Curves - Fuji

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Curves

住所 :

1292-1 Tenma, Fuji, Shizuoka 419-0205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 419-0205
Webサイト :

1292-1 Tenma, Fuji, Shizuoka 419-0205, Japan
森田三枝子 on Google

入店してすぐにコーチの元気な挨拶でこちらも元気になり、明日への活力に カーブスは日課の一つです!
Immediately after entering the store, the coach's cheerful greetings made me feel better and energized for tomorrow. Curves is one of our daily routines!
佐々木佐知子 on Google

It's fun every time, and I feel that my body gets lighter every time I go.
鈴木和江 on Google

計測してきました〜〜。数字的には( ´゚д゚`)アチャーでしたが今の自分を知ることが出来て良かったです♪水分摂るぞー。
I have measured it ~ ~. Numerically, it was (´ ゚ д ゚ `) Acha, but I'm glad I got to know myself now ♪ I'll drink water.
Eri Yama on Google

It's fun to meet 3 coaches and regular members ??? Continuing muscle training will boost your immunity, so I will continue to do my best ???
番内和枝 on Google

It is best to be able to do it in a short time. It's a little difficult to attend regularly, but I enjoy doing it.
前田惠子 on Google

知らずしらずのうちに筋肉が付いていました。 この春から新1年生の向かえに歩いて往復ほぼ1.2キロしかも行きはずっと緩やかな上り坂 少々息切れはしますが脚も躰も疲れなし 普段車移動で歩きはほとんど無いにも関わらずです。これって絶対カーブスのおかげ コーチの励ましのお蔭です。これからも頑張って続けます。(60代後半)
I had muscles without knowing it. From this spring, walking toward the new first grader, a round trip of about 1.2 km, and a much gentler uphill I'm a little out of breath, but I'm not tired of my legs and body. Despite the fact that I usually move by car and hardly walk. This is thanks to Absolute Curves, thanks to the encouragement of the coach. I will continue to do my best. (Late 60s)
ゆーみん on Google

天間カーブスは可愛いコーチが3名で、毎回明るく元気に私達を迎えてくださいます。 仕事で疲れていても、カーブスに行って筋トレをした後は、元気になって帰れるような場所ですよ!毎月の計測により、自分の体の状態も把握できて、結果が良くても悪くても次への励みになります。 頑張っている人は、ダイエットも出来ていま~す。年齢層が高いですが、若い人でも自分の体を無理なく鍛えられてお薦めです。スポーツクラブのような辛い物でもなく、変な人付き合いも必要が無いので気楽に運動したい人や、短時間の筋トレにはもってこいの場所だと思います まずは気楽なきもちで体験してみては? 入会を決めるのは自分なので体験が出来るのは良いですよ~ コロナ対策も、しっかり出来ているので、心配が無いですよ!ちなみに私は65歳でーす。真面目な方ではないですが、それでも体脂肪や体重の減少が実感できていまーす。 体験は電話予約が必要ですよ!
Tenma Curves has three cute coaches who welcome us cheerfully and cheerfully every time. Even if you are tired from work, it is a place where you can get well and go home after going to Curves and doing muscle training! With monthly measurements, you can grasp your physical condition, and whether the result is good or bad, it will be an encouragement for the next. People who are doing their best can also go on a diet. Although the age group is high, it is recommended that even young people can train their bodies without difficulty. It's not a spicy thing like a sports club, and you don't have to deal with strange people, so I think it's a perfect place for people who want to exercise comfortably or for short-term muscle training. First of all, why don't you try it with a comfortable feeling? It's good to be able to experience it because it's up to you to decide to join. Corona measures are well done, so you don't have to worry! By the way, I'm 65 years old. I'm not a serious person, but I can still feel the loss of body fat and weight. You need to make a phone reservation to experience it!
後藤美奈子 on Google

Before I got into Curves, I weighed about 66 kg, but now I've lost up to 58 kg. I wanted to have a knee, but when I started to lose weight, it naturally improved. After that, I was a diabetic reserve army, but my diabetes got better. It feels great to move your body. Everyone who supports me is also very kind. I would like to continue to do so.

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