Coop Nagano Nagano Inasato - Nagano

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Coop Nagano Nagano Inasato

住所 :

3 Chome-38-1 Inasatomachi Chuo, Nagano, 381-2217, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 381-2217
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8PM
Friday 9:30AM–8PM

3 Chome-38-1 Inasatomachi Chuo, Nagano, 381-2217, Japan
山本浩明 on Google

Although it is a supermarket where you can buy the goods of a corp, it is a standard store size. The cash register is a semi-self-service cashier who pays for it and pays it yourself ☺️
torara tora on Google

品揃えは少ない、お客様も少ない。 利用者が少ないためか、割引商品多い。 近隣にスーパーが多いので、 夕方から夜にかけて他店で買い物後、 割引商品目当てに行くくらい。 少ない利点の一つと思うのは、 夜21時まで営業していること。 店頭で勧められてポイントカードを作ると、 「コープデリ」とか宅配サービスから しつこくDMが届く。 カードを作る際に貰う約款に グループ会社への個人情報提供について 記載無し。 再三申し入れているがDMを止めてもらえない。
There are few products and few customers. There are many discount products because there are few users. There are many supermarkets nearby, After shopping at other stores from evening to night, Just go for discounted products. I think one of the few advantages is Open until 21:00. If you make a point card recommended at the store, From "Coop Deli" or home delivery service A persistent DM arrives. In the contract that you get when making a card Provision of personal information to group companies No description. I have applied repeatedly, but I can not stop DM.
あわこ on Google

I used it for the first time. Perhaps it is common to bring a shopping bag because of the store's efforts, and there is no atmosphere to say that you should buy a shopping bag, and regular people are nice, but some people use it for the first time. The whole flow was cold and it felt bad.
型零 on Google

以前利用した時のことです。 レジ袋のシステムを知らなかったため、会計時に「袋はいりません。テープで大丈夫です。」とお伝えしたところ、レジの女性店員に「元々そういうシステムなので」と睨まれました。確かに知らないで言ったこちら側にも非はありますが、親切心から申し出たのにこのような態度を取られ本当に残念でした。
It was when I used it before. I didn't know the shopping bag system, so at the checkout, I told her, "I don't need a bag. It's OK to use tape." Although there is a mistake on this side that I certainly did not know, I was really disappointed to take such an attitude even though I offered it kindly.
M sS on Google

This is a physical store where you can buy original Coop products. The aisle may be a little narrow because we are careful when passing each other. Semi self-checkout is introduced. By purchasing the target product, you can get a ◯○ yen discount ticket that can be used next time for the same product. The assortment of fresh vegetables is good, so just looking at it is fun. I don't see frozen domestic meat in other places, but I like it because it's easy to use. After all, it's not particularly cheap, but the best thing about me is that you can choose a product of safety quality.
A mM on Google

Although the parking lot is large, it is full of families on weekends. There are many parents with small children, so I think it's a good idea to give them care. The items in the corner where the vegetables of local producers are lined up are small quantities of other varieties, and although they are not uniform compared to the standard vegetables from the large production areas, they have a strong taste and are not stressed. I feel good. The delicatessen is not very seasoned and you can feel a little more secure than the ones at convenience stores. Personally, the most attractive thing is the clerk, who is not good at serving customers, such as looking at each person's face and talking to them rather than doing it well, and remembering the conversation a little before. It may be annoying, but I like it because it's not mechanical.
masataka murata on Google

店内、通路も広くとても明るい雰囲気☀️です。品数も豊富で楽しい買い物ができますよ((o(*゚∀゚*)o)) wife曰く、醤油や鮭ソボロ等々!コープの製品がお気に入りのようで使い終わると買いに行かされます?
The inside of the store has a wide aisle and a very bright atmosphere ☀️. There are plenty of items and you can enjoy shopping ((o (* ゚ ∀ ゚ *) o)) My wife says soy sauce, salmon soboro, etc.! Coop's products seem to be my favorites and I'm sent to buy them when I'm done with them ?
のら猫Stray cat on Google

品揃えはほぼ周辺の他店と同じくらい、価格も西友さんと互角かな。 惣菜各種、おにぎり廉価版と上等なの、色々揃っていました。 店員さんが盛んにいらっしゃいませと声を掛けていました。クレジットカード使用可。
The product lineup is almost the same as other stores around, and the price is comparable to Seiyu. There were various side dishes, rice balls, low-priced version and good ones. The clerk was calling out to visit me. Credit cards accepted.

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