ダイリン (Dairin)

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ダイリン (Dairin)

住所 :

Kamitomatsuricho, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0051 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Tochigi

Kamitomatsuricho, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0051 Tochigi,Japan
谷田貝真人 on Google

We ate at the lunch buffet. It is a form to choose one main. Authentic Chen Mapo tofu was reasonably stimulating and delicious with Sansho.
にぃにぃももた on Google

二人で伺ったので、ビュッフェのメインを陳麻婆豆腐とホイコーローの2種類注文しました。 ビュッフェにあったチャーハンがパラパラで美味しかったです!鶏肉料理が多かったです。 陳麻婆豆腐、辛いのが好きなので物足りなく感じました。万人向けの辛さになっているのかな。 ホイコーローはキャベツの歯ごたえ残っていて美味しかったです。 ゴマ団子、サクッとろ〜で美味しくいただきました! 駐車場は横に狭め縦長めなので仲間と別々の車で行ったなら、仲間同士は縦列駐車した方がいいですね。
We ordered two kinds, so we ordered the main type of buffet, Chen Mapo Tofu and Hoikorrow. The fried rice that was in the buffet was delicious and it was delicious! There were many chicken dishes. I felt unsatisfactory because I like Chen mee tofu, spicy. I wonder if it has become a pain for everyone. Hoycorow was tasty as it remained crispy in cabbage. Sesame dumplings, Sakutoshoro - it was delicious! Since parking lot narrowed horizontally and it is long lengthwise, if you went with friends with different cars, you should park your colleagues in parallel.
Yu N on Google

All-you-can-eat 10 dishes and desserts. Rice, porridge, and juice are also included.
s shizu on Google

お料理はどれも味付けが濃く 素材の味は全く感じず 調味料の味がキツイ… まだ食事中なのに 空いたお皿をホイホイ片付けに来るのは いかがなものかと思う 盛り付けを工夫されているようだが お料理は茶色く、お皿は真っ白・・・ 色合いが悪く食欲が無くなる
All dishes are deeply seasoned I do not feel the taste of the ingredients at all The taste of the seasoning is hard ... I'm still eating I come to clear the empty plate I think how it is It seems that the arrangement is devised The dishes are brown and the dishes are pure white ... Bad color and no appetite
谷口真澄 on Google

予約をし忘れた為、11時30分のオープンと同時に行くがドアが開けられたのは33分。寒い中外で待つ。 予約していないと話すと二階の座敷は予約でいっぱいで下のテーブル席に通される。予約したお客さんから通され、待つ。 ベビーカー持参のため椅子を避けてもらい着席。 子ども用椅子も一つあるのを確認。 途中オムツ替えしようと思って定員さんにオムツ替えする場所あるか聞くが、ないと言われる。二階はどうかわからないが子連れが多い感じがしたのにオムツ替えできる場所があったら助かるのに。 料理はビュッフェスタイル。ビュッフェのみは1090円でライスorおかゆが選べる。並べてある料理をみたらそのコースで充分だね!という話になった。 炒飯もならべてあり満足。 ごま団子が油をかなりすっていて噛むたびに油がでて一つたべてもういらない。となった。 その他のデザートもたくさん種類がありおいしい。 暖かいお茶、コーヒーもセルフサービスで飲める。
I forgot to make a reservation, so I went there at the same time as the opening at 11:30, but the door was opened at 33 minutes. Wait outside in the cold. If you say that you have not made a reservation, the tatami room on the second floor is full of reservations and you will be taken to the table seat below. It is passed by the customer who made the reservation and waits. I asked him to avoid the chair because he brought a stroller and took a seat. Confirm that there is also one chair for children. On the way, I asked the capacity to change diapers, but I was told that there was no place to change diapers. I don't know about the second floor, but I felt that there were many children, but it would be great if there was a place where I could change diapers. The food is buffet style. Only the buffet is 1090 yen and you can choose rice or porridge. If you look at the dishes lined up, that course is enough! It became a story. Satisfied with the fried rice. Every time the sesame dumplings are squeezing the oil and chewing it, the oil comes out and I don't need to eat one anymore. It became. There are many other desserts and they are delicious. You can also drink warm tea and coffee by self-service.
e j子 on Google

普段使いできるけど、味は本格的な中華料理店です。 以前はビュッフェランチでしたが、コロナ後は安心の定食形式になりました。 ランチは1400円(税込)。 +100円かかるメインメニューもあります。 内容は写真通りかなりボリュームがあります。 もしできるなら、麺とチャーハンどちらかだけというボリューム少なめのメニューがあると、女性や少食な人にはいいかな…。 野菜は多めに取りたいので、ランチメニューがもう少し選べるとありがたいな、と思いますが、夫には大好評なので、人によるのかも。 夕食はコースとアラカルトから選べます。 夜の予算は2000~4000円くらいでしょうか。 お弁当がお得で、600円しないくらいでおいしい中華弁当が食べられます。 10個以上で宇都宮市内なら配達してくれます。 席は広々しています。 二階に座敷席があって、宴会もできます。 飲み放題もありますが、車でしか行けないので運転手役が必要です。 駐車場は店舗の両サイドにあります。 ランチには入っていませんが、餃子の皮がモチモチなので、オススメです!
You can use it everyday, but the taste is a true Chinese restaurant. It used to be a buffet lunch, but after Corona, it became a safe set meal format. Lunch is 1400 yen (tax included). There is also a main menu that costs +100 yen. The content is quite volume as shown in the picture. If possible, it would be good for women and people who eat less if there is a menu with a small volume of either noodles or fried rice. I want to get more vegetables, so I think it would be appreciated if I could choose a little more lunch menu, but it is very popular with my husband, so it may depend on the person. Dinner can be selected from the course and à la carte. Is the night budget around 2000-4000 yen? You can have a good lunch, and you can eat a delicious Chinese lunch for less than 600 yen. If it is 10 or more, it will be delivered in Utsunomiya city. The seats are spacious. There is a tatami room on the second floor, and you can also hold a banquet. There is also an all-you-can-drink, but you can only go by car, so you need a driver role. Parking lots are located on both sides of the store. It's not included in lunch, but it's recommended because the gyoza skin is chewy!
マカロン on Google

ランチブュッフェではなくなり、定食型式になってましたが、ボリュームがありました。 連れは単品オーダーでしたが、ランチセットを頼んだ私と同じデザート(杏仁豆腐)をサービスしてくれました。たくさん食べたい人にはいいお店です。 2階は広い座敷になっているので子連れにもおすすめです。
It wasn't a lunch buffet anymore, it was a set meal type, but it had a lot of volume. My companion ordered a single item, but he served the same dessert (annin tofu) as I ordered the lunch set. It's a good restaurant for people who want to eat a lot. The 2nd floor is a large tatami room, so it is recommended for families with children.
mitsuharu saito on Google

今はテイクアウトだか宅配だかが忙しいらしく、『水曜』しかやっていないそうです。 店に入った瞬間から中華!!って感じの内装です。 メニューはセットの一択で、メインのみ選べる形になっています。私は追加100円でエビマヨネーズに。連れはスタンダードの日替り(酢豚)にしました。写真の麺とサラダも付いてます。 味は全体的に本格的でありながら食べやすい感じの味です。 ハズレメニューはなかったですが、価格が1390?円と高めなので通うには地味に辛いカモ…。 ちなみにgo to eatと宇都宮の食べトクチケット使えます!
It seems that he is busy with take-out or home delivery now, and he only does "Wednesday". Chinese food from the moment you enter the store !! The interior is like that. The menu is a set option, and only the main menu can be selected. I made shrimp mayonnaise for an additional 100 yen. My companion was a standard daily (vinegared pork). The noodles and salad in the photo are also included. The taste is authentic but easy to eat. There was no lost menu, but the price is as high as 1390 yen, so it's a duck that's sober to go. By the way, you can use go to eat and Utsunomiya's special eating tickets!

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