Cyen BEAUTE 横浜・馬車道シエンボーテ

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cyen BEAUTE 横浜・馬車道シエンボーテ

住所 :

Motohamacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Motohamacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
H Nomura on Google

あちこちのエステサロンを渡り歩いてようやく巡りあえた本格的なサロンです。フェイシャルからボディまでトータルでケアしていたたけます。 ストレスが溜まると聞き上手な店長さんに愚痴を聞いてもらったりもしています。 長い付き合いができるオススメサロンです。
It is a full-fledged salon that I finally came across after walking around beauty salons here and there. You can take care of everything from facial to body. When stress builds up, the store manager, who is good at listening, asks me to complain. It is a recommended salon where you can have a long relationship.
H Takahashi (コリラックマうさぎ) on Google

フェイシャル、ボディのエステでお世話になっています。なんと言ってもこちらのオススメはエステの質!店長さんの技術に惚れ込んで長い間お世話になっています。 今はボディに力を入れていて、最近、結果が出始めています。 美容全般の的確なアドバイスが心強いお店です。
I am indebted to the facial and body esthetics. After all, this recommendation is the quality of the beauty treatment salon! I fell in love with the store manager's technique and have been indebted to me for a long time. I'm focusing on the body now, and recently the results have begun to come out. It is a reassuring shop that gives accurate advice on beauty in general.
田川純子 on Google

I heard it for the first time, but it was a clean and calm space in a room of an apartment right next to the carriage station. It was a facial reservation, but I had a treatment for my scapula, shoulders and neck, and my stiff shoulders made it very easy. Perhaps because the lymph flow had improved, after finishing, my skin became moist and my complexion became very bright, so I thought even if I didn't need a foundation. . The technology was great, but the story was very interesting and I had a good time. I also want to ask.
0121 hana on Google

以前よりお世話になっていますが、肌の調子がイマイチな時、セルフケアでは限界があり困った時にはいつも施術を受けています! 肌だけでなく日頃の疲れも的確で暖かいマッサージと会話のコミュニケーションで癒されています。
I have been indebted to you for a long time, but when my skin is not in good condition, there is a limit to self-care, and I am always receiving treatment when I am in trouble! Not only the skin but also daily fatigue is healed by accurate and warm massage and conversational communication.
となりのととろ on Google

プライベートサロンエステ♪ 自分だけなので気にせずにリラックスでき、その日の体調や悩みに合わせてメニューもカスタマイズしてくれます! 長年の経験が物語る腕の良さはきっと行けばわかるはず。。。 施術後の肌は自分では触った事の無いような ふわっふわの透明感に仕上げてくれます! ブライダルエステでお世話になってから年齢と共に悩みも増え、また癒されに行きたいなと思い立って予約しました。お顔だけでなく、デコルテや背中も丁寧で絶妙な力加減でマッサージして下さるので、本当に気持ち良い…翌日の肌の調子も良く、悩みの額のシワも薄くなってました! 目の下のクマも薄くなり、涙袋復活! どこに行こうか悩んでいるなら一度は経験すべきお店ですよ!
Private salon beauty treatment salon ♪ You can relax without worrying because you are the only one, and the menu will be customized according to your physical condition and worries of the day! If you go, you will surely understand the goodness of the skill that many years of experience tells. .. .. The skin after the treatment seems to have never been touched by myself Makes it fluffy and transparent! Since I was taken care of by the bridal beauty treatment salon, my worries increased with age, and I made a reservation because I wanted to go to be healed again. Not only the face but also the decollete and back are carefully massaged with exquisite force, so it feels really good ... The next day's skin is in good condition and the wrinkles on the forehead are getting thinner! The bear under my eyes has also become thinner, and the tear bag has revived! If you're wondering where to go, it's a shop you should experience at least once!
とも on Google

上質パフのようなハンドマッサージが最高です。 顔、首、肩を丁寧にマッサージしてくれるのでリンパの巡りが良くなり、肌の調子が良くなり、悩みの肩こりもスッキリしました。 エステは初めてでしたが、ケア製品やプロセスを丁寧に説明しながら施術してくれるので安心して続けていけます。 落ち着いた空間、ふんわりとした香り、そして明るく優しいオーナーさんとの会話でいつもお肌と心に元気をいただいています。
Hand massage like a fine puff is the best. The face, neck, and shoulders are carefully massaged, which improves lymphatic circulation, improves skin tone, and relieves stiff shoulders. It was my first time to have a beauty treatment salon, but I can continue with peace of mind as the treatment will be performed while carefully explaining the care products and processes. The calm space, fluffy scent, and conversation with the bright and gentle owner always keeps your skin and mind healthy.
ポンポン on Google

エステが好きで良く行きますが、こちらのフェイシャルは翌日の肌の調子がとてもよくてほうれい線が薄くなっていました。 そしてなんだか小顔になったような感じがします! 小顔用のエステ機械など使わずにハンドでここまでできるのはすごい、、!毎月メンテナンスにいくのにとても期待できます。 オーナーさんの話しやすい感じも良かったです☆
I like beauty treatment salons and often go there, but this facial had a very good skin condition the next day and the nasolabial fold was thin. And it feels like I have a small face! It's amazing that you can do this with your hands without using an esthetic machine for small faces! I can expect very much to go to maintenance every month. The owner's easy-to-speak feeling was also good ☆
Ikuko N on Google

経験豊富なオーナーセラピストさんのおかげでいつも気持ち良い時間を過ごすことができます。 その日の肌調子に合った適切なカスタマイズケア、また施術後の調子を自宅で長続きさせるためのアドバイスなども惜しみなく教えてくださるので、結果として日々の手入れがラクになりました。 一番の魅力はハンドでのマッサージ♡リンパの流れが改善され、フェイシャルの効果は即効性を感じます。 むくみが取れてフェイスラインがスッキリしました。 一人一人のお客様を大切になさるプライベートエステのため、落ち着いて施術を受けたい方向けでしょうか。
Thanks to the experienced owner therapist, you can always have a good time. As a result, daily care became easier because he generously gave me advice on appropriate customized care that suits the skin condition of the day and how to keep the condition after treatment for a long time at home. The most attractive thing is the hand massage ♡ The lymphatic flow is improved, and the facial effect feels immediate. The swelling was removed and the face line was refreshed. Is it for those who want to calmly receive treatment because it is a private beauty treatment salon that values ​​each and every customer?

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