Cho-chomusubi - Sendai

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cho-chomusubi

住所 :

1 Chome-7-32 Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Postal code : 980-0011
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 4–11:30PM
Sunday 4–11:30PM
Monday 4–11:30PM
Tuesday 4–11:30PM
Wednesday 4–11:30PM
Thursday 4–11:30PM
Friday 4–11:30PM

1 Chome-7-32 Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0011, Japan
titto on Google

美味しい魚が食べれます。 焼き魚は囲炉裏でじっくり焼くため先に注文する必要があります。また煮魚が絶品でした。 締めは煮魚の汁をプラスした卵かけご飯がまた良かったです。 ただ刺身が混んでいたと言われましたが全然出てこなくて焼き魚、煮魚と来てからの刺身では全く美味しさが分からず残念でした。 いくら注文が混んでたとは言え煮魚より刺身が後になるとは思いませんでした。
You can eat delicious fish. Grilled fish must be ordered first as they are slowly grilled in the hearth. Also, the boiled fish was excellent. At the end, the omelet rice with simmered fish juice was also good. It was said that the sashimi was crowded, but it didn't come out at all, and I was disappointed that the sashimi after coming with grilled fish and boiled fish didn't taste good at all. I didn't think the sashimi would come later than the boiled fish, no matter how crowded the orders were.
Yasuhiro Saito (齋藤泰洋) on Google

魚料理が素晴らしく美味しいです。お刺身はもちろんですが、炭火焼でじっくり焼かれる焼き魚の美味いこと! 野菜系のおつまみも美味く調理してあり、ちょっと外れた場所にあるにも関わらず常に満席状態なのも頷けました。 チャンスがあればまた訪れたいです。
The fish dishes are wonderfully delicious. Not only sashimi, but also the deliciousness of grilled fish that is slowly grilled over charcoal! The vegetable-based snacks were also deliciously cooked, and it was no wonder that they were always full even though they were a little out of the way. I would like to visit again if I have a chance.
羅稜raryou on Google

生、焼き、煮付け、さかなや魚介系のお店としてはトップクラスだとおもいます。 一つ一つの料理に一手間加えて提供しているので、どれをオーダーしても新感覚で頂けます。特にはこの時期で一番の鰯の一本焼き。 シンプルだが、囲炉裏で焼いているので外側はパリッと、中はジューシーで鰯汁が迸ります。最高でした?
I think it is one of the best restaurants for raw, yakimono, simmered, fish and seafood. We offer each dish with a little extra work, so you can get a new feeling no matter which one you order. Especially, the best grilled eel at this time. It's simple, but because it's baked in the hearth, it's crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. It was the best ?
ある中 on Google

不便な場所なのに人気店なのが分かりました。 若いスタッフの方ばかりですが適度な距離感で接してくれるので気持ちよかったです。 料理も美味しく一人前が多い料理はハーフでも対応してくれたり刺身盛りを半分くらい食べてると冷えた小皿に移し替えてくれるなど配慮が嬉しかったです。 ★とろ鰯の塩焼きは絶品でした。はらわたの苦い部位が苦手なのですが思い切ってかぶりつくと苦味も少なく残った頭と骨も唐揚げにしてくれました。
I found it to be a popular shop even though it was an inconvenient place. All of the staff are young, but it was nice to be able to interact with them with an appropriate sense of distance. I was glad that the food was delicious and that many servings were served even if it was half, and that if I ate about half of the sashimi, it would be transferred to a cold small plate. ★ The grilled grilled sardines were excellent. I'm not good at the bitter part of the fried chicken, but when I took the plunge, it had less bitterness and the remaining head and bones were fried.
Tomoyo Shima on Google

インスタで見つけて! 駅から少し離れてますが、ご飯もお酒も最高に進む居酒屋さん。 お店の活気もあって、常連さんも多いですが、一見さんでも暖かく迎え入れてくれる感じでした。 とくに鰯の丸焼きが美味しかったのと、その日の朝瓶詰めしたばかりの日本酒が美味しかったです。また仙台に行ったら行きたいお店!
Find it on Instagram! It's a little far from the station, but it's an izakaya where you can enjoy the best food and sake. There are many regulars due to the liveliness of the shop, but at first glance it seemed like they were warmly welcomed. Especially the roasted eel was delicious, and the sake that was just bottled that morning was delicious. If you go to Sendai again, you'll want to go there!
とり on Google

仙台で大人気の居酒屋さん『夜ノ焼魚 ちょーちょむすび』。 美味しい魚料理と日本酒をいただけます?✨ 特に ✔︎いわしの炭火焼き は絶対に食べてほしいおすすめ料理。 店内の囲炉裏で焼かれたアツアツのいわしが食べれます? ガブっと食べてほしいので、1人1本ずつ頼むのがおすすめです?‍♀️笑 お店の方もとっても気さくで、楽しく過ごせました☺️ いい雰囲気で素敵な居酒屋さんなので、デートや女子会、飲み会で喜ばれること間違いなしです! ちなみに、ちょーちょむすびは、他にも何件か系列店があります(なんと沖縄にもあるとのこと!)。 どの店舗も美味しい魚料理やお酒を楽しむことができます♩
A popular izakaya in Sendai, "Yonoyaki Fish Cho Chomusubi". You can enjoy delicious fish dishes and sake ?✨ Especially ✔︎ Charcoal-grilled Iwashi Is a recommended dish that you definitely want to eat. You can eat hot sardines baked in the hearth inside the store ? I want you to eat it quickly, so it is recommended to order one by one ?‍♀️ lol The shop was very friendly and I had a good time ☺️ It's a nice izakaya with a nice atmosphere, so there is no doubt that you will be pleased with dates, girls-only gatherings, and drinking parties! By the way, Cho-chomusubi has several other affiliated stores (it is said that it is also in Okinawa!). You can enjoy delicious fish dishes and sake at any store ♩
Dalila Burin on Google

The staff makes you feel welcome and they are very helpful! The food, especially fish and seafood,is delicious. It's a very high level izakaya, with great sakè too!
maggie pang on Google

I am having a great time here even I don't speak Japanese. Lucky we meet someone local who speaks English and translate for us. Food are yummy and drinks are fun!!!

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