Curves - Takarazuka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Curves

住所 :

1 Chome−1, Takatsukasa, Takarazuka, 〒665-0051 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879779
Postal code : 665-0051
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

1 Chome−1, Takatsukasa, Takarazuka, 〒665-0051 Hyogo,Japan
冨珠子相良 on Google

廣田綾子 on Google

A on Google

門田明子 on Google

鎌田鈴江 on Google

娘は障害があり 店長は 外面と内面が違っててガッカリでした。とても残念です
My daughter had a disability and the store manager was disappointed that the outside and inside were different. It is very disappointing
小林菜々子 on Google

カーブスで体を動かして、近くのイズミヤで買い物をして帰るのが、私の日課です! いつまでも元気でいられるように、日々コツコツ頑張ります!
It's my daily routine to move around with Curves, shop at nearby Izumiya, and go home! I will do my best every day so that I can stay healthy forever!
猫のちぃ on Google

I'm glad that the coaches always greet me cheerfully and call me by name. I get sweaty and it's fun to move the machine. I will do my best to reach my goal!
まーみー on Google

As my muscles got stronger, I got stronger. I feel refreshed after exercising. There are times when I want to skip, but thanks to the coach's voice, it seems that I can continue for a long time.

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