Chuki Acupuncture - Takaishi

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

腰痛・肩こり・頭痛には体質改善・根本治療の沖気鍼灸院へ【大阪 高石市 富木駅前徒歩1分】堺市、和泉市、岸和田市周辺 -


Contact Chuki Acupuncture

住所 :

1 Chome-13-27 Toriishi, Takaishi, Osaka 592-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 592-0013
Webサイト :

1 Chome-13-27 Toriishi, Takaishi, Osaka 592-0013, Japan
Kazutoshi Ohmagari on Google

鍼治療は初めてでしたが、安心して受けることができました。 1ヶ月近く、ひどい偏頭痛に悩まされていましたが、通院を期に みるみる改善されて、すごく感謝しています。
I had acupuncture for the first time, but I was able to receive it at ease. We were suffering from severe migraine headache for almost a month, but we went to hospital for period Thank you very much for improving it.
aki sakai on Google

初診の問診でじっくりと時間をとって、今困っていることをしっかりと聞いて対応してくれます。 先生方も優しい方ばかりなのでとてもリラックスして治療を受けられました。 的確なアドバイスももらえるので、ぜひ相談してみてください。
Taking time at the first visit interview, we listen firmly and deal with what we are in trouble right now. Because the teachers are only gentle, I could relax and receive treatment. You can get accurate advice, so please consult with us.
石田真由美 on Google

突然のぎっくり腰で駆け込んだのですが 丁寧で的確な施術をして下さり、驚くほど早く状態が良くなりました。 ぎっくり腰が良くなった後も、趣味でランニングをしてるのですが膝が弱くそのケアも細かくしてくださってます。 とても信頼のできる先生と親切で優しいスタッフさん、子供を連れでも「大丈夫ですよ♪是非連れて来てください*」と言って下さり、絵本を常時置いてくれてるので、子供達も絵本を読んだり、スタッフさんが遊んで下さったり。朝も早くからして下さるので本当に有難いです。
I ran into it with a sudden and steep hill Thanks for being polite and accurate treatment, the condition improved astonishingly quickly. Even after my cock continues to improve, I am running as a hobby, but my knees are weak and I care for that carefully. A very trustworthy teacher and kind and gentle staff, even with children, saying "Please bring me ♪ Please be sure to bring it *" and sitting at the picture book at all times, children also read picture books Dari, the staff were playing with me. I'm really grateful because it will be early in the morning.
akko on Google

いつもお世話になってます わたしの駆け込み寺となっています スタッフの方も優しく 先生の腕は素晴らしい 院内も落ち着いて癒やされています
I am always indebted to you It's my last-minute temple The staff is also kind The teacher's arm is wonderful The hospital is also calm and healed
佐藤順子 on Google

まずは相談‼️ とても時間をかけて問診して下さいます。 私は頸椎症性神経根症で接骨院・整形外科、痛くてどうしようもなくブロック注射も受けましたがどれも効果なく上田先生を信じて通いました。 針は初めてでしたが全く痛みもなく、手足の冷えも改善し思ったより早く日常生活が送れるようになりました。 圧迫骨折で退院後体力筋力が落ちた高齢の母も一緒に通っていますが、軽い体操もしてくださり 大変助かっています。 予約制なので待つこともないのも良いですね。 先生方もスタッフさんもとても優しく、 行くと笑顔になれるそんな鍼灸院です。
First of all, consultation! ️ Please take a very long time to ask questions. I had cervical spondylotic radiculopathy and received an osteopathic clinic / orthopedic surgery, and I had a painful block injection, but none of them worked and I believed in Dr. Ueda. It was my first time to use acupuncture, but I had no pain at all, and my limbs became colder, and I was able to lead my daily life faster than I expected. An elderly mother who has lost physical strength and muscle strength after being discharged from the hospital due to a compression fracture also attends, but please do some light exercises. It is very helpful. It's a reservation system, so it's good not to wait. The teachers and staff are very kind, It is such an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic that makes you smile when you go.
ゆかりふじわら on Google

鍼治療は初めてで不安もありましたが、初診では時間をとってゆっくり問診してくださいました。 自分の悩みを話すことで気持ちが整理でき、心が落ち着きました。 院長をはじめ先生方や受付の方もとても優しく、鍼の治療ももちろんですが、皆さんに癒されます。 身体の痛みや不調、気持ちの高ぶりや落ち込み等… 治したいけれどお薬には頼りたくない方❗️ とてもおすすめの治療所です。
It was my first time to use acupuncture and I was worried, but at the first visit, I took time to ask questions slowly. Talking about my worries helped me to organize my feelings and calm my mind. The director, teachers and receptionists are very kind, and of course acupuncture treatment is also healed by everyone. Physical pain and discomfort, feelings of high spirits and depression, etc ... Those who want to be cured but do not want to rely on medicine ❗️ This is a highly recommended treatment center.
Akio Yagawa (やがわ) on Google

I was in Osaka until April, so I went there. Since I have a weak stomach, I realized that I felt better when I had a needle hit. A few years ago, when I saw my leg that was hurt by a danjiri, the pain disappeared. Recently, information has been posted on SNS, so why don't you contact us if you have any questions?
合同会社Nagano on Google

初めての鍼灸治療で不安でしたが、 初回の問診では、時間をかけ とても丁寧に説明して下さいました。 先生も受付けの方も、いつも笑顔で とても感じの良い鍼灸院です。
I was worried about my first acupuncture treatment, Take time for the first interview He explained very carefully. Both the teacher and the receptionist always smile It is a very pleasant acupuncture clinic.

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