Daito Bunka University Higashimatsuyama Campus - Higashimatsuyama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daito Bunka University Higashimatsuyama Campus

住所 :

560 Iwadono, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 355-8501
Webサイト : http://www.daito.ac.jp/

560 Iwadono, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama 355-8501, Japan
蓮見和足 on Google

大東文化大学 吹奏楽団、語学力の外語通訳など、東松山市の文化協賛イベントでは御世話に為りました。
We were indebted to the cultural sponsorship events of Higashimatsuyama City, such as the Daito Bunka University brass band and foreign language interpreters for language skills.
武田大成 on Google

Fランク大学だった頃に入学したがハンドスプリングの授業がキツくて4ヶ月でやめてしまった。 今では東京大学を超える日本一の大学になったので中退したことを後悔しているが、今入り直すのは難しいと思われる。 非常に残念だ。
I enrolled when I was a F-rank university, but the handspring class was so difficult that I quit after four months. I regret dropping out because I am now the number one university in Japan, surpassing the University of Tokyo, but I think it will be difficult to re-enter now. I'm very sorry.
高沼 on Google

Mynavi's educational background group of Daitoa and below ➈ is wrong, and Daito Bunka University belongs to the SSS-ranked educational background group of Daito Ichiko.
カニ大好き on Google

18時頃、胸に緑の大東文化大学のロゴがあるTシャツを身に着けた十数名の大東文化大学サッカー部と見られる学生達が東京都日野市の大戸屋高幡不動SC店にてノーマスクで入店あるいはマスクを外して大声で会話し、叫び、他の客に不快な思いをさせました。彼らは分かれて入店し店内で一緒に座ったため、店は入店を拒否しませんでしたが、明らかに店の正常な営業に支障を与えていました。 彼らは17時半頃から入店し、一番背の高いパーマの男は入店時からノーマスクで店員と会話するときもマスクをしませんでした。メンバーは4人席と、机を合わせて作った6人席に座りました。行儀の悪い彼らが入ってきてすぐ、私は席を移動しました。その後入ってきたお客さんも、ノーマスクで大声で騒いでる大学生がいる店の西側半分に座る事を避けました。 私は写真を撮りたくなりましたが、肖像権の問題もあるので写真を撮ることはしていません。ひたすら怖くて怯えながら、コロナなんてちっとも気にしない彼らを憎みながらご飯を食べました。御校サッカー部の素行の悪さは、いつかSNSで拡散されて炎上するのも時間の問題でしょう。おそらく遠征で中央大学か明星大学か帝京大学と試合でもしにきていたのでしょうが、多摩に来ないでください。不快です。まじで最悪の素行でした。大東文化大学のロゴが入ったTシャツを着て騒ぐのはどうかと思います。
Around 18:00, more than a dozen students wearing T-shirts with the green Daito Bunka University logo on their chests were at the Ootoya Takahata Fudo SC store in Hino City, Tokyo. I entered the store with no mask or took off the mask and talked loudly, screaming and making other customers feel uncomfortable. The store did not refuse entry because they entered the store separately and sat together in the store, but it clearly hindered the normal operation of the store. They entered the store around 5:30 pm, and the tallest perm man didn't wear a mask when talking to the clerk with no mask from the time he entered the store. The members sat in 4 seats and 6 seats made by combining desks. Immediately after they came in, I moved. Customers who came in after that also avoided sitting in the western half of the store, where there were college students making loud noises with no masks. I wanted to take a picture, but I don't take a picture because of the issue of portrait rights. I was scared and scared, but I hated those who didn't care about Corona at all and ate rice. It's only a matter of time before your school's soccer club's bad behavior spreads on SNS and burns. Perhaps you've been to Chuo University, Meisei University, or Teikyo University on an expedition, but don't come to Tama. It's unpleasant. It was really the worst behavior. Why don't you make a noise by wearing a T-shirt with the Daito Bunka University logo on it?
S1990 on Google

高い学費払わせて、いつまでオンライン授業中心でやってるの? どれだけコロナ感染者数が減っても、学生をキャンパスに通わせようと言う努力や姿勢が見られません。2年たっても大学に行ったのは二桁にも満たず、どんな同級生がいるかさえ分からない現実。それでも学費は満額取ってます。オンライン授業も適当に課題が出されて終わりだったり、自主学習させるだけの講義も多い。それでも教える側は、コロナ前と同じ給料もらってるんだよね?我々は大変な思いして学費払ってるのに…そんな大学に通いたい、通わせたいと思いますか?
How long have you been focusing on online lessons with high tuition fees? No matter how low the number of people infected with corona, there is no effort or attitude to send students to campus. Even after two years, I went to college for less than double digits, and I don't even know what kind of classmates I have. Even so, I have taken the full tuition fee. Many of the online lessons are finished with appropriate assignments, or are just self-study. Still, the teachers get the same salary as before Corona, right? We have a hard time paying the tuition fees ... Do you want to go to such a university or let it go?
長谷川勤 on Google

The autumn leaves were beautiful, and it was in the Hiki Hills, and many people enjoyed it in the adjacent park with their families. There is also a famous golf course nearby.
李紅兵 on Google

学校本身在各方面没有问题。巴士在休假期间也会运行,只是班次减少一些。大体是准时的。 少数地方能连接WiFi。 相比于候车室和餐厅,推荐图书馆作为学习场所。因为那里的环境不嘈杂。同时桌子和座椅的舒适程度好于露天环境的长椅和邓。 大部分教授的课程值得学习,考试/期末报告的难度也比较合理。一些教授会认真地讨论和回复问题。尽管不能常去学校,在有限的在校时间中,学习的效率可以提到很高。 少数教授教课夹带私货、右到极点。尽管在日本这并不奇怪,这依然是一件引人深省的事。 从零开始树立正确的价值观固然容易,然而一旦上当受骗并对错误的思想和毒草深信不疑,再想回到正道上就很难了。
The school itself is no problem in every way. Buses also operate during the holidays, but at reduced frequencies. Generally on time. WiFi is available in few places. Libraries are recommended as places of study rather than waiting rooms and restaurants. Because the environment there is not noisy. At the same time, the comfort level of tables and seats is better than that of benches and Deng in the open air environment. Most of the courses taught are worth taking, and the exams/final reports are reasonably difficult. Some professors will seriously discuss and respond to questions. Although you can't go to school often, in the limited school time, the efficiency of learning can be mentioned very high. A small number of professors teach with private goods and go to the extreme right. While this is not surprising in Japan, it is still a thought-provoking thing. It is easy to establish the correct values ​​from scratch, but once you are deceived and believe in wrong ideas and poisonous weeds, it is very difficult to return to the right path.
小塚山 on Google

キャンパスも高坂の街も空が広く、のんびりした空気は変わらない。 勉学、恋愛、友情、青春を育み謳歌した。 誇張なく卑下なく、今想えば、楽しかった青春の象徴の東松山キャンパスと高坂界隈。
The sky is wide on both the campus and the city of Kosaka, and the laid-back atmosphere remains the same. Fostered and enjoyed study, romance, friendship, and youth. Without exaggeration and demeaning, when I think about it now, the Higashimatsuyama campus and the Kosaka area, which are symbols of youth that I enjoyed.

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