。 整骨院って初めてで緊張したんですけど 先生が凄い優しくて不安なんか吹っ飛んじゃいました!! 治療してもらったら体が軽くなって 頭痛もかなりマシになりました! また行きまーす❗
I went because my headache was so bad. I was nervous for the first time in the osteopathic clinic The teacher was very kind and anxious! ! The body gets lighter after treatment The headache was also really good! See you again
高木友美 on Google

最近めまいが凄くて来ました。 初めてで緊張したけど来て良かったです!! 何より矯正治療が気に入りました! またお願いします
I've been dizzy recently. I was nervous for the first time, but I'm glad I came! !! Above all, I like orthodontic treatment! Please again
森本もりお on Google

Don't do anything other than insurance treatment. In spite of having requested, it is moved to another operation table after normal operation and massaged for about 2 minutes. A fee of about 2000 yen was charged at the reception, separately from the insurance treatment fee. Unintentionally saying “Eh !?”, “You received out-of-insurance treatment, right?” I will never go there again.
小泉道子 on Google

先日初めて施術を受けました! とっても丁寧な対応で、マッサージもとても気持ちよかったです!! 終わったあとは身体が楽になり、一回でこんなにわかるのかと驚きました?! 雰囲気も良かったし、しばらく通いたいと思います♪♪
I received the first treatment the other day! The treatment was very courteous and the massage was very comfortable! ! After finishing, my body became easier and I was surprised at how much I could understand at once! The atmosphere was good and I want to go for a while ♪♪
山代雅樹 on Google

昔からスポーツでケガが多く、以前した鎖骨骨折の影響で左肩が痛みやすくスッキリしないので来院しました。 色々なところで治療を受けてきましたが、今回はハッキリと痛みが無くなったことが分かります。 不思議です! 骨折の影響で肩がうずくのだと思っていたら、かばったり使い方が悪い事で体が歪んでいるとの事。 ここまでの説明は今までも言われたことがあったのですが、いざ治療を受けると最後に首、背中、左肩、左肘、左手首、指先まで? カクッ、ググッ、パキッ。 っと矯正をしてもらい。 今までも他で変な背骨の矯正を受けた事がありましたがここは違うと分かりました。 体が楽になって会計して帰って、 ふと左肩の違和感がない事に気づきビックリしました。 ここ数年ずっとあった痛みで生涯付き合っていくものだと思っていたので衝撃でした。 とても技術の高い整骨院でした!
I have been injured in sports for a long time, and I came to the hospital because my left shoulder was painful and not refreshing due to the impact of a broken clavicle. I have been treated in various places, but this time I can clearly see that the pain has gone. It's strange! If he thought that his shoulders were tingling due to a broken bone, he said his body was distorted due to bad or bad usage. The explanation so far has been said before, but when you receive treatment, finally the neck, back, left shoulder, left elbow, left wrist, fingertip? Kaku, Gugu, Paki. I have you correct it. I had a strange spine correction elsewhere, but it turned out to be different. My body got easier and I went back after accounting. I was surprised to notice that there was no discomfort in the left shoulder. I was shocked because I thought that the pain that had been around for the past several years would last a lifetime. It was a very skilled osteopath!
阪本孝之 on Google

朝、前屈みになった時に急に腰に違和感とともに痛みが走りPCであわてて吹田市の整骨院を検索したらひだまり整骨院がご近所であったので駆け込みました。 歩くのもままならない感じでその日は仕事を休みましたが、保険外診療での背骨矯正をしてもらってからウソのように痛みが改善して全身にまで出ていた筋肉の緊張までスッと引いて午後から仕事に行こうかと思うほど体が軽くなりました。 家に帰っても嫁に 「朝の痛がり方はオーバーやったん?」 「朝の状態と全然違うやん!」 って驚かれるほどでした。 続けて来れないことを説明すると簡単な予防の体操も教えてもらい信頼できる先生でした。 中は広くて清潔感があり、説明も治療も丁寧で安心できる整骨院です。 受付にいた女性も優しく、淡々と業務をこなす感じじゃなく親身に対応してくださり不安な気持ちを和らげてくれました。 痛みが改善した今でも定期的な身体のケアをしてもらってます!
In the morning, when I leaned forward, my waist suddenly became uncomfortable and my pain ran. I searched for an osteopath in Suita City on my PC and rushed to Hidamari Osteopath because it was nearby. I took a break from work that day because I could not walk, but after having my spine corrected at a non-insurance medical treatment, my pain improved like a lie, and I pulled down to the muscle tension that was all over my body I became so light that I thought I would go to work in the afternoon. Even if you go home "Did you overkill in the morning?" "It's completely different from the morning!" I was surprised. When I explained that I couldn't continue, I was able to teach simple preventive gymnastics and I was a reliable teacher. The osteopath is spacious and clean, and the explanations and treatments are attentive and safe. The lady at the reception was also kind and did not feel like I was doing business casually, but was kind enough to help me relax my anxiety. I have regular physical care even after the pain has improved!
木山浩輔 on Google

よく通っていた整骨院が閉院してしまい困っていたところギックリ腰を起こしてしまい慌てて評判が良くて通えそうな整骨院を調べたらひだまり整骨院さんを見つけて来ました。 ここで受けた矯正治療が即効性がありビックリしました!(◎_◎;) 『さっきまで痛かった腰、アレッ?痛くない!』 受ける前と受けた後の違いが明確で今までの整骨院とは効果が全然違いました。 良い整骨院を見つけました! 何かあってもひだまり整骨院に行こうと思える場所でした。 予約とか無いのでタイミングによってスッと行ける日、待ってる間に温めてもらったりする日とかあります。 何回か通ってる印象で人気のある整骨院だなぁと思います。 いい内容、雰囲気でおすすめです。
When the osteopathic clinic that I used to go to was closed and I was in trouble, I found a Hidamari Osteopathic clinic when I looked into an osteopathic clinic that had a good reputation and could commute because I had a bad hip. I was surprised that the orthodontic treatment I received here had immediate effects! (◎_◎;) "Are you hurt so far, Aleh? Painless! ] The difference between before and after receiving was clear, and the effect was completely different from the previous osteopathic clinics. I found a good osteopath! Even if something happened, it was a place where I thought I would go to Hidamari Osteopath. Since there is no reservation, there are days when I can go quickly depending on the timing, and days when I am warmed up while waiting. I think that it is a popular osteopathic clinic because of the impression that it has gone through several times. It is recommended with good content and atmosphere.
山田孝子 on Google

初めて整骨院に通いました。 急な腰痛があり困っていましたが丁寧に筋肉を緩めてもらい その日の状態によって様々な矯正方法で腰痛の原因の姿勢の悪さを改善してもらい1週間もかからずに薬などに頼ることなく痛みが無くなりました! 大変感謝しております。 院内は清潔感があり明るく、先生たちも明るくて安心して施術受けられました。 ライフさんのお隣で通いやすかったです。 私個人的には薬が苦手、病院が苦手な方にはオススメです!
I went to the osteopathic clinic for the first time. I had a sudden backache and I was in trouble, but I had my muscles carefully relaxed. Depending on the condition of the day, I had various correction methods to improve the posture of the back of the back pain, and it took less than a week to get rid of the pain without resorting to medications! I am extremely grateful. The inside of the hospital was clean and bright, and the teachers were bright and were able to receive the treatment without anxiety. It was easy to go next to Mr. Life. I personally recommend it to those who are not good at medicine and hospitals!

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