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カワグチコーポレーション|リフォームを守口市、門真市でするなら - Kawaguchi-reform.com


Contact カワグチコーポレーション

住所 :

Dainichicho, Moriguchi, 〒570-0003 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Webサイト : https://www.kawaguchi-reform.com/
街 : Osaka

Dainichicho, Moriguchi, 〒570-0003 Osaka,Japan
yukko M on Google

洗面所、トイレリフォーム、ガスコンロ交換していただきました。 5社から検討しました。価格が1番安かったこともありますが営業担当者様の気さくで丁寧な対応とこちらの希望をとても理解していただけたことでお願いすることにしました。 コロナ渦の中にもかかわらず、何度も足を運んでいただき相談に乗ってもらいました。職人さん達も人柄良く丁寧なプロの仕事をしていただきました。 おかげで思い描いていたとおりの素敵な場所へと生まれ変わり大満足です。 こちらの会社に決めて本当によかったと思います。 またの機会も是非お願いしたいです。
We had you change the washroom, toilet reform, and gas stove. We examined from 5 companies. Although the price was the cheapest, I decided to request it because the sales staff were kind and polite and they understood the hopes here. Despite being in the corona whirlpool, I visited many times and asked for advice. The craftsmen also had good personality and polite professional work. Thanks to you, I was reborn as a wonderful place as I imagined and I am very satisfied. I think it was really good to choose this company. I would like to request another opportunity.
Y H on Google

I asked you to replace the toilet, wallpaper, and cushion floor. I am very satisfied with the polite and prompt response. I'm glad I asked you.
野菜生活 on Google

「安かろう悪かろう」そんな工務店です 確かに値段は安いのだが仕事を見ると仕上げが荒く全体的に雑である。 営業は施主に対して説明が少なく、施主の許可を得ずに勝手に仕様を決めて施工している部分が多い。 営業と職人間の連携もとれておらずきちんと申し送りをしておけば起こらないミスが多発している。 賃貸に出す、売却前に綺麗にする、とにかく安さ優先といった目的でならよいかもしれないが…。 価格だけは評価できるので☆2です
"Cheap or bad" is such a construction shop It's certainly cheap, but when you look at the work, the finish is rough and overall it's rough. There are few explanations to the owner in sales, and there are many parts where the specifications are decided and constructed without the permission of the owner. There are many mistakes that do not occur if the sales and craftsmen are not coordinated and if you make a proper report. It may be good for the purpose of putting it out for rent, cleaning it before selling it, or giving priority to cheapness. Only the price can be evaluated, so it's ☆ 2
たえ on Google

和室をフローリングにリフォームして頂きました。 何社か見積もりしましたが 1番対応も丁寧で、金額も安く、工期も短かったです。 仕上がりも満足してるので 次回も何かあれば是非お願いしたいです!
We had you remodel Japanese-style room to flooring. I estimated some companies The first correspondence was polite, the amount was cheap, and the construction period was short. I'm satisfied with the finish I would love to hear from you next time!
坂本由美 on Google

We had you remodel the toilet and replace the floor CF. The person in charge responded well and the explanation was easy to understand, and the process proceeded smoothly. I would like to ask you to do a polite work again and do not hesitate if there is something next time. You can introduce it to your friends with confidence. Thank you very much.
EdwinDun maimama on Google

トイレのリフォームでしたが、 見積も他社に比べて安かったです。 余った予算で扉も一新しました。 担当の方もたても明るく感じの良い方でした。 次回何かリフォームする時はまたこちらにお願いしたいと思います。
It was a toilet remodeling, The estimate was also cheaper than other companies. The door was renewed with the surplus budget. The person in charge was also bright and pleasant. I would like to ask you again the next time you remodel something.
岡田新吾 on Google

For the first time, Kawaguchi Corporation remodeled the first floor of a detached house. Mr. Nakatsuka, who is in charge, had a very good first impression and responded quickly and was very helpful. It was good that all the craftsmen were at home. I would like to ask you when you remodel.
高島洋子 on Google

We had you remodel around the wash basin. Since it is around the water, I wanted to ask a reliable company, so I decided to compare it with other companies. It was good that they responded promptly and that we were able to communicate smoothly on the line. (Because it will be delayed by phone or email) I can decide the wash basin while having fun with easy-to-understand explanations, and I am very satisfied with the careful construction. I would like to ask if there is anything else.

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