アジアンビストロ Dai あざみ野店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アジアンビストロ Dai あざみ野店

住所 :

Azamino, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0011 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://www.pleasure-company.com/shopinfo.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Azamino, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0011 Kanagawa,Japan
くるりくるり on Google

雰囲気もよくて、落ち着いて食事できました。コロナ対策は、机ごとにアルコールの入った容器が置いてあり、ドアはあけたまま蚊取り線香を炊いて対応していて、安心できました。 なにより、お料理がとても美味しくて、食べたもの全て気に入ってしまったので、また是非利用させていただきたいです!
The atmosphere was good and I had a calm meal. As a measure against corona, I had a container with alcohol on each desk and cooked mosquito coil with the door open, so I was relieved. Above all, the food is delicious and I loved everything I ate, so I'd like to use it again!
うれしいひととき on Google

美味しいタイ料理が食べれる店です。 お店の中は暗めで落ち着いた雰囲気です。 ランチがリーズナブル。 お酒も飲めてひとりでもフラッとは入れるお店です。 ガパオライスがおいしい。
It is a restaurant where you can eat delicious Thai food. The inside of the shop is dark and has a calm atmosphere. Lunch is reasonable. It's a shop where you can drink alcohol and put yourself in a fluff. Gapao rice is delicious.
黒田美緒 on Google

料理が美味しくて、大好きなアジア料理が食べれるのでお気に入りのお店でした ところが最近行くと、店内のBGMにビックリ 邦楽のロックの選曲、めちゃくちゃうるさかったです。アジア料理店ですよね?何故邦楽のロック? ここのお店年齢層わりと高いですけどね 客層には相応しくない選曲だと思いました あと店員さんの私語が凄くて、そのうえ料理がでるの遅くて、大好きなお店でしたが質が落ちててガッカリでした 料理は相変わらず美味しかったです。
The food was delicious and I could eat my favorite Asian food, so it was my favorite restaurant However, when I went there recently, I was surprised at the BGM in the store. The selection of Japanese rock music was insanely noisy. It's an Asian restaurant, right? Why Japanese rock? The shop here is relatively expensive, though. I thought it was a song selection that was not suitable for the customer base Also, the clerk's private language was amazing, and the food was late, and I loved the restaurant, but the quality was poor and I was disappointed. The food was still delicious.
上條雅巳 on Google

Lunch was 1000 yen and it was delicious with salad + two drinks ?
Sachiko Nagata on Google

Poke is recommended! Since it is a sister restaurant to Hawaiian Bistro, the menu is more than half the same. This part of Azamino is a little far from the station. It's also in Tamapura and Shinyurigaoka. I stayed there from lunch to the evening. The best lunch on Saturdays and Sundays! Kanpai ?
蒼光 on Google

Friends visit in three people. Lunch is 1000 yen before meals after-dinner drink and a salad and main. And 300 yen set with a raw spring rolls and shrimp toast and Tom Yum Goong is a plus. Taste is also not bad, the price is very reasonable. What with a pre-dinner after-dinner drink, Whoa! ♪ and I thought, but I was happy also to be able to order the different each drink have thoughtful. Atmosphere of the store was also good. Although the staff did not move with millet, tranquilism, I thought that it was a customer service that I could feel favorably that I felt personality. Speaking greed, if you do not use a table or a chair outside the shop, thinking a little more about the layout, spreading the entrance and exit gives you a feeling "welcome" and it is easy to enter. When the inside of the shop looks from the outside, it is felt dimly even in the daytime (as I enter it, that illuminance feels calmerfully personally), more and more.
Akhila Mohandas M K on Google

Awesome food! Good staffs and reasonable too!
Isonia on Google

Amazing food, excellent service!

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