Daikoji Temple - Shibata District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daikoji Temple

住所 :

1 Chome-1-7 Funaokaminami, Shibata, Shibata District, Miyagi 989-1605, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 989-1605

1 Chome-1-7 Funaokaminami, Shibata, Shibata District, Miyagi 989-1605, Japan
加藤詠美 on Google

There is a cemetery on the back.
二階堂章夫 on Google

It is an ordinary temple.
T A on Google

I went to the 500 Arhats, but I was also impressed by the giant ginkgo tree, which is also the grave of the Shibata family
明智小五郎 on Google

I went to the grave during this time, but I was greeted by a big woman with an attitude and felt sick! Don't say hello if you take such an attitude! Are you from the temple? I don't want to go there anymore ... I don't want to go anymore ...
fragrance autumn on Google

15世紀中頃に開山され500年以上続く寺院で、柴田家の菩提寺です。寛文事件(伊達騒動)で斬殺された柴田外記など、柴田家代々の墓があります。本堂の裏にある岩窟の中には、五百羅漢象が安置されています。これらの石像は明和年間(1764~1772)船岡で疫病が流行った時に環中道一と言う僧が、山にこもり経文を唱えながら刻んだものだそうです。正面に釈迦像、左右に五百羅漢を安置して供養・疾病平癒を祈願したところ、その功徳により疫病が治まったとの言い伝えがあります。この功績もあり環中同一和尚は、大光寺第十四世となりました。 雨水の影響で岩窟内が崩れかけたことがあるそうで、現在はコンクリートで一部が補強されています。
The Shibata family's Bodanji Temple, which has been in the middle of the 15th century and has been in operation for over 500 years. There are graves of the Shibata family, such as Shibata Gaiji, who was killed in the Kanbun incident (Date riot). Inside the cave at the back of the main hall are 500 Rakan elephants. These stone statues seem to have been engraved by the monk, who is Michiichi Kannaka, during the Meiwa period (1764-1772) in Funaoka when the epidemic broke out while chanting the mountains. There is a legend that when the Buddha statue was placed in front and 500 Arhats were enshrined on the front and prayed for recuperation and sickness, the plague was cured. Due to this achievement, the same Kazuhisa in the environment became Daikoji XIV. It seems that the inside of the cave has collapsed under the influence of rainwater, and is now partially reinforced with concrete.
Kei Nantonaku on Google

大光寺は柴田町で500年以上続く寺院で、柴田家の菩提寺。曹洞宗で山号を妙高山といいます。 開山は新潟県の耕雲寺4世瑚海仲珊で、戦国時代の中で一度お寺は中絶になりましたが、天文16年(1547年)に丸森町の瑞雲寺10世雲州全利が再興しました。 文政6年(1823年)の秋に火災が起き、寺宝記録等は全て焼失してしまいました。 本堂裏の階段を上がったところには、寛文事件で斬殺された柴田外記など、柴田家代々の墓があります。
Daikoji is a temple that has been in Shibata for over 500 years and is the family temple of the Shibata family. The mountain number in the Soto sect is called Mt. Myoko. The temple was opened in Kounji IV, Niigata Prefecture, and the temple was aborted once during the Warring States period, but in 1547, Zuiunji 10th Unshu Zentoshi in Marumori Town It was revived. A fire broke out in the fall of 1823, and all the temple treasure records were burned down. Up the stairs behind the main hall, there are tombs of the Shibata family, such as Shibata Gaiji, who was killed in the Kanbun incident.
横山みえ子 on Google

I came to visit the grave on the equinoctial week. A cute Jizo greets you in the garden at the end of the gate of Daikoji Temple. If you are a temple enthusiast, you will love it ?.
佐久間順一 on Google

There is a grave of my relatives' uncle and aunt, and I visit them every year.

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