Chofukuji - Kawasaki

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chofukuji

住所 :

6 Chome-38-3 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 211-0053

6 Chome-38-3 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0053, Japan
佐藤邦男 on Google

I went to see you. The Buddha statue and the main shrine are also beautiful and good (# ^. ^ #)
77 Waka_ on Google

I want you to clean your garden a little more.
大脇栄 on Google

真言宗智山派 玉川八十八ヶ所第25番霊場 平成25年8月24日参拝 おもてなし(白玉ぜんざい)有難う御座いました
Shingon Sochiyama School Tamagawa 88th place No. 25 sacred place August 24, 2013 Thank you for your hospitality (Shiratama Zenzai)
カレーマンべっちゃん on Google

It is a temple where you can feel the history. There is a main hall dedicated to Dainichi Nyorai and a Yakushido. The shade of the tree is cool in summer.
xxion神田 on Google

2017/8/5拝受 真言宗智山派。緑がたっぷりな境内で、綺麗な花がたくさん咲いていました。玉川八十八ヶ所霊場第25番札所の御朱印(大日如来)を頂きました!
2017/8/5 Worship: Shingon sect. There were lots of beautiful flowers in the grounds full of greenery. We got the Goshushi (Dainichi Nyorai) of the 25th place of the Tamagawa 88th Sacred Ground!
Seiji Yanagihara on Google

保存樹木として川崎市に指定されているクスノキ、シラカシが多数あります。建物は少ないけど落ち着いた空間です。 玉川八十八ケ所霊場第25番札所です。創建年代は不詳ですが過去帳にある歴代住職の寂年から推定すると戦国時代以前のものらしい。
There are many camphor trees and birch trees that are designated as preserved trees in Kawasaki City. It is a calm space with few buildings. This is the 25th bill office of the Tamakawa Hachijosho Cemetery. The date of construction is unknown, but it seems to be from before the Sengoku period when estimated from the lone years of successive resident occupations in the past book.
高田久司 on Google

玉川八十八ヵ所霊場の参拝でお伺いしました、真言宗智山派のお寺で、瑠璃光山薬王院長福寺といいます。 玉川霊場の御本尊は大日如来(金剛界)で、第二十五番札所になります。 本堂に本尊大日如来(行基菩薩の作と伝わる)、右に弘法大師、左に興教大師を奉安する。 境内には薬師堂、地蔵堂、六地蔵などがある。
It is a temple of the Shingon Sotoyama school, which I visited at a shrine worship site in Tamagawa 88, and is called Shinkozan Yakuin Cho Fukufukuji. Omotoson of Tamagawa Reijo is the Dainichi Nikkei (Kongokai), and will be the 25th bill place. In the main hall, Honson Dainichi Nyorai (transmitted by the works of Yuki Kiseki), Kobo Daishi on the right and Kosho Daishi on the left. There are Yakushido, Jizodo, Rokujizo, etc. in the precinct.
Fumihiko Fujimoto on Google

瑠璃光山薬王院と号します。長福寺の創建年代は不詳ですが、新編武蔵風土記稿の編纂された文化文政年間(1804-1829)にあった長福寺の過去帳には、歴代住職の中に法印良僅(天文23年1554年寂)の記載があることから、戦国時代以前の創建とみられています。玉川八十八ヶ所霊場25番となっています。 境内にはいつの季節も花が咲き、ケヤキ、シラカシ、クスノキなどは川崎市保護樹林の指定を受けています。 山門、本堂、薬師堂はどれも格調高く、歴代住職の墓の他、六地蔵などの石造も趣があり、全体としてとても静かで落ち着いた雰囲気があります。
It is called Rurikozan Yakuoin. The age of the founding of Chopukuji is unknown, but the history book of Chopukuji, which was compiled during the Bunsaku Bunsei Period (1804-1829), which was compiled into a new edition of the Musashi Fudos, includes Yoshinori Hoinji (Astrological Astronomy, 1554) ), It is considered to have been built before the Warring States period. It is the Tamagawa Eighty-eight Place Sacred Ground 25th. The precincts bloom in all seasons, and zelkova, shirakashi and camphor trees are designated as protected forests in Kawasaki. Yamamon, Hondo, and Yakushido are all elegant, and the graves of successive priests, as well as the stone structures such as Rokujizo, are very quaint and have a very quiet and calm atmosphere as a whole.

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