Coco's Restaurant - Sendai

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Coco's Restaurant

住所 :

Saibee-58 Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 981-3111
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–2AM
Sunday 7AM–2AM
Monday 10AM–2AM
Tuesday 10AM–2AM
Wednesday 10AM–2AM
Thursday 10AM–2AM
Friday 10AM–2AM

Saibee-58 Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3111, Japan
山田年樹 on Google

たまに朝食バイキングに行きますが値段も少しUPしていました。 質より量‼️と言う方にはいいかも。
I sometimes go to breakfast buffet, but the price was a little higher. Quantity rather than quality! It may be good for those who say ️.
水稀遥 on Google

暑かったので、期間限定(スイカのふわふわかき氷)を頼みました。 スイカの味が薄いかと思いましたが、結構しっかり味がして満足です。
It was hot, so I ordered a limited time offer (watermelon fluffy ice cream). I thought the taste of watermelon was light, but I was satisfied with the taste.
菅原恵美 on Google

I got it at half price for a limited time. It was fluffy and delicious.
RAIMU on Google

The response of the female clerk whose last name starts with N was too terrible. When I asked about the payment method, I was treated with a very disgusting face. I was the same clerk at the time of payment, but anyway, it was unfriendly and there was no greeting on the way home. I'm sorry that it was a review for a specific clerk, but it was really overwhelming, so I took this opportunity to write it. The taste is neither good nor bad.
矢作真也 on Google

初めて朝食バイキングを利用しました‼️ 主食はカレー?うどん?パスタ?ワカメご飯?など メインオカズはウインナー入りポトフ、麻婆豆腐、白身魚フライ、スクランブルエッグなど その他はポテトサラダ、野菜類、ヨーグルト、イチゴゼリー、クロワッサン、ワッフル、味噌汁、ミネストローネなど…‼️ いろいろ食べれて800円は安いのかなと思います‼️ また来ます‼️
I used the breakfast buffet for the first time! ️ The staple food is curry ? udon ? pasta ? seaweed rice ? etc. The main side dishes are pot-au-feu with sausage, mapo tofu, fried white fish, scrambled eggs, etc. Others include potato salad, vegetables, yogurt, strawberry jelly, croissants, waffles, miso soup, minestrone, etc ... ️ I think that 800 yen is cheap because you can eat various things! ️ I'll come back later! ️
けろよん on Google

I got the takeaway pizza because it was half price. It got cold because of Bessho, but it was delicious. Next time I would like to eat while it is hot.
まあみん on Google

入店時店員さんと目が合いましたが、忙しかったのか挨拶なし。私達は入口にただ立って待ってました。しばらくするとようやく「何名様ですか〜? 」とやってきて案内して頂きましたが、ウロウロして結局一番奥の席にて「ここでも良いですか〜? 」って。やっと着席しました。 しばらく行ってませんでしたが、オーダーがタッチパネルになってました。 お冷等も自分で持ってくるスタイルです。店員さんは後からカトラリーを持ってきます。置き方もちょっと、、、。 タッチパネルでさっさと注文しますが料理提供は遅めです。 トイレにて手洗い場の蛇口の水がチョロチョロ出てました。メンテナンスが必要ですね。 お料理は大変美味しかったです。ごちそう様でした。
When I entered the store, I met the clerk, but I didn't say hello because I was busy. We just stood and waited at the entrance. After a while, I finally came to ask "How many people?", But after all, I wandered around and asked "Is it okay here?" At the back seat. I was finally seated. I haven't been there for a while, but the order is now on the touch panel. It is a style that you bring your own cold. The clerk will bring the cutlery later. How to put it is also a little ... I order quickly on the touch panel, but the food is served late. The water from the faucet in the restroom was coming out in the bathroom. Maintenance is required. The food was very good. thank you for the food.
宮本真由美 on Google

雪だるまロールケーキ半額のクーポンを貰ってため 食べに行きました。 早い時間帯だったので人もまばらで窓側の席でのんびり美味しくいただきました。 今度はいちごフェア行ってみたいです。 みなさんもどうぞ❤️
I went to eat because I got a coupon for half price of snowman roll cake. Because it was an early time, the people were sparse and the seats on the window side were relaxing and delicious. I want to go to the strawberry fair this time. Everyone please ❤️

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