Day GLORY ららぽーと愛知東郷店 - Aichi District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Day GLORY ららぽーと愛知東郷店

住所 :

Togo, Aichi District, 〒470-0186 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 470-0186
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Togo, Aichi District, 〒470-0186 Aichi,Japan
あでぃお on Google

The short stature brother has a low back and a good impression, and the clothes are cool.
宇宙コスモ on Google

I bought clothes the other day when I went to LaLaport with my friends. The clerk was tall and cool! ^^
ぷぅの兄貴 on Google

店員がしつこくうるさい ゆっくりのんびり選ぶことは出来ないし、興味無いものまでこれでもかと買わせようとしてくる いいなと思ったものでさえ買う気の無くなる接客
The clerk is persistently noisy I can't choose slowly and leisurely, and I'm trying to get people to buy things I'm not interested in. Customer service that makes you feel unwilling to buy even what you think is good
かだ on Google

店員の今まで味わったことのない攻めすぎな接客姿勢。 見る気も買う気も失せる。 歩み寄るを履き違えて、むしろ土足で入ってきてますよ。笑 自分は彗星の如く去っていきました。 二度と行きません。
The clerk's aggressive customer service attitude that I have never tasted before. I can't see or buy it. I'm not walking up, but rather coming in with my feet. Lol I left like a comet. I will never go again.
K K on Google

何も買わなかったですが、髪をワックスでガチガチに固めた大学生っぽい細身の男性店員が、「お兄さんに来て欲しい服があるんですよ」と言い、求めてない服を提供。 一応着てみたが、「他の店も見てみます」と言い出て行こうとすると、 「あとついでにこれも試して欲しいんですが」と言われて無理矢理引き止められる。 そして何より、「どこから来たんですか?」と聞かれ、地元の名前(市町村名)を答えたが、わからなそうなので県名も伝えた。すると、「知らないです、田舎なんですね。」と、馬鹿にされたのが腹立ちました。 他の店舗のレビューも見てますが、どこの店舗も共通して店員の態度がよろしくないように見受けられます。 こんな店二度と行きません。
I didn't buy anything, but a slender male clerk who looked like a college student with his hair hardened with wax said, "I have clothes I want my brother to come to," and offered clothes that I didn't ask for. I tried to wear it, but when I tried to say "I'll look at other stores", "I'd like you to try this as well," and I was forced to stop. Above all, when asked "Where did you come from?", I answered the local name (city / town / village name), but I didn't know, so I also gave the prefecture name. Then, I was angry that I was ridiculed, saying, "I don't know, it's the countryside." I also look at reviews from other stores, but it seems that the attitude of the clerk is not good in all stores. I will never go to such a store again.
山田真哉 on Google

大須の店舗に遊びに行った際、最近系列が出来たと聞き遊びに行きました。 凄く愛想が良く面白い店員さんで、ついつい長居してしまいました。 目当ての服もget出来ました(^^)/
When I went to the Osu store, I heard that a series was recently formed and went to play. A very friendly and interesting clerk, I just stayed for a long time. I was able to get the clothes I was looking for (^^) /
おもち on Google

以前大須の方に行ったときに気に入ったので家の近くのららぽーとに行ってみました。 大須よりも店内が広く品揃えも多かったです。 ここの店員さんはとても面白くて服のセンスがいいのでまた行きます。
I liked it when I went to Osu before, so I went to LaLaport near my house. The store was wider than Osu and had a large selection of items. The clerk here is very interesting and has a good sense of clothes, so I will go there again.
nn JIU on Google

置いてある服の豊富さや、目新しさはいいと思います。 ただ、背の低い方の接客態度が酷すぎる。 マスクをちょこちょこ外してわざわざ髭を見せてくるのはこのご時世どうなの?と 全然趣味ではないと言っているのに違う服を持ってくる。 決して黙って買い物ができないお店です。 ここで30分以上の時間をとられすごく不愉快でした。
I think the abundance and novelty of the clothes that are placed are good. However, the customer service attitude of the shorter one is too terrible. How about this time when you take off your mask and show your beard? When Bring different clothes even though he says he's not a hobby at all. It is a shop where you can never shop silently. It was very unpleasant to spend more than 30 minutes here.

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