マッサージサロン CLEAR

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マッサージサロン CLEAR

Kamihatchobori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0012 Hiroshima,Japan
e m on Google

Carefully polite and very good.
HiRo NiSi on Google

I was tired and my whole body was ticking and it was painful, but it became much easier for me to carefully loosen the deep stiffness. I'd like to see you again.
Kumika Kumika on Google

しっかりカウンセリングしてくれて、 一番ツラい箇所を重点的にやってくれました♪ ピンポイントで押してくれるヵ所が絶妙です! 優しい感じの先生で、自信を持ってされてる感じがしたので安心です。 肩が痛くて行きましたが、首と肩甲骨もスッキリしました(^-^)v
He gave me good counseling He focused on the most difficult parts ♪ The place that pushes with pinpoint is exquisite! I am relieved that he is a kind teacher and I feel confident. My shoulder hurts, but my neck and shoulder blades are also refreshing (^-^) v
kuniko “Presunto” yamato on Google

とても丁寧に対応してくださり、しかも本当にしっかり身体が楽になったと実感出来ます。有資格者だからこその、確かな技術だと感銘、安心感をもって身を任せられる施術者のお人柄もあり、信頼のおけるサロンです。 また、辛くなったらぜひお願いしたいと思います。
They responded very politely, and I can feel that my body has become really comfortable. It is a reliable salon with the personality of a practitioner who is impressed by the reliable technique and can be entrusted with a sense of security because he is a qualified person. Also, I would like to ask if it gets hot.
中島久美子 on Google

いつも体を丁寧にほぐしてもらっています。 20年間、あらゆる所でマッサージの施術してきてもらいましたが、ここに行きつきました。 ここのマッサージ師さんには、別の店舗でお世話になっていました。技術は確かなのは以前から知っているので独立後の店舗でもお世話になっています。 体の状態も把握してもらっており、国家資格をお持ちで知識も豊富なので、的確なアドバイスもいただけ、リラクゼーションよりは値段は高いですが、満足度はめちゃくちゃ高いです!
I always have my body loosened carefully. For 20 years, I have been massaged everywhere, but I came here. The masseuse here was indebted to me at another store. I've known the technology for a long time, so I'm indebted to the stores after independence. They have a grasp of their physical condition, have national qualifications, and have a wealth of knowledge, so they can give accurate advice, and although the price is higher than relaxation, the satisfaction level is extremely high!
kei naka on Google

I didn't know the location a little, but I came out and showed me around. I slept comfortably that day, probably because I had carefully listened to my physical condition and performed the treatment. It was very good.
しまじろう。 on Google

コロナ禍や技術面で安心して治療を受けたかったので有資格者の個室サロンを探していたところ見つけました。 とても丁寧な施術・対応で大変満足しました。 また疲れが溜まったら伺いますのでよろしくお願いしますね(^人^)
I was looking for a qualified private room salon because I wanted to receive treatment with peace of mind in terms of corona and technology. I was very satisfied with the very polite treatment and response. If you get tired again, I will ask you, so thank you (^ people ^)
hiroko .u on Google

自分の体のあちこちに潜んでいるコリという鬼を、取りこぼすことなく一匹一匹退治してくださった感じの施術でした。 すごく楽になり「そして村(身体)に平和が訪れた」的な至福を満喫しています。 お店の中はキレイで安心して施術を受けられました。 ベッドにディスポのシーツ?がかけられているのを見たのは初めてで好印象でした
It was a treatment that made me feel like I was able to get rid of the demons called Kori, which are lurking around my body, one by one without missing them. It has become very easy and I am enjoying the bliss of "and peace has come to the village (body)". The inside of the shop was clean and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. Disposable sheets on the bed? It was the first time I saw it being hung and it was a good impression

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