
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あるるんの海

住所 :

Daidofukuda, Joetsu, 〒943-0172 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://fish-store-515.business.site/%3Fm%3Dtrue
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM
街 : Niigata

Daidofukuda, Joetsu, 〒943-0172 Niigata,Japan
清水正輝 on Google

The atmosphere is like Ameyoko by the seaside, which is unlikely to be in the city. There are various fresh fish, dried foods, side dishes, sushi and raw oysters (which you can eat on the spot). It was a fun spot just to look around for giant flounders and octopuses, which you can't get at the fresh fish corner in the supermarket. Pay-pay-friendly and convenient.
阿部ち on Google

広くて色んな海鮮が並んでて、見てるだけでも楽しい。 魚の臭いが全くしないので、鮮度の良さが感じられます。 星が4個なのは、店員さんの接客がいまひとつでしたので。
A wide variety of seafood is lined up, and it's fun just to look at it. Because there is no fishy smell, you can feel the freshness. The reason why there are 4 stars is that the customer service of the clerk was not good enough.
赤トンボ on Google

気まぐれで直江津に来たのは良かったのですが、せっかく海に来たのだし、そろそろ岩がきの時期なので携帯で調べたらこちらが出たので寄ってみました? 時期的に早いせいか、そもそもなのか分かりませんが少し小振りでした?がとても美味しかったです? お土産に買ったタコわさびのタコ?の肉厚さにびっくり? とてもオススメです?
It was good that I came to Naoetsu on a whim, but I came to the sea with much effort, and it's about time for rocking, so I checked it on my mobile phone and it came out so I stopped by ? I don't know if it was early or not, but it was a little small ? was very delicious ? I was surprised at the thickness of the octopus wasabi octopus I bought as a souvenir ? Highly recommended ?
久留間周策 on Google

同じ敷地の中で、地元の野菜や一般食品等を売っており、総合スーパーの様な造りになっています。 当日訪れた時は、既に閉店の準備を始めていて、17時過ぎには握り寿司等に見切りのシールが貼られていました。それを迷わず購入し、宿泊先に持ち帰って食べましたが、大変美味しかったです。干物も買って帰ろうかと思いましたが、閉店前だったこともあり、今回は断念しました。 店内は平日だったこともあり、地元の買い物客が沢山訪れていたのが印象的でした。 あと、観光客向けのお土産なども品揃えしていて、色んな客層に対応しているのが良かったと思います。 一つ欲を言えば、公共交通機関をもう少し充実してほしいくらいでしょうか。 バス停に行きましたが、平日と休日では運行経路が異なったりなど、観光客にはちょっと分かりにくい感じですね。 また上越に出掛ける時には必ず立ち寄りたいです。
Local vegetables and general foods are sold on the same site, making it look like a general merchandise store. When I visited on the day, I had already started preparing to close the store, and after 17:00, there was a closeout sticker on nigiri sushi. I bought it without hesitation, took it back to my accommodation and ate it, but it was very delicious. I thought I'd buy dried fish and go home, but I gave up this time because it was before the store closed. It was impressive that many local shoppers visited the store because it was a weekday. Also, I think it was good to have a lineup of souvenirs for tourists and to accommodate various customer groups. One thing I would like to say is that public transportation should be improved a little more. I went to the bus stop, but the route is different on weekdays and holidays, so it's a bit difficult for tourists to understand. I also want to stop by when I go to Joetsu.
イチゴみるく on Google

お寿司、お刺身美味しいです。お寿司を惣菜として買うならここが一番です。 でも若干酢飯が柔らかいと思うことがしばしばで、コスパは良いとは思わない。 しかしながら美味しくてネタも新鮮で大きいから満足です。
Sushi and sashimi are delicious. This is the best place to buy sushi as a side dish. However, I often think that vinegared rice is a little soft, and I don't think cospa is good. However, I am satisfied because it is delicious and the ingredients are fresh and big.
村松裕之 on Google

旬の魚を中心に、店舗での寿司や惣菜の加工販売は基より乾物など、お土産等にも使える物まで店舗は大きくないが内容は充実していると思います。 また、大晦日は午前3時からの営業で頑張って早起きして、ゆっくり店内を見て回るのも良いかも( ̄▽ ̄)b 意外に空いてて穴場的お店だと思います☺️?
Focusing on seasonal fish, the processing and sales of sushi and prepared foods at the store are not large, but the contents are substantial, from the basics to dried foods and other items that can be used as souvenirs. Also, on New Year's Eve, it may be good to work hard from 3:00 am, get up early, and take a leisurely look around the store ( ̄ ▽  ̄) b I think it's a surprisingly vacant and little-known shop ☺️?
チャンネルピンバタ on Google

珍しい魚が並んでいたりします。焼き魚のアソートがツボです! ワラサを三枚に下ろしてもらいました。そのワラサで無理やりブリしゃぶにしました(笑) 魚屋さんなのに清潔感があるのがいいですね!
Rare fish are lined up. Assorted grilled fish is the key point! I had the yellowtail dropped into three pieces. I forced him to shabu-shabu with that warasa (laughs) Even though it's a fish store, it's nice to have a sense of cleanliness!
気まま楽旅 on Google

JAの直売所みたいなあるるん村にある魚の建物でした、途中で籾殻とか見たことない商品にびっくりしながら中に入りました、途中の評判の良い魚屋さんは観光客で少し混んでたので同じく評判の良いこちらで刺身を買いました 旅行中でなければ買いたい新鮮で割安な海鮮が沢山ありました、レジの方も気配りが良くて助かります
It was a fish building in a certain village like JA's direct sales office, I was surprised at the rice husks and other products I had never seen on the way, and the reputable fish shop on the way was a little crowded with tourists So I bought sashimi here, which is also popular There were a lot of fresh and cheap seafood that I would like to buy unless I was traveling, and the cashier is also attentive and helpful.

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