えがお回復整体岡山 サロン光

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact えがお回復整体岡山 サロン光

住所 :

Daikuomotemachi, Kita Ward, 〒700-0912 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888977
Webサイト : http://sp.raqmo.com/salonhikari/
街 : Okayama

Daikuomotemachi, Kita Ward, 〒700-0912 Okayama,Japan
takuchin on Google

Loosely cured the distortion.
mika m on Google

I thought it was canceled, and I came out even when it was time (I was in the store for half an hour), but when I came out and opened the door, I heard a figure jumping up from Kotatsu It was the place to say that it was the opening "I was freaking out" at first sight
iwgpchampion2010 on Google

歩くのがやっとやっとのギックリ腰で施術してもらったら普通に歩って帰れました。 ありがとうございます?
I could barely walk and walk home when I had my back treated. Thank you ?
TK on Google

The treatment that is not overwhelming on the body made my body much easier. It was very helpful for me to teach me the gymnastics that I can do at home.
美雪荒井 on Google

肩コリと腰痛が酷く、他で治療を受けていたのですが、あまり完治しなかったため こちらで治療を受けました。アットホームな雰囲気の中 最初に説明を丁重に行って頂き、痛くない優しい整体で順調に治っていっています。
My shoulder stiffness and back pain were so severe that I had been treated elsewhere, but it didn't heal very much. I was treated here. In a homely atmosphere First of all, I had you give a polite explanation, and it is healing smoothly with a gentle manipulative treatment that does not hurt.
藤原雅 on Google

本日、施術して頂きました。体にあまり負荷がかからない、本当に痛みを感じない施術でした。私は、整体院や整骨院を5ヶ所程行きつけがありますが、施術中に痛みを必ず伴います。しかしここの整体院は無痛施術で、最初は本当に効くのかなと少々不安でした。(笑)施術後1時間ほど経ちましたが、体が軽く少し体が暖かく感じています。アドバイス頂いた自分で簡単に出来るストレッチもこれからは日常に取り入れようと思います。 しかし、今後も疲労がオーバーした時は至急予約入れますので、宜しくお願いします。
I had a treatment today. It was a treatment that did not put much stress on the body and felt no pain. I have about 5 places in the osteopathic and osteopathic clinics, but there is always pain during the procedure. However, the manipulative hospital here is painless, and at first it was a bit anxious to see if it really worked. (Laughs) About 1 hour after the treatment, my body is light and I feel a little warm. From now on, I would like to incorporate my own easy-to-use stretches into my daily life. However, I would like to make a reservation as soon as possible when fatigue is over.
あき on Google

指のうずきが治らなくて、特に夜 布団に入ってから 気になり 痛みでたいへんでした。 やさしい治療と、普段の生活注意や 自分治療の方法などの ご指導も頂き、うれしくおもいました。はじめての治療、痛み、コリがとれて 嬉しい半面 いつ戻ってしまうか不安もありました。 でも、今までの自分の常識にとらわれない 先生のご指導にたいして、素直な対処で 二日目の朝  痛みのない目覚めでした。 今日は 不安なく指先に力を入れられるよう 本日の先生のご指導で 行けそうな気がして ウキウキ帰えります。
Tingling fingers did not heal, especially at night after I entered the futon, I was worried and it was painful. I was glad to receive guidance on gentle treatment, daily life precautions, and self-treatment methods. I was happy that my first treatment, pain, and stiffness were removed, but I was also worried about when I would return. However, I was able to wake up painlessly on the morning of the second day with a straightforward response to the teacher's guidance, which was not bound by my common sense. Today, I feel like I can go with the guidance of today's teacher so that I can put my strength on my fingertips without anxiety.
nao nao on Google

出産後、骨盤のズレからくる腰痛に悩まされていましたが、痛みのない整体で腰が軽くなりました。 また、もともと姿勢が猫背なので、首と肩に痛みがありましたが、こちらで購入した枕を使ってストレッチすると痛みがなくなりました。
After giving birth, I was suffering from low back pain caused by pelvic displacement, but my lower back became lighter with painless manipulative treatment. Also, since my posture was originally a stoop, I had pain in my neck and shoulders, but when I stretched with the pillow I bought here, the pain disappeared.

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