Daruma-ji Temple Main Building - Kitakatsuragi District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daruma-ji Temple Main Building

住所 :

2 Chome-1 Honmachi, Oji, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 636-0012, Japan

Postal code : 636-0012

2 Chome-1 Honmachi, Oji, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 636-0012, Japan
タツミツトム on Google

御神体の千手観音像を見て感動! 重要文化財級!
I am impressed to see the god Kannon image! Important cultural property class!
takahiro mabuchi on Google

The founder of China's Zen Dynasty is being celebrated. The mysterious links between Gakuta Seitoku and Takuma Daishi in Japan are conveyed.
赤とんぼ on Google

It is a historical temple
中岡幸子 on Google

I went for walking, but there were nearly 180 participants, so I could n’t go up to the main hall and listened to the story of the priest outside. Please drop in when you come to Oji-cho. It is near from the station.
Yasuki Yamaguchi on Google

級照(しなて)る 片岡山に 飯(いひ)に飢て 臥(こや)せる 其の旅人あはれ 親無しに 汝成(なれな)りけめや さす竹の 君はや無き 飯に飢て 臥せる 其の旅人 あはれ  記紀歌謡 日本書紀に、聖徳太子が片岡山の麓・達磨寺辺りで行き倒れの旅人を見て悲しんで詠んだ歌と伝わります。 また、万葉集415番には片岡山ではなく竜田山で聖徳太子が詠んだ同旨の歌として、 家にあらば 妹(いも)が手纒(ま)かむ 草枕 客(たび)に臥やせる この旅人あはれ が採録されています。 達磨寺の本堂の下に在る達磨寺3号墳はこの飢えた旅人を埋葬したものと伝わります。
It is a traveler who gets starved and put on rice at Mt. Kataoka who will do it quietly Do not be afraid of yourself No matter the way you live without baby Bamboo you do not go to dinner The traveler's honorable sonata In Nihon Shoki, Prince Shotoku is transmitted as a song that he sadly watched a traveler who faints around the foot of Mt. Kataoka and Takuma Temple. In addition, as Manyoshu 415, as a song of the same intention that Prince Shota participated in Tatsuta mountain instead of Kataoka mountain, This young sister (yeah) crawling on a grass basketball shirt (home) at home leaves this traveler Has been accepted. It is said that the Tamadera 3 Mausoleum under the main temple of Takimera is buried this hungry traveler.
Katu on Google

奈良県王寺の戦国武士松永久秀さんのお墓のお寺 (近鉄王寺駅から約20分の場所)
Temple of the grave of Sengoku samurai Matsunaga Hisahide in Oji, Nara Prefecture (Approximately 20 minutes from Kintetsu Oji Station)
e ko on Google

先ず国宝級の仏像がボランティアガイドさんによってしっかり説明してもらえるで。 なぜそこまでええにしてくれるのか? 王子町の町おこしの姿勢に涙なしではおられへんで、今後光秀の松永ブームでめっちゃ混雑するのは必至やで。 なにしろ早めに観に来て欲しい、それだけ値打ちのあるところやで。 古墳の説明もきちんとしていただきました。いつ行ってもボランティアガイドさんが色々と勉強なさって新しい発見があります。本当にありがとうございます。
First of all, the volunteer guide will explain the national treasure-class Buddha statue. Why do you make it so much? It is inevitable that Mitsuhide's Matsunaga boom will make it very crowded in the future, as the attitude of revitalizing the town of Oji is not tearful. Anyway, I want you to come to see it as soon as possible, so it's worth it. The explanation of the tumulus was also neat. Whenever I go, the volunteer guides study a lot and make new discoveries. thank you very much.
A M (A) on Google

狭い境内ですが聖徳太子の愛犬雪丸の御朱印頂けます ここを訪れる方は意外と多いです
Although it is a small precinct, you can get the red stamp of Prince Shotoku's dog Yukimaru. There are surprisingly many people who visit here

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