Daikokuya - Yokohama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daikokuya

住所 :

2 Chome-7-14 Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 220-0005
Webサイト : https://shichi.e-daikoku.com/shop/yokohama_vivre.html

2 Chome-7-14 Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0005, Japan
ななみん on Google

I brought in a ring and a necklace, but I'm glad that they bought it for a reasonable amount of money! Thank you very much!
志茂友美 on Google

とても丁寧に接してくれて安心して話ができ、また査定もとても頑張ってくれて納得の行く取引きが出来ました! みなさんにおすすめです^_^
They treated me very politely and I was able to talk with peace of mind, and they also worked very hard on the assessment, and I was able to make a convincing transaction! Recommended for everyone ^ _ ^
島田百合香 on Google

頂いた大切なものでしたが、使わないので大黒屋さんに買い取って頂きました。 対応して下さったスタッフさんは感じがとてもいい人で、思っていたよりも高く買い取って頂けて、頂きものを手放す私としてもとても気持ちが軽くなりました!ありがとうございました!
It was an important item that I received, but I didn't use it, so I bought it from Daikokuya. The staff who responded to me was a very nice person, and I was able to buy it at a higher price than I expected, which made me feel very light as I let go of the gifts! Thank you very much!
T T on Google

希望の金額がかなり高かったのにも関わらず無理を言ってその金額で買い取っていただきました。接客も親切で話しやすかったです。 ありがとうございました。
Even though the desired amount was quite high, I was forced to buy it at that amount. The customer service was kind and easy to talk to. Thank you very much.
さくらいさくら on Google

鞄2点指輪1点の合計3点を買取してもらいました。 担当者の大渕さんがとても良くしてくださり 一生懸命調べていただき、相談の上で金額を決めていただいてとても満足した取引になりました。
I had them buy a total of 3 items, 2 bags and 1 ring. Mr. Obuchi, the person in charge, made it very good. It was a very satisfying transaction for me to investigate hard and decide the amount after consultation.
こまつりえ on Google

I asked you to buy a Rolex. I bought it at a considerably higher price than other stores. It was a polite response. Thank you very much.
ちゃんさー on Google

親切に接客査定していただきました。 値段も納得した金額でとても満足です。 まだまだ使わない物もあるので また買取お願いしたいとおもいます!
Thank you for your kind customer service assessment. I am very satisfied with the price I was satisfied with. There are some things I haven't used yet I would like to ask you to buy it again!
Shiho M. on Google

単刀直入に言うと、横浜駅近くの別の店に行く方がよっぽども良い対応を期待できます。 金券を買おうと思い行ったものの、前の客の対応に時間を要し、その間ずっと待たされた挙句、別の店員が裏から出て来たのにも関わらず、待っているのが分かっていながらもただチラチラこちらを見るのみで声をかけようともせず、前の客の対応に加勢しただけで裏に戻って行った。結局10分強待たされて文句を言ったが、そもそも待たせているんだから「お待たせしました」の一言くらいあっても良かったのでは? 金券を買うのにそんなに待たされるんじゃ金券屋でチケットを買う意味が無くなるので、複数人いるならいるで、それぞれで別の客の対応をするなりしていただきたかった。店員は何も悪いと思っていないようで改善は望めませんし、もう二度と行こうと思いません。店員は終始不満そうな態度だったので接客態度も最低でした。
To put it straightforwardly, you can expect a much better response by going to another store near Yokohama Station. I thought about buying a cash voucher, but it took time to respond to the previous customer, and after waiting all the time, I knew that I was waiting even though another clerk came out from the back. However, I didn't even try to call out just by looking at this, but just by helping the previous customer's response, I went back to the back. After all, I was forced to wait for 10 minutes and complained, but since I was waiting in the first place, wasn't it okay to have a word like "I made you wait"? If you have to wait so long to buy a ticket, there is no point in buying a ticket at a ticket shop, so if there are multiple people, I wanted each to handle different customers. The clerk doesn't seem to think anything is wrong, so I can't hope for improvement, and I'll never go again. The clerk seemed to be dissatisfied from beginning to end, so the customer service attitude was also the worst.

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