
2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact D'station妙典駅前店

住所 :

Tomihama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0115 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : http://nexus-group.jp/store/dstation/list/cb_myodenekimae/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10:45PM
Sunday 10AM–10:45PM
Monday 10AM–10:45PM
Tuesday 10AM–10:45PM
Wednesday 10AM–10:45PM
Thursday 10AM–10:45PM
Friday 10AM–10:45PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tomihama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0115 Chiba,Japan
塚田正徳 on Google

I wonder if it's an ordinary shop! I wonder if the female clerk is the only one who is usually cute around and cashing lol I wonder if there are a lot of customers on the event day for rice!
羽鳥勇太 on Google

For the time being, I used 6 at the event with zero bancho.
たけふさ on Google

馬鹿だよなあ。と思う店。 近場なので行ってみたものの平日ガラガラ、土日もメイン機種は埋まるがバラエティはガラガラ、そしてメイン機種も朝1行くほどの設定は入れないのでオススメしません。客も分かってきてるのに何も対処しないので接客の良い店員さんは可哀想、店長が無能なのかディーステーショングループが無能なのか・・・ 毎日回収店で客に還元しない、ファン感とかイベントとか謳ってる日も危ないので行く価値なし。 トイレは綺麗で安いイートコーナーもあるのでそこだけに行くのはいいと思います!
I'm stupid. I think the store. I went there because it's close by, but I don't recommend it because the main model is filled up on weekdays and weekends, but the variety is rattle, and the main model can't be set to go once in the morning. I'm sorry for the clerk who has good customer service because I know the customers but I don't deal with anything, is the store manager incompetent or the Dee Station Group incompetent ... It's not worth going because it's dangerous to have a fan feeling or an event that you don't give back to customers at the collection shop every day. The toilet is clean and there is a cheap eat corner, so I think it's good to go there only!
松本真輝 on Google

I hit it for the first time in a long time, but as usual ,. The worst store that doesn't give back. When it hits, it's swallowed more than that amount, so there are many single shots. I don't know if the return rate can be tampered with, but I personally can't enjoy the hall here. I can't win.
富岡光明 on Google

5分しか延びないCAR提示のタイミングとか考えないのかな? 普通に押しミス誘うタイミングで来られる事が多いんだけど? ル・モンドA依りは遊べる設定置いてても、店員があれじゃ余計に酷いね。ボソっと言ったの聞こえたのか、何だよ!みたいな態度で乗り出して来るし! 妙典地区は、やっぱりダメ?
Don't you think about the timing of CAR presentation that only extends for 5 minutes? I usually come at the timing of inviting mistakes, right? Even if Le Monde A is set to be playable, it's even worse if the clerk is there. What did you hear when you said crap! Come out with an attitude like that! Is the Myoden district useless after all?
Shota N on Google

妙典駅前徒歩30秒のパチンコ店です。 良い所は食堂が安い(ラーメン・カレー290円)、トイレが綺麗な所です。 遊戯については新台や新しめの台が1パチで打てるので良いですが、そもそも釘が死んでいます。各台計数になる前まではまだ回る台もあったのですが…。1パチで1k50回転回れば良い方、4パチ1k15回転回れば良い方です。新台でも平気に1k10回転くらいの調整されてます。スロットについては基本設定が入っていないものと思った方がいいです。Aタイプに中間っぽいものはたまにあったりしますがその程度で、旧イベ日も大して強くありません。時間潰しに低貸で遊ぶ店と割り切った方が精神衛生上、安全です。 11/7追記 久々に4パチ打ちましたが1000円5.6回転の台ばかりです。グループが回収体質なので驚きもしませんがやっぱり酷すぎますね。行徳や南行徳にある小型店の方がまだ全然回るのでそっちをお勧めします。 11/18追記 仕事帰りに1時間程立ち寄りましたが50%オーバーの演出を立て続けに5.6回外したので流石に気持ち悪くなりました。やっぱり釘も全くダメなのでしたね。さすがに会員カードを捨てました。今後は駐輪場orトイレor食堂としてのみ利用する事とします、2度とここでは打ちたくありません。 1/12追記 休みの日に駅に行く用事があり立ち寄りましたが休みの日なのに人めちゃくちゃ少なくなってますね。周年イベント行われる毎に入りがなくなってる気がします。早く潰れてジムか駐車場か何かになってくれたほうが地元の人間としては有意義なんですがね。 3/8追記 最近では駐輪場として利用しています。店入って駐車券だけもらって仕事行ったり近くのドトールで時間潰したり隣のルモンドで打ったりしてますね。無料で使える駐車場なのでとても便利です。その度店内見ますが相変わらずのお客の少なさ。店長が無能なんでしょうねぇ。
It is a pachinko parlor that is a 30-second walk from Myoden Station. The good place is that the cafeteria is cheap (ramen and curry 290 yen) and the toilet is clean. As for games, it's good that you can hit a new machine or a new machine with one pachinko machine, but the nails are dead in the first place. Before each car was counted, there were still some cars that were spinning ... One that only needs to rotate 1k50 with one pachinko, and one that only needs to rotate 1k15 with 4 pachinko. Even on the new stand, it is adjusted to about 1k10 rotations. You should think that there are no basic settings for slots. There are some A-types that are intermediate, but that's about it, and the old event days aren't very strong either. It is safer for mental health to divide it into a store where you can play at a low rental to kill time. 11/7 postscript It's been a while since I hit 4 pachinko machines, but it's only 1000 yen and 5.6 rotations. I'm not surprised because the group has a recovery constitution, but it's still too terrible. Small shops in Gyotoku and Minami Gyotoku still go around at all, so I recommend that. 11/18 postscript I stopped by for about an hour on my way home from work, but I missed it 5.6 times in a row with a 50% over production, which made me feel uncomfortable. After all, the nails were completely useless. As expected, I threw away my membership card. From now on, I will use it only as a bicycle parking lot, a toilet, or a dining room, and I don't want to hit it again here. 1/12 postscript I stopped by because I had to go to the station on my days off, but even though it was a day off, the number of people was messed up. I feel like I'm out of luck every time an anniversary event is held. It would be more meaningful for a local person to collapse quickly and become a gym or a parking lot. 3/8 postscript Recently, it is used as a bicycle parking lot. You go into the store and get only a parking ticket to go to work, kill time at a nearby Doutor, or hit at the next Lemond. It is very convenient because it is a parking lot that can be used free of charge. I look inside the store every time, but the number of customers is still small. I think the store manager is incompetent.
藤嶋一也 on Google

It's also a bad place to get one star. The store manager here is misunderstanding! ️ A good store manager is hated by customers! ️ Good sales for customers to get angry! ️You cannot draw lots before you win. Because it doesn't turn! ️ Don't go see the ball rolling! ️At least let me be in the lottery position! ️Custom of Kasumum compatible model does not work! ️It's natural to remove the heat ❗️ If you don't want to come, close the store ❗️ It doesn't matter if the food is cheap or the toilet is clean‼ ️ What kind of business are you doing? Well,
y i on Google

北斗9とか新台入れても客が来なくて辛いのはわかります。 自分達の取り分を減らして客に還元しないと客は来ないですよ? 原点に戻って下さい。営業当初は良いお店だったのにもったいないです。 今日久しぶりに行ってびっくりしました。 新台の北斗も空きが2台ある。 デビルメイクライはノーゲス。 他の台なんて誰も座ってない。 原点に戻ってください。 好きなお店なので。 自分達の取り分減らさないとdステグループ減りますよ。これから更に。 そこを考えてください。
I understand that even if you put in Hokuto 9 or a new stand, it will be painful because no customers will come. Customers will not come unless we reduce our share and give back to our customers, right? Please return to the origin. It was a waste to have a good shop at the beginning of business. I was surprised to go there for the first time in a long time today. There are also two vacant units in the new Hokuto. Devil May Cry is Noguess. No one is sitting on any other platform. Please return to the origin. Because it's my favorite shop. If we don't reduce our share, we will reduce the d-step group. From now on. Think about it.

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