
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湘南あそびマーレ

住所 :

Daikancho, Hiratsuka, 〒1F Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://asobimare.jp/shonan/
街 : F Kanagawa

Daikancho, Hiratsuka, 〒1F Kanagawa,Japan
eb02252alcpcfcs on Google

小学校中学年くらいまでをカバーする、屋内遊具施設です。メインターゲットは未就学児と見られますが、年齢制限のある遊具はそれほど多くなく、小学校低学年ぐらいまでなら思う存分身体を動かせるでしょう。 以前某おもちゃ屋が入っていたスペースをすべて使った施設で、広さにあかせて、比較的規模の大きいバルーン型遊具がいくつもあります。興味の移ろいやすいこどもには、うってつけです。 また、奥には、人工降雪機を利用した雪遊びコーナーが入場料のみ(追金なし)で利用可能で、雪遊び道具や長靴などのレンタルもあるので気軽に利用できます。また、追金必要ですが動物ふれあいコーナーもあります。ウサギ、ハムスターとのふれあいのほか、金魚すくいも体験できるようです。 休憩コーナーは座卓が並べられていて、飲食自由。施設への出入り自由(再入場可能)なこともあり、外で買い込んできたものを食べたり飲んだりしながら遊ぶご家族連れがたくさんいます。電子レンジまであったりします。 入場料がそこそこするので、再入場を繰り返しながら長時間滞在する事が前提ですが、こどものみで滞在が出来ないので、親の過ごし方が課題です。接続自由の無線LANやスマホ充電コーナーがあるので、ある程度長じた子供の親であれば、休憩コーナーでのんびりするのがよいでしょう。
It is an indoor playset facility that covers up to the middle grades of elementary school. The main target seems to be preschoolers, but there are not many playsets with age restrictions, and you will be able to move as much as you want until the lower grades of elementary school. It is a facility that used all the space that a certain toy store used to have, and there are a number of relatively large balloon-type playsets, depending on the size. It is perfect for children whose interests change easily. Also, in the back, you can use the snow play corner using an artificial snow machine for only the entrance fee (no additional charge), and you can also rent snow play equipment and boots, so you can feel free to use it. There is also an animal contact corner, although additional money is required. In addition to interacting with rabbits and hamsters, you can also experience goldfish scooping. The break corner is lined with tables and you can eat and drink freely. Since you can enter and leave the facility freely (re-entry is possible), there are many families who play while eating and drinking what they bought outside. It even goes to the microwave. Since the admission fee is reasonable, it is assumed that you will stay for a long time while repeating re-entry, but since you can not stay only with children, how to spend time with parents is an issue. There is a free-to-connect wireless LAN and a smartphone charging corner, so if you are a parent of a child who has a certain length of time, it is a good idea to relax in the break corner.
しまおみり on Google

フリーWi-Fiあり。 駐車場もたしか6時間ぐらい無料。 八王子は、電車や電動車が有料だったが、こちらは無料でありがたい。 八王子より狭い気がするが有料と無料の境目がわかりやすい配置かつ靴を脱いだら脱いだままでエリア移動できるのはありがたい。
Free Wi-Fi available. The parking lot is free for about 6 hours. Hachioji had a charge for trains and electric cars, but I am grateful that this is free. I think it's narrower than Hachioji, but I'm grateful that the layout is such that the boundary between paid and free is easy to understand, and that if you take off your shoes, you can move to the area with your shoes off.
MTU IIZUKA on Google

小学生低学年くらいのちびっ子なら大満足です 割引を駆使して遊べばお財布にも優しく楽しめます
I am very satisfied with small children in the lower grades of elementary school If you play with discounts, you can enjoy it gently in your wallet.
津留崎晃一(ktrsk0303) on Google

2時間遊ぶなら、一日券(1,100円)を購入しないと損です。一時間券は600円かかり、延長10分毎に100円加算されます。 入場料だけで、子供は充分楽しめます。雪遊びやそり遊びも出来ます。クレーンゲームなどは、別にお金がかかります。
If you play for 2 hours, you have to buy a one-day pass (1,100 yen). The one-hour ticket costs 600 yen, and 100 yen will be added every 10 minutes of extension. The admission fee is enough for children to enjoy. You can also play in the snow and sledding. Crane games etc. cost extra money.
hiroki nosaka on Google

前からあったのは知っていましたが、雨の日に5歳児の息子を連れて初めて行きました。 ボールプールや滑り台、スノータウンやふれあい動物園で息子も大喜び? 特に雪遊び、ソリ滑りが気に入ってました☃️ 雪エリアは室温が低いので長袖が必要ですが、長靴やブランケットの無料貸し出しもあるので手ぶらで楽しめます? 小学校低学年ぐらいまでなら1日楽しめそうです。 2時間以上利用するならフリータイムにした方が割安なのと、再入場持ち込みが出来るのはうれしいですね。 海老名の某室内アミューズメントより会員制ではないので気軽に利用できました。 また行きたいと思います?
I knew it had been there for a long time, but on a rainy day I went there for the first time with my 5-year-old son. My son is delighted at the ball pool, slide, snow town and petting zoo ? I especially liked playing in the snow and sledding ☃️ Since the room temperature is low in the snow area, long sleeves are required, but boots and blankets can be rented for free so you can enjoy it empty-handed ? It seems that you can enjoy it all day long until the lower grades of elementary school. If you use it for more than 2 hours, it is cheaper to have free time, and it is nice to be able to bring in re-entry. Since it is not a membership system than a certain indoor amusement in Ebina, it was easy to use. I want to go again ?
HTF on Google

初めて行きました。Olympicに用事があったのに子どもがなぜか楽しい場所と認識してどんどん入ってしまい困りましたが?換気のためかもしれないですが扉が開いていたのが少々厄介(笑) 仕方なく入ったのですが、大人も楽しめる滑り台やボール当てゲームや汽車などもありましたし、小さいこも遊べるママごとスペースなどもあり1歳と2歳の我が子でも大変楽しめました?❤ すべての遊具やおもちゃは定期的に清掃、消毒していて見ていて大変そうだなぁと思いましたが、親としてはとても安心できます? フリータイムで利用すると出入りが自由になるので、昼食を食べに行くも良し、買ってきて園内で食べるも良しと最高でした? オムツ台や授乳スペースの他に調乳スペースもあり乳児を連れて長時間遊ぶことも不安じゃないです?中はうるさいわけではないけど賑やかなので子どもの泣き声も全く気にならずです! 平日は1,100円で利用できる上に人も少なめなのでおすすめです?? とってもたのしかったのでまた行きます!
I went there for the first time. Even though I had something to do with the Olympics, I was troubled because my child recognized it as a fun place and entered more and more ? It may be because of ventilation, but it is a little troublesome that the door was open (laugh) I had no choice but to enter, but there were slides, ball hitting games, trains, etc. that adults could enjoy, and there was also a space for moms to play small children, so even my 1-year-old and 2-year-old children enjoyed it very much ?❤ All the playsets and toys are cleaned and disinfected regularly and I thought it would be difficult to see, but as a parent I can feel very relieved ? If you use it in your free time, you can go in and out freely, so it was great to go out for lunch or buy it and eat it in the park ? In addition to the diaper table and breastfeeding space, there is also a milk preparation space, so I'm not worried about playing with my baby for a long time ? It's not noisy during the time, but it's lively so I don't mind the crying of children at all! It is recommended because it can be used for 1,100 yen on weekdays and there are few people ?? It was so much fun so I will go again!
如月迅 Jin Kisaragi on Google

平塚のOSC湘南シティ内にある子供用のアミューズメント施設です。 広い店舗に幼児が大喜びするモノが満載です。 安全管理もしっかりしていて、スタッフさんたちも親切で仕事熱心に感じられ好印象です。
It is an amusement facility for children in OSC Shonan City in Hiratsuka. The large store is full of things that infants will be delighted with. The safety management is also solid, and the staff are kind and enthusiastic about their work, which is a good impression.
Maiko M. on Google

雨天の日曜日、子どもを遊ばせるために訪問。 オープンと同時に入場しましたが、あっという間に大混雑になりました。 0歳から小学校低学年くらいまでの子どもなら、1日中でも楽しめるリーズナブルな屋内施設です。 とは言え、屋内で且つボールや滑り台など素手でさわる遊具ばかりなので、各々感染対策や手指消毒をしっかりしないとコロナ感染のリスクは否めない感じです。 子どもは気に入った遊具で延々と遊んでとても楽しんでいました。
Visited to let children play on a rainy Sunday. I entered the venue at the same time as it opened, but it quickly became very crowded. It is a reasonable indoor facility that children from 0 years old to the lower grades of elementary school can enjoy all day long. However, since all the playsets are indoors and can be touched with bare hands such as balls and slides, the risk of corona infection is undeniable unless infection control and hand disinfection are taken properly. The child enjoyed playing endlessly with his favorite playset.

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