快活CLUB 郡山桑野店 - Koriyama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 快活CLUB 郡山桑野店

住所 :

4 Chome-2-2 Kuwano, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Postal code : 963-8025
Webサイト : https://www.kaikatsu.jp/shop/detail/20162.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

4 Chome-2-2 Kuwano, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8025, Japan
kcじjし jkみっk on Google

Around 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, if the front parking lot and the second parking lot were full and I couldn't find the other parking lots, a woman came out of the store and took the trouble to guide me. It was very cold outside. It made me very happy after a long time. Thank you very much. I will use it again.
Ki on Google

なんかロビーに入った瞬間からめちゃ臭いです何の匂いかはよくわかりませんが変な匂い… あと、他店舗では1人が会員登録していれば連れも入れたのにこの店舗では全員がそれぞれ会員登録しなくてはいけないと言われた。 その場合その場で会員登録しないと伝票が会員と非会員で別々に切られる。元からこういった仕様??謎。
It smells really bad from the moment I enter the lobby. I don't know what it smells, but it smells strange ... Also, at other stores, if one person had registered as a member, I could bring them in, but at this store, everyone had to register as a member. In that case, if you do not register as a member on the spot, the slip will be cut separately for members and non-members. Originally such specifications? ?? A mystery.
山田やまお on Google

店の前の駐車スペースでは無い所に止める車を注意して欲しいと伝えるが、「分かりました」と言ってそのまま。 数時間滞在し、外に出たら同じ車種、ナンバーのやつが止まっていたので何も対処していないのは確実。 実際、店の前の駐車場が空いていると思って入ってた車が、満車でバックで隣の青木の前まで戻っている場面もあった。 皆さんも立ち寄った際には気を付けてください。 また、迷惑駐車を見かけたら定員さんに言ってみてはどうでしょう?多くの声が集まれば駐車場を増やしたり、注意してくれると思います。
I told him to be careful about the car parked in a place other than the parking space in front of the store, but he said "OK" and left it as it was. I stayed for a few hours, and when I went outside, the one with the same model and number was stopped, so I'm sure I haven't dealt with anything. In fact, there was a scene where the car that I entered thinking that the parking lot in front of the store was vacant was full and returned to the front of Aoki next door. Please be careful when you stop by. Also, if you see annoying parking, why don't you tell the capacity? If many voices are gathered, I think that they will increase the parking lot and be careful.
yayoi igarashi on Google

宿泊のために利用。完全個室を利用したので、安いビジネスホテル並みの料金ではあったものの、時間に縛られないし、コミックが読める付加価値は大きい。個室も完全防音なので周りのいびきとかの騒音もない。もちろん鍵付き。 ただ、個室の中での飲食が禁止なので、そこは微妙。
Used for accommodation. Since we used a completely private room, the price was similar to that of a cheap business hotel, but it was not tied to time and the added value of reading comics was great. The private room is also completely soundproof, so there is no noise such as snoring around. Of course with a key. However, eating and drinking in a private room is prohibited, so that is delicate.
ATSタウリ on Google

綺麗だし店員も良かったのだが、店内レイアウトが独特で鍵付き個室が僻地にあり、ドリンクバーが非常に遠い。さらに入口付近の飲み放題カフェは、近くの喫煙所からにおいが漏れていることがある。鍵付き個室に泊まるなら結構使いにくい構造になってしまっている。さらに、トイレも一階の鍵付き個室エリアのものは、洋式一つしかない。 おまけに、南福島のより高かった
It was beautiful and the clerk was nice, but the layout inside the store is unique, there is a private room with a key in a remote area, and the drink bar is very far away. In addition, the all-you-can-drink cafe near the entrance may leak odors from nearby smoking areas. If you stay in a private room with a key, the structure is quite difficult to use. In addition, there is only one Western-style toilet in the private room area with a key on the first floor. Besides, it was higher in Minami-Fukushima
さとーよーた on Google

毎度毎度お世話になってます 知り合いがたまにいるけどそんなの関係ない 大きな声で歌って、気の済むまで漫画読んで、死ぬほど食って、寝て… 不健康最高? 朝のモーニングは6時から10時頃まで食パンとポテトが食べ放題です☀ソフトクリームは元から食べ放題? 全国の快活行ってるけど、他の店舗は遊び特化!宿泊特化!なとこも多い中、 ここはカラオケ、ビリヤード、鍵付き個室、シャワールーム、コインランドリーもそろってるオールラウンダータイプ! しかもカラオケは当たりの部屋に入るととっても音質が良い? 漫画も種類豊富!の割に棚のレイアウトが見やすくて探しやすい 道路沿いでもないから割かし静か(音漏れはする) 飲み放題カフェはブース並の快適さ! 完璧だね? トイレが以前はめっちゃ臭かったんだけど、最近は改善しました ありがとう店員さん! 1人だけ苦手な店員さんいるけど、ほかの店員さんはめっちゃ優しくてアットホームな雰囲気✨ デメリットと言えば駐車場が少ないことかな あと違法駐車もあるようで入店時にナンバーを伝える必要があります あちこち行ってるけどやっぱりここが1番いい? まぁ地元だしな☺ ここが私のアナザーハウス
I am indebted to you every time I have acquaintances once in a while, but it doesn't matter Sing loudly, read manga until you're satisfied, eat to death, sleep ... Unhealthy best ? All-you-can-eat bread and potatoes from 6am to 10am in the morning ☀ All-you-can-eat soft serve ice cream ? We go lively all over the country, but other stores specialize in play! Accommodation specialization! While there are many things, This is an all-rounder type with karaoke, billiards, a private room with a key, a shower room, and a coin laundry! Moreover, the sound quality of karaoke is very good when you enter the room ? A wide variety of manga! The layout of the shelves is easy to see and find for the sake of It's not along the road, so it's quiet (sound leaks) The all-you-can-drink cafe is as comfortable as a booth! It's perfect ? The toilet used to smell really bad, but recently it has improved. Thank you clerk! There is only one clerk who is not good at it, but the other clerk has a very kind and cozy atmosphere ✨ The disadvantage is that there are few parking lots. There seems to be illegal parking, so you need to tell the number when you enter the store. I'm going here and there, but this is the best ? Well, it's local ☺ This is my another house
Luciano Dutra on Google

Pricey and not that gaijin friendly. There are better options.
Gagan Makhija on Google

Good place for reading and using net in peace with affordable and fast food service and free drinks. Soft cream machine out of order sometimes. Cheaper than station shop

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