Crown - Kawaguchi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Crown

住所 :

3-19 Shibashinmachi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 333-0851

3-19 Shibashinmachi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0851, Japan
オイ松!!なんっすか? on Google

平成も飛び越え、昭和の空間‼️お店の作り、お味もお値段も昭和スタイル‼️接客もあったかい昭和‼️時間がゆっくり流れている‼️だから 、ゆったりくつろげる‼️お気に入りはCセットの昔ながらのナポリタン‼️鉄板ですって‼️
Heisei also jumped over, Showa space! ️Showa style, the taste and price of the shop! ️Warm customer service Showa !! ️ Time is flowing slowly! ️ So you can relax! ️My favorite is the old-fashioned Neapolitan of C set! ️It's an iron plate! ️
morimorimori0101 on Google

Sit on a fluffy sofa in a large air-conditioned store and drink coffee while smoking. Houseplants are placed at appropriate intervals, and chandeliers are used to illuminate the ceiling. It is a very cozy space, including the staff. The amount of food is not large, but I can't help but think that it looks and tastes like this. It is a well-known store that makes you want to make it your favorite store if you are in the local area.
さちこさちこ on Google

これぞザ☆昭和‼️な喫茶店。このゴージャスなシャンデリアが見たくて訪問しました。 ちょっとタバコの匂いが気になるけど?‍?タイムスリップ感は最高です。
This is the ☆ Showa era! ️ Coffee shop. I visited this gorgeous chandelier because I wanted to see it. I'm a little worried about the smell of cigarettes, but the feeling of time slip is the best.
Kri Khalas on Google

セットメニュー(サラダ・コーヒーor紅茶付)のC:スパゲッティー・昔ながらのナポリタンをホットコーヒーで食す【750円】。 まず、シャンデリアとらせん階段の内装空間が昭和レトロで素晴らしい。蕨と川口の境目の交通の要所に長年存在するその面構えも最高だ。 さて、ホットコーヒーは、濃厚だが酸味強めのフレッシュなもの。 ナポリタンは、昔ながらのもので濃厚で美味い。そもそも昔ながらでないナポリタンってどんなものかイメージがつかない。 このセットはボリュームはないがコスパは良いと感じる。喫煙オーケーなので非喫煙者はけむさを味わう必要があり、長居はできないだろう点をどう考えるか。
Set menu (with salad, coffee or tea) C: Spaghetti, old-fashioned Napolitan with hot coffee [750 yen]. First of all, the interior space of the chandelier and the spiral staircase is wonderful in Showa retro style. The appearance that has existed for many years at the key point of transportation at the boundary between Warabi and Kawaguchi is also the best. By the way, hot coffee is rich but fresh with a strong acidity. Napolitan is old-fashioned, rich and delicious. In the first place, I can't imagine what a non-old-fashioned Napolitan looks like. This set has no volume, but I feel that the cost performance is good. It's okay to smoke, so what do you think about the fact that non-smokers need to taste the sickness and will not be able to stay longer?
コロちゃん on Google

昭和感あふれる喫茶店。喫煙可。 店内は広々してて、客層は落ち着いた感じの方が多かった印象。 タバコ気にしない人ならレトロな雰囲気に包まれて落ち着いた時間を過ごせるかと思います。
A coffee shop full of Showa era. Smoking is allowed. The impression was that the inside of the store was spacious and the customer base was more calm. If you don't mind smoking, you can spend a calm time surrounded by a retro atmosphere.
machiko terasawa on Google

おすすめはプリンアラモードです。プリンほとんど見えません。フルーツやクリームが山盛りです。 チョコレートパフェはバニラアイスと生クリームとチョコレートソースのシンプルなものでした。 パスタはイマイチでした。 昭和ノスタルジーな内装と螺旋階段が素敵でマニアには有名らしいです。 常連のお客さんも多いようであたたかい接客をされているようでした。 タバコ吸えるお店なので喫煙される方にとっては貴重なお店だと思います。
We recommend pudding à la mode. I can hardly see the pudding. There are a lot of fruits and creams. The chocolate parfait was a simple one with vanilla ice cream, cream and chocolate sauce. The pasta was not good. Showa nostalgic interior and spiral staircase are wonderful and it seems to be famous for enthusiasts. There seemed to be many regular customers, and it seemed that they were serving warm customers. It's a shop where you can smoke, so I think it's a valuable shop for those who smoke.
グーちゃんにゃんこ on Google

とにかく店内に入るとタバコの匂いにやられる。 今時の居酒屋より煙たい。窓は少し開いてるのだけど、空調が悪いのだろう。 店内タバコが吸えるからこそ、かえって愛煙家がこぞって来るのかもね。 料理は美味しいのだけど、匂いで苦しいし、せっかくの料理が台無し。 客層は年配の人が多い。 私が頼んだ、昔ながらのナポリタンは、ケチャップたっぷりでしっかりとした味付け。昭和の人間は嬉しい。 でも、友人の食べたオムライスには、ひとかけらの肉も入ってなかった、ただのケチャップライスだった、ガッカリだと。 機会があればまた、行きたいところだけどタバコが臭くてもう、ムリ。
Anyway, when I enter the store, I get sick of the smell of cigarettes. I want to smoke more than the izakaya of today. The windows are a little open, but the air conditioning is probably bad. It may be that smokers come all the way because they can smoke in the store. The food is delicious, but the smell is painful and the food is ruined. Many of the customers are elderly. The old-fashioned Napolitan I ordered was seasoned with plenty of ketchup. Showa people are happy. However, the omelet rice that my friend ate didn't contain a piece of meat, it was just a ketchup price, and I was disappointed. If I have a chance, I'd like to go there again, but the cigarette smells so bad.
Motoya884 on Google

It is a nostalgic coffee shop full of Showa retro style.?⤴️⤴️⤴️

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