Daily Port - Oamikami-17 佐沼 迫町 Tome

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daily Port

住所 :

Oamikami-17 佐沼 迫町 Tome, Miyagi 987-0511, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 987-0511
Webサイト : http://www.malnet.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–9PM
Sunday 9:30AM–9PM
Monday 9:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9PM
Friday 9:30AM–9PM

Oamikami-17 佐沼 迫町 Tome, Miyagi 987-0511, Japan
齋藤健吾 on Google

仕事で宮城県県北へ行き、登米市迫町佐沼に抜けた時に、たまたま通りがかりにあった地元のスーパー。 たまに県南の名取店を利用しており、火曜日金曜日は卵の特売しているはずだったなと寄ってみました。 今日は金曜日。やはり卵の特売してました。 また、たまたまなのか他の食材もいろいろ特売してたので買いました。キノコや焼きそばなどが格安でした。 名取店同様、レジはお姉さんが入力してくれて、支払いは機械でセルフです。 また、名取店と同じくレジ袋無料でくれました。 平日午前中訪問で、時間帯的に全然混んではいませんでしたし、駐車場も広くて停めやすかったです。 たまたま通ってラッキーでした。
A local supermarket that happened to pass by when I went to the north of Miyagi prefecture for work and passed through Hasama, Hasama-cho, Tome-shi. I used to go to the Natori store in the south of the prefecture once in a while, and I stopped by saying that eggs were supposed to be on sale on Tuesday and Friday. Today is Friday. After all it was a bargain sale of eggs. Also, I bought it because I happened to sell various other ingredients as well. Mushrooms and fried noodles were cheap. As with the Natori store, the cashier is entered by the older sister, and payment is self-service by machine. Also, like the Natori store, they gave me a free shopping bag. It was a weekday morning visit and it wasn't crowded at all during the time, and the parking lot was large and easy to park. I happened to be lucky.
kikilala3430 on Google

It's a supermarket near my parents' house! The assortment is abundant and the fish are abundant and fresh! I bought a saury for the first time in a few years during the regulation! It was delicious with fat on it! Since it is procured from Kesennuma, it is very fresh and I always go to buy sashimi and fish when I go home.
on Google

従業員でコロナでたって、やばすぎ 今日と明日臨時休業だけどそのあとも濃厚接触者の人が来ているかもしれないし行かない方がいいと思う。 これ以上登米市コロナ増えないように! どんどんコロナも増えてきてるし、 めっちゃデイリーいつも混んでいるし、 それにお弁当など惣菜も新商品出ないし、品数悪すぎ、アイスもっと安くして!めっちゃ高い、 焼きたてパン?の数種類もっと欲しい、お弁当も美味しくない。 自転車置き場もっと広くして!! 商品も品数なくて、 全体的に全て高いし、ほんとダメ!! 手袋つけて欲しい、 絶対おすすめしない 新商品も出ないし、もっと色々工夫して欲しい トイレもきれいにして、もっと増やして、 レジ袋無料はいいと思うけどね! 従業員も接客がダメ!
Employees in Corona are too dangerous It will be temporarily closed today and tomorrow, but I think it's better not to go after that because there may be people with close contacts. Don't increase Tome City Corona any more! Corona is increasing steadily, It ’s always crowded every day and it ’s always crowded. Besides, there are no new products such as bento boxes, the number of items is too bad, and the ice cream is cheaper! Very expensive I want more kinds of freshly baked bread ?, and the lunch box is not delicious. Make the bicycle storage area wider! !! There are no products, Overall it's all expensive and really bad! !! I want you to wear gloves Never recommend There will be no new products, and I want you to devise more. Clean the toilet, add more, I think free shopping bags are good! Employees are not good at serving customers!
haseo aiba on Google

気仙沼市に住んでいたときから、利用させていただいております。鮮魚も、新鮮で種類が豊富で特にお惣菜の種類が多くて目移りしてしまいます。 また、一人暮らしには嬉しい白菜4分の1サイズとかあり野菜を腐れかす恐れも少なずオススメです。 あと、以前からウェブで広告を拝見できるのは新聞など取らない方には最高だと思います?
I have been using it since I lived in Kesennuma City. Fresh fish are also fresh and abundant in variety, and there are many types of side dishes in particular, which makes me confused. Also, it is recommended that you have a quarter size of Chinese cabbage, which is nice for living alone, and there is a little risk of rotting vegetables. Also, I think that it is best for those who do not take newspapers to see advertisements on the web for a long time ?
08さーちゃん on Google

野菜納豆玉子お豆腐牛乳はここが安くて悪くない 玉子お豆腐牛乳。家の冷蔵庫に必ずある白いものが安いのは本当にありがたい お肉お魚はリンゴのマークのが美味しいかな なので4
Vegetable natto egg tofu milk is cheap and not bad here Egg tofu milk. I'm really grateful that the white things that are always in the refrigerator at home are cheap I wonder if the meat and fish are delicious with the apple mark So 4
チェックのパンダ on Google

本格的なお惣菜を手軽なお値段で楽しめる所が気に入っています。 売っているお魚はかなりクオリティが高く、美味しい魚料理が作りたい。美味しいお刺身が食べたい。そんな時はこちらに購入しに行きます。 お菓子なども揃っていますし、駐車場も店内も広めなので買い物がしやすいです。
I like the place where you can enjoy authentic side dishes at a reasonable price. The fish we sell are of fairly high quality and we want to make delicious fish dishes. I want to eat delicious sashimi. In such a case, I will go to buy it here. You can buy sweets, and the parking lot and the inside of the store are large, so it's easy to shop.
尾形正人 on Google

As it is a freshness hall, I think the freshness of vegetables and seafood is good. There are many kinds of side dishes, and they are all delicious. Sushi is cheap and delicious.
近藤和江 on Google

年末用にお寿司を予約して、受け取りに行きました。が 長蛇の列。 ソーシャルなんかない。 予約の意味があるのか分からない程。 4時の受け取り予約なのに1時間以上ならんで受け取り…。 予約受け取りの、段取り悪かった。来年は、予約受け取りのやり方を考えた方がいぃと思います。 ネタ、食品に関しては文句はありません。美味しかったです。
I booked sushi for the end of the year and went to pick it up. But A long line. There is no social. I don't know if the reservation is meaningful. Even though I made a reservation for picking up at 4 o'clock, I picked it up for more than an hour ... The setup for receiving the reservation was bad. Next year, I think it's better to think about how to receive reservations. I have no complaints about the ingredients and food. It was delicious.

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