4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Shinmeicho, Kasugai, 〒486-0942 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 486-0942
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Shinmeicho, Kasugai, 〒486-0942 Aichi,Japan
中さん on Google

コーヒー豆の匂いがして 気持ちが落ち着くコーヒー屋さん☺️ 手作りのどら焼きが、砂糖未使用でも甘くて美味しかった?
It smells like coffee beans A calming coffee shop ☺️ The handmade dorayaki was sweet and delicious even without sugar ?
大橋靜 on Google

新しいお店を、オープンされたと聞いたので?。? お邪魔してきました? 素敵な、古民家。??ゆっくり、まったり?。?美味しいコーヒー。お茶うけのおかしも、美味しかったです?? 次男を連れて、また、行きたいなと、思います!?
I heard that a new store has opened ?. ? I've been bothering you ? A nice old folk house. ?? Slowly and relaxed ?. ? Delicious coffee. The tea ceremony was also delicious ?? I would like to go again with my second son! ?
はるジョ! on Google

味の雰囲気を伝えただけで自分好みのコーヒーを入れてくれる。 コスパ最高です。もうコメダやシルビアのまずいコーヒーは飲めない。 テイクアウト可。 落ち着いた雰囲気、内装で静かな店内。 ペチャクチャお喋りには不向きかな…一人で行きたいお店。
Just tell me the taste of the atmosphere and you can have your favorite coffee. Cospa is the best. I can no longer drink Komada or Sylvia's bad coffee. Take out is possible. Calm atmosphere, interior, quiet shop interior. It is not suitable for pecha Kucha ... A shop you want to go alone.
boro 8 on Google

It's a relaxing space, and it's fun to talk about coffee with the master.
石川稔子 on Google

時がゆっくり流れる場所です。 飲みくらべコーヒーとチーズケーキ ゆっくりと頂きました。
It is a place where time flows slowly. Compared to drinking coffee and cheesecake I received it slowly.
まきまき海苔巻き on Google

The names of coffee are morning, noon, and evening, and it looks like miso soup, which is interesting, but depending on what you usually drink, coffee or tea, I recommended that you do this 10. Is the place here! It may be exciting to squint and find it 10.
Yuri on Google

オーナーさんの人柄に心温まる古民家カフェ。こちらで飲めるコーヒーは全てスペシャリティのお豆で、好みの味やその時の気分を伝えるとオーナーさんが丁寧におすすめを伝えてくれます。食事系はありませんが、種類豊富なチーズケーキが絶品です。 ✏︎ ブログも書いていますので、詳しく知りたい方は「COFFEE POLITE matomedia」で覗いてみてください♩
An old folk house cafe that warms the owner's personality. All the coffee you can drink here is specialty beans, and the owner will politely recommend you if you tell us your favorite taste and mood at that time. There is no meal system, but a wide variety of cheesecakes are excellent. ✏︎ I also write a blog, so if you want to know more, please take a look at "COFFEE POLITE mato media" ♩
Aya H (meotoki) on Google

A shop just past the condominium. When you open the front door, which makes a nostalgic sound, you will be surrounded by the scent of coffee. A space where a relaxing air flows. The music is relaxing, and the owner's gentle demeanor, voice, tone, and space are all gently wrapped. With a polite menu explanation, you will have a cake, sable, and coffee. All were delicious and satisfying. The parking lot is about 3 minutes on foot and costs ¥ 300 / day. It is also recommended for one person.

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