
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モドーリー浦和店

住所 :

Daitakubo, Minami Ward, 〒336-0015 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://www.modolly.com/bin/shop_info/b43/
街 : Saitama

Daitakubo, Minami Ward, 〒336-0015 Saitama,Japan
遠藤京子 on Google

Sheet metal, I want you to do it a little more quickly わ I can not understand the flow ~
kan pi on Google

店長さんが営業もやってるお店。とても親切で有り難いお店です。 車に詳しくなくても気軽に使えるお店でした。
The shop where the manager also does business. It is a very kind and thankful shop. It was a shop that was easy to use even if you were not familiar with cars.
Hie on Google

There is a keeper coating site and it seems that it is in operation, but it seems that keeper coating is currently closed. He said he had no plans to resume. Please note that the site is running as if you were doing it now.
にっしぃ on Google

初めて来店しました!車のフロントバンパーと横が潰れていて、ドアが引っかかっていたのですが、すぐに対応して頂き開くようになりました!本当にありがとうございます! 応急処置も即座に対応して頂き、要望にあったお見積もり、本当に感謝しております!
I visited the store for the first time! The front bumper and the side of the car were crushed and the door was stuck. thank you very much! Thank you very much for the first-time response as well as for the quote you requested!
ニャンコ先生 on Google

When I asked for repainting of the clear peeling of the bonnet, it was replaced with a new one. There was no uneven painting, the toning was perfect, and the construction was good. I think it is reasonable in terms of money.
ニグトモ on Google

10万且つ5日間預かりの見積もりを出された傷ですが、コンパウンドでやったら跡形もなく消えました。 ホームページ記載のちょっとした修理はやってくれないのかも。車検のコバックは対応良かったのにすごく残念。 近所のエネオスでさら〜っと直してくれました。
It was a scratch that was quoted for 100,000 and 5 days, but it disappeared without a trace when I did it with a compound. Maybe they won't do the minor repairs listed on the homepage. It's a shame that Kobac in the car inspection was good. He fixed it in my neighborhood Eneos.
福田親義 on Google

I made a reservation from the homepage, but I haven't heard from you for over a week. Since I forget to confirm the order reservation, I think that I can not leave the work of my car at all.
mercalle 615 on Google

何なのここ?見積しに行ったけど態度最悪。ここに書いてある低評価のレビュー通りでした。HPに書いてある値段ではやってくれないようです。 車の前後の傷について説明したら「いくらならやります?」 いくらで出来るか聞きに来た、と言ったら「全部塗装やり直しで10万」 傷のところだけ部分補修できないのですか、と聞いたら「ちょっと意味が分かりませんが」 1、2分ほどの会話でそっと帰りました。 これでも見積をしたいという方は、オンライン見積をやっているので、そちらを使いましょう。もっとも画像アップロードに失敗して次の画面に進めませんが。 来店見積は時間の無駄です。そもそも周辺道路は渋滞のメッカなので、なおのこと時間の無駄です。それでもなお行きたい方は行ってみてください。 ただ「いくらならやります?」と聞かれて答えられるよう準備してから行くべきです。それで向こうが上客と判断してくれれば高接客を受けられるでしょうし、向こうの望む金額でなければ一笑に付される事でしょう。
What is it here? I went to estimate but the attitude is the worst. It was as per the low-rated review written here. It seems that they will not do it at the price written on the HP. When I explained the scratches on the front and back of the car, "How much would you like to do?" When I asked him how much he could do, he said, "100,000 by repainting everything." When I asked if I could partially repair only the scratches, "I don't understand a little." After a minute or two of conversation, I went home softly. If you still want to get a quote, we have an online quote, so use that. However, I failed to upload the image and cannot proceed to the next screen. Estimating store visits is a waste of time. In the first place, the surrounding roads are a mecca for traffic jams, so it is a waste of time. If you still want to go, please go. However, you should be prepared to answer when asked "How much would you like to do?" Therefore, if the other side judges that it is a good customer, you will be able to receive high customer service, and if it is not the amount you want, you will be laughed at.

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