リサイクルショップ宝箱 塩尻店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルショップ宝箱 塩尻店

住所 :

Daimonizumicho, Shiojiri, 〒399-0742 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.takara-b.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Nagano

Daimonizumicho, Shiojiri, 〒399-0742 Nagano,Japan
fu ima on Google

初めて立ち寄ったのですが、商品が何処にあるか分からず、店員さんに尋ねるとすぐ探してくれました。 溢れるほどの商品があるのに、よく把握していて、対応もとても気持ち良かったです。何度も足を運びたいお店です。
I stopped by for the first time, but I didn't know where the product was, so when I asked the store clerk, he looked for it. Even though there were so many products, it was well understood and the response was very pleasant. It is a shop that you want to visit many times.
おれんじりぼん on Google

所狭しと物が陳列されていて、どこに何があるのかわかりませんが、それを探すのも楽しいです。 通路が狭く、上までバーっと並んでいます。 店の奥には家電からその他までジャンクの品がてんこ盛り!!家庭用から業務用、昭和の品まで!たまにかなりレアな掘り出し物などがあり、ゆっくり見るのが楽しいです。 服は少なめ、物が多いです。 外にまでたくさん並んでいます。
There are lots of things on display and I don't know where it is, but it's fun to find it. The passage is narrow and there are bars all the way to the top. There are many junk items in the back of the store, from household appliances to others! ! From home use to business use, Showa products! Sometimes there are some rare finds and it's fun to watch them slowly. There are few clothes and many things. There are many outside.
Ayato Sakai on Google

The clerk's response was kind. There are various products lined up in the store, but there was nothing particularly attractive to me. The purchase price is about the same as other stores, but it is helpful because the genre is wide and even if it is a little bit worn, you can correspond.
ニャンコ先生 on Google

高いな なんだろ………… 色々何だかほんのり高い気がする オフハウスまで 行くのかったるかったら いいんじゃないでしょうか
It's expensive what is it………… I feel that various things are a little expensive To off-house If you want to go Isn't it okay?
*yama* on Google

買い取って頂きたい物があって来店しました。 思っていたより高く買い取って頂いて満足です。 ありがとうございました!
I came to the store because there was something I wanted to buy. I am satisfied with the purchase at a higher price than I expected. thank you!
越喜来尚也 on Google

掘り出し物もありますね。 こちらで結構購入しています。 また、不定期に割引が行われます。 ここに合わせて買い物ができるとかなりお得です。 家電、コンピュータ、ゲーム関連、おもちゃ、本、DVD、CD、工具、衣料、古銭等様々な商品を扱っています。 興味深い品が色々あります。 ジャンク品コーナーにはお宝ありです。 週一位の間隔で確認に行きます。 今も買って来たジャンク品から部品を取り、防犯ブザーを直しました。30円の50パーセントOFFでした。 宝箱、なかなか使えます。 支払方法は、現金、クレジットカード(要ICチップ入)です。
There are also bargains. I have purchased quite a lot here. In addition, discounts are offered irregularly. It's a great deal if you can shop along here. We handle various products such as home appliances, computers, games, toys, books, DVDs, CDs, tools, clothing, and old coins. There are various interesting items. There are treasures in the junk corner. I go to check every week. I took parts from the junk items I bought and fixed the security buzzer. It was 50% off for 30 yen. The treasure chest is quite usable. Payment methods are cash and credit card (with IC chip required).
等々力高弘 on Google

This recycle shop has a very good purchase price in the Matsumoto / Shiojiri area. The president is a tall, slightly long-haired man who decides the purchase price. Electrical appliances, clothing, records, CDs, DVDs, gate machines, etc. are on display in the store ❗ The selling price is a little cheaper than other recycle shops ⁉️ This recycle shop is recommended for everyday use to gifts Tableware. Anyway, it overwhelms other thrift shops. And there are free take-out products (mostly lacquer ware and glass tableware ...) at the store, but many of them are quite good! ️
numasan1 nunasan on Google

今は歳のせいか、CDにハマってます、ジャンク品扱いで1枚100円で販売、中には2枚組、DVDセットも100円で販売、DVDセットはコンサートに行った気分になれます。店員さに聞いたらまだまだ持ち込み有るそうです、新作?に期待。 定期的に整理されてますが、誰が何に使う?商品多々有ります、例えばソフトバンクエアー、ジャンク品ですが用途がわかりません、引き取り側の趣味なのでしょうか?
Maybe because I'm old, I'm addicted to CDs. They are treated as junk items and sold for 100 yen each, some of them are sold for 100 yen, and DVD sets are also sold for 100 yen, so you can feel like you went to a concert. .. When I asked the clerk, it seems that they are still bringing it in, so I'm looking forward to the new work. It is organized regularly, but who uses it for what? There are many products, such as Softbank Air and junk, but I don't know what they are used for, is it a hobby on the receiving side?

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