4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

阿倍野で美容室をお探しなら地域1番店のCHOCOCHIPがおすすめです -



住所 :

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-0052 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-0052 Osaka,Japan
いなばちゃん00 on Google

I went there for the first time, but it was cut well.
野武商 on Google

色々な話しも聞かせて頂けるし 丁寧ですし、居心地が凄く良いです オーナーの人柄が凄く良いので。
You can tell us various stories It ’s polite and it ’s very comfortable. Because the personality of the owner is very good.
咲咲 on Google

毎月、お世話になっています 細かなカットが上手く 髪が薄いのですが毎月満足して帰っています
I am indebted to you every month Fine cut works well I have thin hair, but I am satisfied every month and go home
博之青貫 on Google

I was left unattended during the cut and waited about 10 minutes. When asked, he said, “I was on the phone.” I ca n’t say anything. . . While this is talking, I'm just glancing at the customers who are wearing the next permanent. There is no place to take with irregular cuts of Chung Chong. I was going to go if the technology was good ...
T W on Google

He / she draws thin hair well.
バッカス不動産(街歩き不動産) on Google

美味しいお店をたくさん知っているオーナーのお店 オーナーの勝田さんはマンガ、音楽、そして美味しいものが好きなので私と趣味が合うということでもう3年位通っています。 月1ペースで、カットに訪れ勝田さんと美味しいお店の情報交換。 毎回訪れるのが楽しみです。
Owner's shop that knows a lot of delicious shops Mr. Katsuta, the owner, likes manga, music, and delicious foods, so it has been about 3 years since my hobby matches with me. Exchanges information about delicious restaurants with Katsuta-san at a monthly pace. I look forward to visiting every time.
Chang Shin on Google

朝一で予約したのにも関わらず、店は開いておらず店員も来ず。。。 カラーを頼んだが、額に染め粉が付いたまま放置され全然とれない。。。 ポイントを含めた支払いだが、ポイント分差し引かれずお会計され、結局ポイントは盗られたまま。。。 男にだけ商売してるから雑でもいいとでも思ってるんでしょうか? 何にも気にしない人なら行けばいいと思います。
Even though I made a reservation in the morning, the store was not open and no clerk came. .. .. I asked for a color, but I couldn't get it at all because it was left with dyed powder on my forehead. .. .. The payment includes points, but the points are not deducted and the payment is made, and the points are still stolen. .. .. Do you think it's okay to be sloppy because you only sell to men? If you don't care about anything, you should go.
no life no bone on Google

Since the stylist in charge became independent from a familiar store near my house, I intuitively decided that this store looks good ? from the self-introduction comment of the store that I know all about word of mouth and men's hairstyles. Because it's my first time. We searched for each other, but with a little hope, we almost got the ideal hairstyle. Master's skill, light talk, comfortable BGM, cozy shop. ☆ I reduced one because of the smell of cigarettes.

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