Cycle Base Asahi Togane - Togane

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Base Asahi Togane

住所 :

884-2 Tama, Togane, Chiba 283-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 283-0005
Webサイト :

884-2 Tama, Togane, Chiba 283-0005, Japan
hrehg286 fea on Google

多分アルバイトの方だとは思いますが、かなり無愛想で丁寧ではない対応をする方もチラホラ見られました。まあ田舎によくある「近隣に競合店がなく一件だけポツリとあるような店の典型」という感じで、ないよりはあった方がいいけど殿様商売されても困るっていうような存在といいますか、最低限のことはやってもらえるがそれ以上でもそれ以下でもないというような地方店という感じがしました。ということで星は2.5に近い2くらいという事にしておきます。 追記:多分アルバイトではないと思われる主任的な方は流石に対応が悪くなかったので3にアップします。
I think it's a part-time job, but there were some people who were quite unfriendly and not polite. Well, it feels like "a typical store where there are no competing stores in the neighborhood and there is only one store", which is common in the countryside. I felt like a local store where you could do the minimum, but nothing more or less. So let's say that the number of stars is about 2, which is close to 2.5. Postscript: The chief person who seems not to be a part-time job is not bad at dealing with the stone, so I will increase it to 3.
みどり on Google

息子の通学用の自転車を見に行きました。 その日は雪が降っててとても寒かったので、とりあえずどんな自転車が欲しいのか、見ることを目的としてこちらを訪れました。 帰り際に、店員さんにすごい怖い顔で睨まれたので、2度と行きません‼️ 接客の仕方、会社では指導しないのでしょうか❓ 息子も私以上に怖がっていて、このお店には2度と近づかないと言ってます❗️ 睨まれた理由がわかりません。 私たちは自転車を見てただけだし、息子と楽しく笑いながら話していたのがそんなにいけないことなのか、とても疑問です。 他のお客様に迷惑をかけた覚えもないし。 店員さんの説明が不要で、一緒についてくるのを断ったから❓ とにかく怖いので、自転車の修理が必要でも、他のお店に行きます。
I went to see my son's bicycle. It was snowy that day and it was very cold, so I visited here to see what kind of bike I wanted. On the way home, the clerk was glared with a very scary face, so I will never go again. ️ How to serve customers, do you not teach at the company? My son is more afraid than me and says he will never be near this store. I don't know why I was glared. We were just watching the bike, and I'm very wondering if talking with my son laughing happily was not so bad. I don't remember bothering other customers. Because the clerk's explanation was unnecessary, he refused to accompany me. I'm scared anyway, so even if I need to repair my bike, I go to another store.
K. Hieda on Google

I bought a folding bike here. It is the heaviest bicycle I have, but when I had to put it on a bicycle parking lot at a station or a supermarket, I decided that a stand was necessary. When there was a recall, he responded politely. Normal maintenance is a model that can be done by yourself. I only go to the store to buy oil, but I think it's encouraging to have a shop with multiple bicycle specialists nearby.
s 2 on Google

2020年9月)この店舗ではこれまでも子ども用自転車を購入していますが、今回は他店購入のスポーツ自転車の修理をお願いしました。自転車屋のスタッフの対応は、正直アタリはずれが激しいのを経験的に知っています。今回は完全にアタリで、利用者に寄り添った対応をしていただきました。故障箇所以外にも、何かお困りの点は? という、かゆいところに手が届く接客でした。また、工賃もリストになっているので、個人店舗のように言い値ではなく、安心できます。ただ、修理や調整で混んでいるのか、即日対応が無理とのことで、そこだけが残念でした。あと、中央分離帯がある国道沿いの立地なので、アクセスがちょっとやっかいです。駐車場は広くてよいです。 なお、スタッフについて苦情的な口コミがあることについては、私もよくあるので理解できますが、一言声をかけて、こればダメと思ったら、別の店員に声をかけるか、あきらめるかがベターです。自転車は専門知識が必要なので、レベルの差が接客の差に直接つながります。また大手なので、具体的な苦情はサービス対応に通報するほうが、怒りが収まるかと思います。
(September 2020) I have been buying bicycles for children at this store, but this time I asked for repairs of sports bicycles purchased from other stores. Honestly, I know empirically that the response of the bicycle shop staff is very out of place. This time, it was completely atari, and we were able to respond closely to the users. What are your problems other than the faulty part? It was a customer service that could reach the itchy place. In addition, since the wages are also listed, you can rest assured that it is not the asking price like a private store. However, it was unfortunate that it was not possible to respond on the same day, probably because it was crowded with repairs and adjustments. Also, because it is located along the national highway with a median strip, access is a little difficult. The parking lot can be large. I can understand that there are complaints about the staff, as I often do, but if you say something and think that this is not good, you can either call another clerk or give up. It's better. Bicycles require specialized knowledge, so different levels are directly linked to different customer service. Also, since I am a major company, I think it would be better to report specific complaints to the service response so that my anger would subside.
高橋サービス部 on Google

スタッフが、対応が残念すぎます。 二度といかないです。カインズホームの自転車屋さんのほうが、500倍いいです。
The staff is too disappointed. I will never go again. The bike shop at Cainz Home is 500 times better.
わかな on Google

Since my house is near, I bought it several times at the Togane store and used it for puncture repairs, but the staff are not very good at it anyway. Why is it so unfriendly and looking from above? I don't want to go scared. Even when you are not serving customers, you can hear the guidance for newcomers here as well. Why is it such guidance? It can't be helped because it is such a response to customers. We recommend using the Mobara store even if it is far away. The Mobara store really responds comfortably.
Saki K. on Google

スタッフさんが分かりやすく丁寧に説明してくださって対応もとても良かった! また修理時間も早かった! 初めてここの店舗を利用するので色々心配していたが、これからも何かあったらお世話になりたいなと思った。
The staff explained it in an easy-to-understand and polite manner, and the response was very good! Also, the repair time was quick! I was worried about this because I was using this store for the first time, but I would like to continue to take care of it if something goes wrong.
Howard Barr on Google

Great selection of bicycles. Poor children and adults. Push bicycles and battery powered bicycles. They'll take your old bicycle for small fee. By the looks of it they have good after sales service.

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