3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Benten, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0901 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Niigata

Benten, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0901 Niigata,Japan
髙橋由理 on Google

もう二度と行きたくないですね。地下にあるのはだいたいのライブハウスは当たり前なんですが、あまりにも地下って感じで気分的にくら〜くなります。それだけでも嫌なのに…トイレが汚い… せめてトイレだけでもきれいに明るい雰囲気にしてくれると助かります!
I do not want to go there again. Most of the live houses in the basement are commonplace, but it feels like being too underground feeling moodily. Even though it is disgusting alone, the toilet is dirty ... At the very least it will be helpful if it makes the bright atmosphere clean even with the toilet!
おかり on Google

コインロッカーはありません。 入場待ちで時間潰すのに近くに手頃な店、コンビニが無いのが痛いです。 自分的には離れてるけど駅前のヨドバシが良さげです。 駐車場は歩きますが線路を挟んで向こう側の方が安いです。 最前でも音離れが良くて最高でした。
There is no coin locker. It is painful that there is no affordable store near the convenience store near the time to crush the time in the waiting for entry. I am apart from myself, but Yodobashi in front of the station is good. The parking lot will walk but the way over there is cheaper. Even in the forefront, sound separation was good and it was the highest.
佐々木みょ on Google

I often go to the live because the lighting is beautiful and the sound quality is good. I am happy that the drink is 300 yen.
佐伯裕也 on Google

Corona infection countermeasures were perfect and I was able to watch the live with peace of mind.
ぱんきー on Google

フロア前方が得意で無い人で も、後方が20センチメートル位高いのでよく見えます
People who are not good at the front of the floor However, it looks good because the back is about 20 cm higher.
ぴーこまTV BFK on Google

新潟でバンドやるなら避けては通れないライブハウス。 PAさんの腕も良いと思います。 お客さん目線だと、ちょっと怖くて入りづらいかも。
A live house that you can't avoid if you play a band in Niigata. I think PA's skill is also good. From the customer's point of view, it may be a little scary and difficult to enter.
うっちゅ〜 on Google

新潟駅から徒歩圏内。 スタッフさんがとても親切です。 ステージとフロアの距離もちょうどよくて見やすいです。 クローク300円、ドリンク300円(アルコールは500円) 最前割313
Walking distance from Niigata station. The staff is very kind. The distance between the stage and the floor is just right and easy to see. Cloak 300 yen, drink 300 yen (alcohol is 500 yen) Front discount 313
Елена Гецевич on Google

excellent concert hall???

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