Crane Chiba Tomisato - Tomisato

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Crane Chiba Tomisato

住所 :

650ー203 Nanae, Tomisato, Chiba 286-0221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Postal code : 286-0221
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45AM–5PM
Sunday 8:45AM–5PM
Monday 9:15AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:15AM–8PM
Thursday 9:15AM–5PM
Friday 11:15AM–8PM

650ー203 Nanae, Tomisato, Chiba 286-0221, Japan
齋藤しのぶ on Google

平日会員とか、土日の会員、若い子用の会員があります。  若い子は、月々の会費も安いので土日は、学生でいっぱいです。 息子も、私も大変楽しんで通っています。
There are weekday members, weekend members, and members for young children. Young children have low monthly membership fees, so on Saturdays and Sundays, they are full of students. My son and I have a lot of fun going there.
ありあり on Google

夏休み親子無料体験で行ってきました。 良かったこと ★親切に対応してもらってわかりやすく楽しかった ★馬についてもいろんなことを教えてもらえた ★施設はきれい。駐車場も広い ★スタッフの対応良かった。予約入れた時も当日も良かったです ★子供もt楽しめました! ★体験乗馬後厩舎も案内してもらえた、ー厩舎も清潔でした。 ★馬、むちゃくちゃ良かったです。競走馬、引退したりレースに出れない馬はこういうところにいるというのも初めて知りました。 微妙なところ ★仕方ないですが乗馬、経済的に続けるのは難しい ★無料体験といっても用具のレンタル代が高め ★勧誘に一生懸命なのが伝わってくる。まあ、そのための体験ってところもあるのでしょうけど。。 ★継続は難しく、やはり乗馬ってある程度お金のある人じゃないとできないんだなぁ、と改めて料金表など見て感じました。ただし、家族で入会すると二人目は入会金がかからないとかそういう優待もあるそうです。 はじめての経験で興味も持つことができました。いつか余裕ができたら続けてみたいです。
I went for a free trial for parents and children during the summer vacation. Good thing ★ It was fun and easy to understand because they were kind to me ★ I learned a lot about horses ★ The facility is clean. Large parking lot ★ The staff was very helpful. It was good both when I made a reservation and on the day ★ Children also enjoyed it! ★ After the experience riding, I was guided to the stables, and the stables were clean. ★ The horse was really good. For the first time, I learned that there are racehorses and horses that cannot retire or race. Subtleties ★ It can't be helped, but riding is difficult to continue economically ★ Even though it is a free trial, the rental fee for equipment is high ★ I can tell that you are working hard to solicit. Well, there may be some experiences for that. .. ★ It's difficult to continue, and I felt once again when I saw the price list that I couldn't do horseback riding unless I had some money. However, if you join as a family member, there are some special treatments such as no admission fee for the second person. It was my first experience and I was also interested in it. I would like to continue if I can afford it someday.
akane 600 on Google

乗馬体験をしてきました。 体験前に5分程度のビデオを観せてもらえるので、馬と接する際の注意事項を学べるのかと思いきや、単なる乗馬の雰囲気の紹介VTR。 実際の乗馬では、明るい喋り方のインストラクターが横について乗り方を指導してくれます。 ……が、口頭での説明なので初心者には分かりにくかったです。 乗馬体験後は入会する前提での勧誘攻撃が始まります。 口八丁の軽い嘘も交えながら入会金割引等をチラつかせて長い時間拘束されます。 先程まで優しい雰囲気を醸し出していたインストラクターも、このタイミングで鬼の形相しながら迫る営業マンへと変貌します。 乗馬をして楽しかった気分はここで一気に冷めます。 単なる習い事としてならこちらの施設でも良いかもしれませんが、馬のことを知りたい方や、本格的な乗馬指導を受けたい方にはお勧め出来ません。
I have had a horse riding experience. You can watch a video of about 5 minutes before the experience, so I wonder if you can learn the precautions when interacting with horses, just an introduction VTR of the atmosphere of horse riding. In actual horse riding, a bright speaking instructor will teach you how to ride sideways. …… But it was difficult for beginners to understand because it was an oral explanation. After the riding experience, a solicitation attack will start on the premise of joining. You will be detained for a long time with a flickering admission fee discount, etc., including a light lie of Kuchihaccho. The instructor, who had created a gentle atmosphere until earlier, will be transformed into a salesman who approaches while looking like a demon at this timing. The feeling of having fun riding a horse cools down here. This facility may be fine as a mere lesson, but it is not recommended for those who want to know about horses or who want to receive full-scale horse riding instruction.
Takeshi M on Google

2021年2月20日に訪問。都心からは渋滞がなければ1時間かからないくらいで着きます…最寄りの出口は酒々井なので行楽日は酒々井のアウトレット渋滞に注意が必要かも。 クラブハウスは新しく清潔です。受付スタッフも丁寧かつフレンドリーです。 イントラさんの馬への愛をじんわりと感じました。レッスンもとても親切です。
Visited on February 20, 2021. It takes less than an hour from the city center if there is no traffic jam ... The nearest exit is Shisui, so you may need to be careful about traffic jams at the outlets of Shisui on holidays. The clubhouse is new and clean. The reception staff is also polite and friendly. I felt the love of Intra for horses. The lessons are also very kind.
K Y on Google

体験で行きました。 インストラクターのお姉さんはすごく優しくて丁寧に教えてくれました。 また馬への愛がこちらにも伝わりほっこりしました。 他の方も書いている通り勧誘は確かにありますが体験した以上勧めるのは当たり前かなと思います。 あれだけの規模感の施設で馬の数も多いので維持費が高い分、入会金や継続していくには料金が高いのもわかりますが今の私には払えないので…(笑) もしお金持ちになったらもう一度乗りたいです。。
I went by experience. The instructor's sister taught me very kindly and politely. Also, my love for horses was transmitted to me and I felt relaxed. As other people have written, there are certainly solicitations, but I think it is natural to recommend them as long as they have experienced them. Since there are many horses in a facility of that scale, the maintenance fee is high, so I understand that the admission fee and the fee to continue are high, but I can not pay it now ... (laugh) If I get rich, I want to ride again. ..
そひ on Google

乗馬体験に誘われ全く興味は無かったのですがお付き合いで行きました。施設はとても立派で綺麗でした。 説明や同意書を記入し装備を合わせてもらいトレーナーさんが付ききちんとレクチャーを受けながら乗馬する事ができました。 馬はとても賢くとても可愛く良い体験ができました!! ただ……。。 勧誘どーにかなりませんか? 必死なのは分かりますが、入会しますと言うまで永遠続きそうでした。 体験で行かれる方はっきりとNO!!と言えない方はしんどいかもです。 それさえ無ければ良い体験が出来るよーってお勧め出来ますが勧誘の酷さに周りにお勧めは絶対しません。
I was invited to a horseback riding experience and wasn't interested at all, but I went out with a friend. The facility was very nice and clean. I filled out the explanation and consent form, had the equipment matched, and the trainer was able to ride while receiving a proper lecture. The horse was very smart and very cute and had a good experience! !! However……. .. Isn't it quite a solicitation? I know I'm desperate, but it seemed like it would last forever until I said I would join. Those who go by experience Clearly NO! !! Those who cannot say that may be tough. I can recommend that you can have a good experience without it, but I will never recommend it to others due to the severity of the solicitation.
Land Rover on Google

Good Lessons and trainers!
natalia kostrikova on Google

Very good equestrian club.

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