アイプリモ 横浜元町店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アイプリモ 横浜元町店

Motomachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0861 Kanagawa,Japan
さき on Google

予約なしで伺ったにも関わらず丁寧にご案内していただきました。 商品1つ1つにもストーリーがあり、デザインも商品のストーリーも自分達にぴったりものをご提案いただきました。 結婚指輪のお店は4店舗ほど見ましたが、ここが1番接客も良く、ダイヤモンドの輝きも品があって本当に良いと思った指輪を買えました。ありがとうございました。
Even though I visited without a reservation, I was kindly guided. Each product has its own story, and we asked them to propose the perfect design and product story for us. I saw about 4 wedding ring shops, but I was able to buy a ring that I thought was really good because it had the best customer service and the brilliance of diamonds. Thank you very much.
mii on Google

指輪探しに5店舗ほど回り、アイプリモさんに決めました。 ①色々なデザイン(メンズにもデザイン性のあるものがあった) ②アフターサービスの種類の豊富さ・充実さ(万が一紛失した際のサービスが1番強かった) ③担当して頂いた方の、接客サービスが1番良かった(無駄なく、こちらが求めている情報を沢山頂けた) 何より自分好みのデザインがあり、 指輪のコンセプト、込められた意味もバッチリ一致し、運命的なものを感じました。 店内の清潔さや雰囲気もとても良かったです。 指輪探しで迷っている方がいらっしゃれば、お勧め致します。 指輪は勿論ですが、指輪選びの時間も非常に楽しく 一生忘れられない思い出になりました! 本当にありがとうございました。
I went to about 5 stores to look for a ring and decided on Ai Primo. ①Various designs (Men also had designs) (2) Abundance and abundance of after-sales services (The service in case of loss was the strongest) ③ The customer service of the person in charge was the best (I got a lot of information that I was looking for without waste) Above all, I have a design that I like The concept of the ring and the meaning of the ring matched perfectly, and I felt fateful. The cleanliness and atmosphere inside the store was also very good. If you are wondering how to find a ring, we recommend it. Not to mention the ring, the time to choose the ring is also very fun It's a memory I'll never forget! I'm really thankful to you.
ああ on Google

The correspondence of the clerk was good. It was easy to consult and I was able to decide on a ring happily. In addition, after-sales service is solid, so you can rest assured. Thank you very much.
隋颖 on Google

I examined various places, but when I visited the Ai Primo Yokohama Honmachi store, the experience was the best. The staff explained very kindly. We asked foreigners who do not understand the technical terms to explain in an easy-to-understand manner. It was the best shopping. Give the staff a perfect score.
Shi Ken on Google

結婚指輪を探して銀座含めて5店舗まわりましたが、 お値段、接客、アフターサービス、納期の短さ含めて アイプリモさんに決めました。 個人的に指輪のコンセプトに思い入れができた点も良かったです。 特にアフターサービスは他店に比べて桁違いでした。 他店回る上でも参考基準になる部分が多いと思うので 1度は立ち寄るとこをおすすめします。
I went to 5 stores including Ginza looking for a wedding ring, Including price, customer service, after-sales service, and short delivery time I decided on Ai Primo. It was also good that I was able to personally think about the concept of the ring. In particular, after-sales service was an order of magnitude higher than other stores. I think that there are many parts that can be used as reference standards when visiting other stores. We recommend that you stop by once.
SYM Wang on Google

インターネット上の情報がありすぎて、 色々迷いましたけど、 デザインとアフターサービスを含めて検討し、最終的にはこちらで結婚指輪購入しました。 綺麗に仕上げましたし、スタッフの対応もすごく丁寧です。 良い体験になりました。
There is too much information on the internet I was at a loss, but After considering the design and after-sales service, I finally bought a wedding ring here. It's beautifully finished and the staff are very polite. It was a good experience.
髙木円香 on Google

結婚指輪を作りたくて事前にネットで見てから来店しました。 あらかじめ欲しいデザインは決めていましたが、お店で見たらまた違った印象でどれも可愛かったです。 結局事前に決めていたものとは違う指輪にしました。 接客してくれた方も私たちの好きなデザインから他の指輪もおすすめしてくれたり、迷っていたらいろんな提案をして選べるようにしてくれました。 素敵な指輪が見つかってよかったです。
I came to the store after seeing it online in advance because I wanted to make a wedding ring. I had decided on the design I wanted in advance, but when I saw it at the store, it gave me a different impression and it was all cute. After all, I made a ring different from the one I had decided in advance. The people who served us also recommended other rings from our favorite designs, and if we were at a loss, we made various suggestions so that we could choose. I'm glad I found a nice ring.
Maja on Google

一生物のお買い物なので、購入時の金額やデザインだけでなく保証の内容も重視して指輪探しをしていました。 たくさん相談にのっていただいて、大満足のお買い物ができました! いくつか別のブランドのお店も見てまわったのですが、アフターサービスの手厚さは間違いなくアイプリモさんがダントツだと思います(*´◒`*) また、アイプリモさんは全国各地に店舗があるそうなので、メンテナンスや受け取りがどこにいてもできるのも魅力的だと感じました!
Since this is a one-of-a-kind shopping, I was looking for a ring with an emphasis not only on the price and design at the time of purchase but also on the content of the guarantee. We received a lot of consultation and were very satisfied with the shopping! I also visited shops of several different brands, but I think that Ai Primo is definitely the best after-sales service (* ´◒` *). Also, Ai Primo seems to have stores all over the country, so I found it attractive to be able to perform maintenance and pick-up anywhere!

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