Chinese Restaurant Fun's Kitchen - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chinese Restaurant Fun's Kitchen

住所 :

3 Chome-3-18 Haginochaya, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0004, Japan

Postal code : 557-0004

3 Chome-3-18 Haginochaya, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0004, Japan
高島章洋 on Google

After all, is flame (firepower) the life of Chinese food? It is cool to finish the dish with great flame (firepower).
河野賢司 on Google

Today is sweet and sour pork ❗. You can easily enjoy authentic Chinese food.
田中信樹 on Google

It's a Chinese restaurant in the town, but it's a bit different
operaosaka mark on Google

西成の萩ノ茶屋駅東側にある商店街にあるちょっと入りにくい感じの中華料理店。何度も前を通っていたがついに勇気を出して入店。ランチタイムは無口のオーナー一人でやってました。入ってびっくりおしゃれできれいやん!多分シェフがサーファーでサーフボードがあちこちに。テレビではサーフィンが流れてます。日替わりランチは 650円。この日は麻婆茄子にバンバンジー、スープ、ライス付き。味はしっかりしていてこのあたりの食堂ではおすすめです。定休日は不定休だそうです。トイレ、もうちょっとキレイな方が良かったかなぁ。
A Chinese restaurant in the shopping district on the east side of Haginochaya Station in Nishinari. I passed in front many times, but finally I entered the store with courage. Lunch time was done by the silent owner alone. It's surprisingly fashionable and beautiful! Maybe the chef is a surfer and there are surfboards here and there. Surfing is playing on TV. The daily lunch is 650 yen. On this day, Mao eggplant with bon bon chicken, soup and rice. The taste is solid and it is recommended in the cafeteria around here. It seems that regular holidays are irregular. I wonder if the toilet should be a little cleaner.
藤枝梅安 on Google

あいりん商店街にある中華料理店です。 土地柄あまり期待せず入ったのですが、驚いた事にとても美味しかったんです。 え?こんなに美味しいのに何故ここで?って思うぐらい美味しかったので、あいりん地区に来た際には是非寄りたいお店です。 食べたのは八宝菜定食780円 八宝菜 棒棒鶏 サラダ ごはん スープ 以上がセットの定食です。 八宝菜はしっかりとした味付けだったのでご飯が進む進む。 スープの熱さが異常です。 飲む時は重々注意をして少しずつすすってください。 私は見事に火傷しました(笑) お店の人も熱いので気をつけてとは言ってくれてたのですが、想像以上の熱さでした(^_^;) お店は4人掛けのテーブルが2〜3卓 カウンターが10席ぐらいです。 行った時は土曜の夜8時ぐらいだったんですが、お客さんは1人しか居てませんでしたのでゆったりと食べる事が出来ました。 ごはんを食べ始めてからお水のピッチャーを用意してくれるのがありがたいです。 とても美味しかったのでまた是非寄らせて頂きます。
It is a Chinese restaurant in the Airin shopping street. I entered the land without much expectation, but to my surprise it was very delicious. Huh? Why is it so delicious here? It was so delicious that I wanted to stop by when I came to the Airin area. I ate Happo set meal 780 yen Happo Bon bon chicken salad rice soup This is the set meal. Since Happo-na was well-seasoned, rice progressed. The heat of the soup is abnormal. When you drink, take great care and rinse little by little. I burned wonderfully (laughs) The person in the store said that he was careful because it was hot, but it was hotter than I imagined (^ _ ^;) The store has 2-3 tables for 4 people The counter has about 10 seats. When I went there, it was about 8pm on Saturday night, but there was only one customer so I was able to eat comfortably. I'm grateful to have a water pitcher after I start eating rice. It was very tasty so I will stop by again.
松原花音 on Google

通天閣前の大阪王将と悩みつつも、どうせなら地域独自のものを食べたいと思い入店。店内はサーフボード等があり、案外洒落ています。 麻婆豆腐丼とからあげを注文。出て来るまで時間がそこそこかかりましたが、オーナー(と思われる男性)ひとりでやってらしたので致し方がないと思います。肝心の料理は……おお、うまいぞ! 麻婆豆腐は辛さと痺れのバランスが光り、からあげは闇雲に大きく作って味はイマイチ…なお店が多い中、適切な大きさでサクフワ、味付けもgood。多彩なドリンクメニューから選んだアップルサワーが進む進む! オーナーのおやじは一見ぶっきらぼうに見えますが、接してみるといい人です。これは地域問わず町中華あるあるですね笑。最後は何度も「おおきに」と言って送り出してくれました。
While worried about the Osaka King in front of Tsutenkaku, he entered the store because he wanted to eat something unique to the region. There are surfboards in the store, which is unexpectedly stylish. I ordered mapo tofu bowl and fried chicken. It took me some time to come out, but I think it can't be helped because the owner (a man who seems to be) did it alone. The essential food is ... oh, it's delicious! Mapo tofu has a good balance of spiciness and numbness, and the karaage is made large in the dark clouds and the taste is not good. Apple sour selected from a variety of drink menus goes on! At first glance, the owner's father looks blunt, but it's a nice person to interact with. This is Chinese food in all areas, isn't it? At the end, he sent me out by saying "Big" many times.
ばらなしわっしょい on Google

I got dumplings, Tianjin rice, pork tempura, etc. I am surprised at how delicious they are! It's hard to find the place, but it's a Chinese restaurant where you can find it and go.
折り紙 on Google

650 yen lunch of Hoikoro and water dumplings. .. I had a century egg and beer because it was a holiday. It was cheap and delicious. The next time I go, I will order a century egg again. I was also interested in shrimp chili, levanilla, fried rice and other dishes.

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