ライフ 堺プロセスセンター

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライフ 堺プロセスセンター

住所 :

Chikkoyawatamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0901 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.lifecorp.jp/vc-files/pdf/newsrelease/others/20200406sakaipc.pdf
街 : Osaka

Chikkoyawatamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0901 Osaka,Japan
ケンケン on Google

The distribution center building of Super Life is old and small.
でめまだら on Google

I made it on a large land, but the entrance is hard to understand, the passage is too narrow, and it is difficult to pass
みかんみかん on Google

It is a low temperature center of life you know. Occasionally it seems that Shotworks is offering jobs. It's a bag of vegetables.
三宅義之 on Google

I ’m a part of the aunt. People such as Chinese are kinder. This is the worst site.
新牧健二 on Google

Import / export and manufacture / manufacture of processed life products ) Occurrence of about 1 or 2 hours 24 hours a day shift and night shift work.
スミノアロナ on Google

みんなサンこんにちは? 毎日お仕事頑張ってね?
Hello everyone ? Good luck with your work every day ?
楠本洋子 on Google

Recently, there was a corona-infected person, so I disinfected it and put on a mask ?, so it seems that there are no close contacts ❗️
夜空 on Google

職務を遂行するための場 評価する立場ではありません
I am not in a position to evaluate the place to perform my duties

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