元住吉 雪月花 四季整体

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 元住吉 雪月花 四季整体

住所 :

Kizuki, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0025 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Webサイト : https://shikiseitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–2PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kizuki, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0025 Kanagawa,Japan
Fuku Dai on Google

元々肩こりが酷かったのが在宅勤務で悪化したため、通い始めたところすっきりした身体と気持ちで仕事ができるようになりました! 毎回色々なお話も聞いていただき、身体だけではなく精神面でも支えていただいてありがとうございます☺️ コロナ禍で様々なところに不調が出ている方は、是非一度お試しください✨
Originally my stiff shoulders got worse when I worked from home, so when I started going to work, I was able to work with a clean body and feelings! Thank you for listening to various stories every time and supporting me not only physically but also mentally ☺️ If you are having trouble with Corona, please try it once.
まつ on Google

長年放置していた肩こり・首こりを改善したく、こちらの整体に通いました。 きちんと状況や体調に合わせた施術をしてくださり、姿勢などのアドバイスをくださり、みるみる改善していく実感があります! 女性専用ということで安心ですし、古川先生も優しく、おすすめの整体院です。
I went to this manipulative treatment because I wanted to improve the stiff shoulders and neck that had been left unattended for many years. He / she gives me the treatment according to the situation and physical condition, and gives me advice such as posture, and I feel that I will improve it! It is safe because it is exclusively for women, and Mr. Furukawa is also kind, so it is a recommended manipulative clinic.
sa m on Google

痛くなく、的確にほぐしてくださる施術はもとより、丁寧に話を聞いてもらえるのが嬉しくて通わせていただいてます。 他の場所ではそれほど話をしたいタイプではないのですが、安心できるお人柄のおかげだと思います。 目、肩を酷使してしまうため、定期的にメンテしてもらっています。
It doesn't hurt, and I'm glad to hear the story carefully, not to mention the treatment that will loosen it accurately. I'm not the type I want to talk to in other places, but I think it's because of my reassuring personality. I have my eyes and shoulders overworked, so I have them regularly maintained.
山田梨乃 on Google

You can always refresh yourself and go home by listening to the story slowly while performing the treatment carefully. It is a place where you can relax both your mind and body.
Nana on Google

最初は腰痛をどうにか治したい、という思いで行きました。施術を通して自分では気づけない身体の不調等について丁寧にご説明頂けるので、自分自身の身体としっかりと向き合うキッカケにもなりました。 今後も定期的に施術をお願いしたいと思います。
At first, I wanted to get rid of my back pain. Through the treatment, you can carefully explain the physical problems that you do not notice, so it was also a good opportunity to face your own body firmly. I would like to ask you to perform the treatment regularly in the future.
* PRM on Google

友人の紹介で知りました。 肩や腰に不調を感じながらも整体=痛い、という印象が強くなかなか定着しなかったのですが、こちらは体の状態をみて加減したり整えてくださるので、安心して通わせていただいています。 痛みもだいぶ軽減しましたし、通ううちに、コンプレックスだった肩や脇の張りが改善したのも嬉しかったです。1対1でゆっくり話も聞いてくださるので、緊張しやすい方にもおすすめかと思います。
I learned from a friend's introduction. Although I felt something wrong with my shoulders and lower back, I had a strong impression that manipulative treatment = pain, but it didn't take root easily. The pain was alleviated, and I was happy that the shoulder and armpit tension, which was a complex, improved as I went. They will listen to you one-on-one, so I think it's recommended for people who tend to get nervous.
645 on Google

I had a lot of pain in my back and neck and shoulders, and it was hard for me to sit and lie down, so I thought I might have a good manipulative treatment, and I arrived at Shiki Seitai. In addition to physical pain, I was able to improve my physical condition in about half a year after consulting with me about ways to improve sleep quality and how to eat. The teacher's personality is also friendly and kind, so every time I go, I get energized! It is a manipulative clinic that I want to keep in touch with for a long time.
Tomoko Suzuki on Google

在宅勤務が続き腰痛悪化と自律神経を崩し気味なのをきっかけに整体を探していたところ、四季整体に出会いました。 施術後、体全体がとっても軽くなり魔法のようです♪ 丁寧に優しく必要なことを教えてくださり、自分の体なのに全くわかっていなかったんだなぁと痛感しました。 毎回寄り添って悩みなどを聞いていただき癒されます。いつもありがとございます! 体と向き合うことで不調を少しずつ改善していきたいと思います!
When I was looking for a manipulative treatment because I continued to work from home and my back pain worsened and my autonomic nerves were broken, I came across four seasons manipulative treatment. After the treatment, the whole body becomes very light and magical ♪ He politely and kindly taught me what I needed, and I realized that I didn't understand it at all even though it was my body. You will be healed by listening to your worries every time. Thank you for always! I would like to improve my illness little by little by facing my body!

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