Cinema Clair Marunouchi - Okayama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cinema Clair Marunouchi

住所 :

1 Chome-5-1 Marunouchi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0823, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 700-0823
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-1 Marunouchi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0823, Japan
カルマンうづ on Google

We have screened movies that are not handled by major movie theaters. It's a shame that it's not a reserved seat, so if you want to see it in a good seat you have to line up. I want you to sell tickets for reserved seats from the beginning
宇野綾子 on Google

I went there for the first time, but it was a small movie hall that was beautiful and clean.
Keiichi Takahata on Google

ミニシアター系の映画を上映する貴重な映画館です。 大作も良いのですが、こちらで上映される映画も良いものばかり、心を満たしてくれます。文化や芸術が不要不急と言われない時が早く来て欲しいものです。 上映期間が一週間というものもあるので、うっかりすると見逃してしまうので要注意です。
It is a valuable movie theater that screens mini-theater movies. The big movies are good, but the movies shown here are all good, and they fill my heart. I hope that the time when culture and art are unnecessary and not urgent will come soon. Some of the screenings last for a week, so be careful as you may inadvertently miss them.
難波規子 on Google

いい映画を色々やってるなと思ってましたが、今回初めて行きました。トイレも複数あって、考えられた会場。 小規模な会場が2階に別れてあって、あったかい感じがしました。
I thought I wasn't doing a lot of good movies, but this time I went there for the first time. There are multiple toilets, so it was a conceivable venue. There was a small venue on the 2nd floor, which made me feel warm.
02 ymst on Google

岡山では有名なミニシアター。 飲食が出来なかったり、少し普通の劇場とは勝手が違いますが、ここでしか上映されないものもありますのでついつい行ってしまいます。
A famous mini theater in Okayama. You can't eat or drink, and it's a little different from a normal theater, but there are some that can only be screened here, so I'll just go there.
京子河原 on Google

間隔空けて座ってたのに後から来たオジサンが横に座りギョッ‼️ 前の方、空いてるのに…注意もできず‼️ 緩和されても油断は❌ 心から楽しめなかった❗️
Even though I was sitting at intervals, the old man who came later sat next to me! ️In the front, even though it was vacant ... I couldn't be careful !! ️ Even if it was relaxed, I couldn't be alert ❌ I couldn't really enjoy it ❗️
しと on Google

コロナで酷しい中、クラウドファンディングも使ったりしつつ続けられてい映画館。 大きいところでは上映されない作品がみれる、という映画好きの人では有名な場所のようです。 でも、さすがに古いのか、こう、物理的に匂いがキツい施設でした。マスクなかったらキツかった。
A movie theater that continues to use crowdfunding while it is terrible in Corona. It seems to be a famous place for movie lovers who can see works that are not shown in large places. However, it was a facility that smelled physically, probably because it was old. It would have been hard without a mask.
kumorim on Google

岡山に来て初めての単館系の映画館の訪問。シネコン系の映画館に慣れてしまうとチケット購入から入場までがドキドキの初体験でした。インターネットで座席予約が出来ない!当日現場でチケット購入したもののいつ並べばいいのかわからない!入場開始40分前には到着していたので、待っている間にもう一つの劇場の入場が始まって整理券番号の順に入場案内されるとわかりやっとひと安心。予告編を観ていると次から次へ観たいと思う作品ばかり、しばらく通ってみようかなと言う想いが沸々と湧いてきました。この日観た作品は映画評で読んだ内容とズレがあってちょっとガッカリでしたが、近い将来再訪問しようと思います。シネマクレールに望むことはたったひとつ、インターネット事前予約可能化です!よろしくお願いします。 追記:2回目の訪問失敗!さすがにオダジョー監督来館の上映は電話予約があったようで、手前まで来ていたのに見事撃沈!朝から営業している讃岐ラーメン食べながら呑んだくれることに... 追記2:3回目の訪問は「ドライブマイカー」で開館15分前に到着、 3番目の整理券をゲットし無事好きな席でゆったり 3時間の上映時間を楽しむことができました。
The first visit to a single movie theater in Okayama. Once I got used to the cinemas of the cinema complex, it was my first experience of excitement from purchasing tickets to admission. I can't reserve a seat on the internet! I bought tickets on the spot on the day, but I don't know when to line up! I arrived 40 minutes before the start of admission, so I was relieved to know that admission to another theater started while I was waiting and I was guided to the numbered ticket in order. When I was watching the trailer, I was struck by the desire to go through all the works that I wanted to see one after another. The work I saw that day was a little disappointing because it was different from what I read in the movie review, but I will visit again in the near future. The only thing we want from Cinema Clair is to make it possible to pre-book online! Thank you. Postscript: Second visit failed! As expected, it seems that there was a telephone reservation for the screening of Director Odagiri's visit, and even though he had come to the front, he sank brilliantly! To drink while eating Sanuki ramen, which is open from the morning ... Addendum 2: The third visit was "Drive My Car", which arrived 15 minutes before the opening, and I got the third numbered ticket and was able to enjoy the 3 hours of screening time at my favorite seat.

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