Chikusa Kogen Nature Land - Shiso

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chikusa Kogen Nature Land

住所 :

1047-218 Chikusacho Nishigouchi, Shiso, Hyogo 671-3233, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 671-3233
Webサイト :

1047-218 Chikusacho Nishigouchi, Shiso, Hyogo 671-3233, Japan
おかもとしんぺい on Google

I don't have to worry because there is snow this year, but even when there is little snow, I'm doing my best, I think it's suitable for families, in the old days board was also prohibited, so it was good to play more children ... Even now, the children's park is still busy ~
NAKAMURA Yoshitaka on Google

When my child was small, there were Mineyama and Wakasugi Kogen, but now that I've managed to slip, this is interesting.
Ben O on Google

A nice ski resort in western Hyogo. It is a ski resort loved by many families and has many old-fashioned fans. The technique of snow compaction is excellent, and the night game is until 23:00. You can relax on the way back at Egaia Onsen
Hikari on Google

だいすきなゲレンデです✨ 近年は雪が少ないけど人工降雪機をがんばって稼働してくださったおかげでちゃんと滑ることができました。 降ってもパウダー競争率は低いっ! 岡山県在住ですが下道2時間半でいけるのと、リフト券は女子は平日いつでも2000円とコストパフォーマンスがありがたいです? 土日祝とその前日にはヨルチクサをやっていて23:00まで滑れるのもありがたい! テクの方など、滑りの練習をされている上手い方たちも結構いらっしゃり刺激になります✨ 平日もヨルチクサやってほしいなぁ、、、雪があれば、、笑
It is a great slope. In recent years, we have been able to slide properly thanks to the hard work of the artificial snowfall machine, despite the lack of snow. Even if it falls, the powder competition rate is low! I live in Okayama prefecture, but I can go in two and a half hours on the down road, and the lift ticket is 2,000 yen for women anytime on weekdays and I appreciate the cost performance. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays and the day before, I am doing yorcixa and I am grateful that I can slide until 23:00! Skilled people who are practicing slipping, such as tech, are also quite excited. I want you to do yoruchiksa on weekdays, if there is snow, lol
hiro T on Google

1月2日は とても人が多いです! 駐車場は 足りなくなると 除雪車で雪かきしてました  11時半過ぎに駐車場に着きましたが 早朝スキー組が 帰られるので 近くに停められました! 2時頃は リフト待ちの列が とても長くなっています お天気も良くなったりで いいスキー日和です 道中の千種町の Aco-opは なくなりました  買い出しは 53号線からのルートは 山崎町内か 作用町内にしか スーパーはありません 千種町のローソンは 大繁盛です! 山崎インターから 29号線をひたすら走るルートは ながさわドライブインや 一宮の道の駅 マックスバリュー エーコープ 南波賀の道の駅  ローソンなどありますが 山崎ルートよりも 10分ほど 遅いと思います! 道の駅は とても人気ですよ(^^)  ながさわドライブインのたこやきは おいしいです✨ スキー場にも 二階に軽食はあります 飲み物の 自動販売機もあります!る
There are so many people on January 2nd! When the parking lot was insufficient, I was shoveling snow with a snowplow. I arrived at the parking lot after 11:30, but the ski group returned early in the morning, so I was parked nearby! Around 2 o'clock, the line waiting for the lift is very long, and the weather is getting better, so it's a good day for skiing. The Aco-op in Chitose-cho along the way has disappeared. The route from Route 53 is only in Yamazaki-cho or in the action town. Lawson in Chitose-cho is very prosperous! The route that runs from Yamazaki Interchange on Route 29 is Nagasawa Drive-in, Ichinomiya Road Station Max Value Ecorp, Minami Haga Road Station Lawson, etc., but I think it is about 10 minutes slower than the Yamazaki route! Roadside station is very popular (^^) Nagasawa drive-in takoyaki is delicious ✨ There is also a light meal on the second floor at the ski resort There is also a drink vending machine! Ru
ブキドン on Google

It's a well-maintained slope that's perfect for carving snowboarding, but it's easy to access and it's a small ski area, so it can get quite crowded around 11:00 on Sundays and public holidays.
ぐーちゃん on Google

こじんまりとしたゲレンデだが、意外とコースは面白くて初心者からベテランまで遊べる。 雪質も乾いた感じで良い。設備は新しいわけではないが、きちんとしている。スキー・スノーボード共にスクールがある。人工降雪機を新しく増やしたので雪が少ない時もこのゲレンデは滑ることが可能。 人気なゲレンデだけに土日祝日はかなり人が多く、まともに滑れない。特に初心者ボーダーが多く座り込みが多数見受けられるが、スタッフは誰も注意しない。リフト待ちも平気で抜かしていく人をよく見る。客の質はかなり悪いんじゃないかな。気持ちよく滑りたいなら朝イチか平日に来る事をおすすめする。
Although it is a small slope, the course is surprisingly interesting and can be played by beginners to veterans. The snow quality should be dry. The equipment is not new, but it is decent. There are schools for both skiing and snowboarding. Since we have added new snowmaking machines, this slope can be slipped even when there is little snow. There are quite a lot of people on weekends and holidays because of the popular slopes, so I can't ski properly. In particular, there are many beginner borders and many sit-ins, but no staff is careful. I often see people waiting for the lift without hesitation. I think the quality of the customers is pretty bad. If you want to slip comfortably, I recommend you to come in the morning or on weekdays.
Tanna Chang on Google

Skiing rocks... great place with family to spent a whole day there.

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