快活CLUB 八戸沼館店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 快活CLUB 八戸沼館店

住所 :

Numadate, Hachinohe, 〒031-0071 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787988
Webサイト : https://www.kaikatsu.jp/shop/detail/20114.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Aomori

Numadate, Hachinohe, 〒031-0071 Aomori,Japan
青いハオルチア on Google

飲み放題カフェエリアは比較的空いてるので安心して利用出来ました。 店員同士の私語が結構聞こえます。せめて控室とかでした方がいいと思いますよ。
The all-you-can-drink cafe area is relatively empty, so I was able to use it with confidence. I can hear the private language of the clerk. I think it's better to have a waiting room at least.
Shengye gouqiou on Google

It is convenient because it is a place where Pia Do and Ito-Yokado are lined up. It's a long walk from the station, but it's a good thing that it's not garbage. Since it is an annex store with Fit24, you can easily sweat.
薄紫 on Google

A sense of security because it is a national chain.
Maru Maru on Google

最新 換気に凄い気を使ってくれてるようで非常に助かります ●24時間営業!防音個室あり!ドリンク飲み放題!ソフト食べ放題! ●シャワーがプッシュ式じゃぁない!これ重要! ●水圧が強くて強くて強くて最高!これ重要! ●バスタオル無料!シャンプー無料!ボディソープ無料! ●シャワールームやトイレあったかい!これ重要! ● シャワー浴びた後寒くない!これ重要! ●モーニング食べ放題!トーストとポテト ●揚げたてポテトフライ!うまい! ●深夜のジム すいてる!これ重要! ●お姉さん やさしい!これ重要! ※ジム併設のシャワー 女子2つ 男子4つ 少ないので気をつけて ※込み合う時間帯は避けたほうがいい!
It seems to be very helpful for the latest ventilation. ● Open 24 hours! There is a soundproof private room! All-you-can-drink! All-you-can-eat soft! ● The shower is not a push type! This is important! ● The water pressure is strong, strong, strong and the best! This is important! ● Free bath towels! Free shampoo! Free body soap! ● The shower room and toilet are warm! This is important! ● It's not cold after taking a shower! This is important! ● All-you-can-eat breakfast! Toast and potatoes ● Freshly fried potato fries! good! ● Midnight gym is empty! This is important! ● Sister is kind! This is important! * Be careful as there are 2 showers for girls and 4 for boys in the gym. * Avoid busy hours!
中山竜太 on Google

近くにある某ネカフェと同様、ソフトクリーム食べ放題、スープ・ドリンクバーがある。 ソフトクリームはこっちの方が美味いかも。あっちはすぐ溶ける。 料理メニューは明らかにこっちの方が美味い。冷凍の感じがほとんど無い。ラーメンも普通にに美味かった。 あちらはポテトなんかだと硬かったりぬるかったりするがこちらは普通にアツアツで硬くない。 鍵付き個室でドリンクバーや料理を食べられない事だけが欠点。
Like a nearby internet cafe, there is an all-you-can-eat soft serve ice cream and a soup / drink bar. Soft serve ice cream may be better here. It melts quickly. The food menu is obviously better here. There is almost no feeling of freezing. The ramen was also delicious as usual. It's hard or slimy with potatoes, but it's usually hot and not hard. The only drawback is that you can't eat a drink bar or food in a private room with a key.
クリス on Google

公式サイトに載ってなかったので、駐車場の写真掲載。 店内は綺麗で接客態度も良いので 星5です。
Since it was not listed on the official website, a photo of the parking lot was posted. The inside of the store is beautiful and the customer service attitude is good. It is 5 stars.
根市勉 on Google

I used it twice at close intervals, but the good point here is that you can use the place where you can bring in food and drink from the outside and the shower. After that, I am a little happy to have all-you-can-eat morning morning (only bread and flapote) from 6 am to 10 am. I don't know if other manga are in the coffee shop, but I can go out.
パン太郎 on Google

2021年7月14日に開店した新しく綺麗なネカフェ兼ジムです。 ブース席 鍵付き個室 カラオケ ダーツ シャワーなどがあります。 全国展開しているチェーンですのでサービスがどこ行っても均一なのが良いです。 まだオープンしたてなので店員が戸惑うところも見受けられましたね。
It is a new and beautiful Necafe and gym that opened on July 14, 2021. Booth seats Private room with key Karaoke darts Shower etc. Since it is a chain that is expanding nationwide, it is good that the service is uniform no matter where you go. Since it was just opened, there were some places where the clerk was confused.

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