Chiharadaiminaminaika Clinic - Ichihara

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chiharadaiminaminaika Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-1-11 Chiharadaiminami, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0142, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 290-0142
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:45AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:45AM
Tuesday 9–11:45AM
Wednesday 9–11:45AM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9–11:45AM

1 Chome-1-11 Chiharadaiminami, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0142, Japan
フルゆーも on Google

I can't ask you what I want to tell you. I wanted to check my symptoms and have a blood test. Although the content I wanted to see from my symptoms was internal medicine, I was immediately denied and was urged to go to the dermatology and amazed. It ’s helpful to do it on Saturday afternoon. Convincing with a rattle even on Saturday
Sanzokuyaki山賊焼 on Google

My teacher is kind, but I feel confident and I firmly judge. The correspondence of the nurse is also very easy to understand and firmly listen to the symptoms. It faces a big road and it is easy to enter a parking lot. The building was new and the inside of the hospital was also very beautiful.
ちょびもぐ on Google

口コミが悪かったのである程度覚悟して受診したけど、普通にいい先生だと思う。 熱や咳があるとマスクを購入するように求められるけど、そもそも他の患者さん等がいる中マスクはするべきだし、してこなかった方が悪いので普通に購入。 話もよく聞いてくれ、ちゃんと診察してくれて、説明も丁寧。処方する薬も丁寧に説明してくれた。 なんで口コミ悪いのかわからない。
The word of mouth was bad, so I was prepared to some extent, but I think it is a good teacher. If you have a fever or cough, you will be asked to buy a mask, but in the first place you should wear a mask while there are other patients, etc. Listen carefully to the story, see you properly, and explain carefully. He carefully explained the medicines to prescribe. I don't know why reviews are bad.
seiten_no_ hekireki on Google

The teacher is serious and teaches me a lot in great detail. I think he has a lot of knowledge and feels like a maniac. I like it! All the nurses are kind! However, the shortcut at the reception is always frustrating and does not suit the atmosphere of the hospital at all. I'm sorry to think that I'm always scared.
くっきー on Google

前に行った時の事ですが、受付のポッチャリした女性の対応が悪すぎました。 保険証を出す時に、イライラしてて口調が怖かったです。 その後もパソコンに八つ当たりの如く、バンバンとキーボードを叩いていました。 病院は基本、体調の悪い人が行く場所なので、もう少し優しい対応ができないでしょうか。 ちょっと、酷すぎました。 先生は丁寧に説明してくれるし、看護師さんもテキパキしてて、良いのですが。
When I went there before, the response of the woman who was fluffy at the reception was too bad. When I issued my health insurance card, I was frustrated and scared of my tone. After that, I was hitting the keyboard with a bang as if I was hitting the computer. The hospital is basically a place where people who are not feeling well go, so can we do something a little more gentle? It was a little too terrible. I hope the teacher will explain it carefully and the nurses will be very happy.
inaba on Google

インフルエンザ予防接種で初めて受診しました。先生はとても丁寧に説明して頂き、看護師さんに注射を打ってもらいました。 受付の方は優しく対応してくれて良かったです。 先生がとても好印象だったので、またなにかあればこちらで受診したいと思いました。
I had my first medical examination with influenza vaccination. The teacher explained very carefully and asked the nurse to give an injection. It was good that the receptionist was kind to me. The teacher was very impressed, so I wanted to see him here if there was anything else.
jusil tfaji on Google

I had a medical examination for the first time. The doctors were very kind and listened to me, so I was able to see the doctor with peace of mind. If something happens again, I would like to go to see a doctor here.
チャオチャオ on Google

あまりにも酷い対応を受けたので、初めて口コミ。院長?は完全に患者を小馬鹿にしている。人を医者嫌いにさせてくれる代名詞のような医者。 周りに聞いたら女性には優しいらしい。
It was the first time for me to review it because I received such a terrible response. Director? Is completely ridiculing the patient. A doctor like a synonym that makes people hate doctors. When asked around, it seems to be kind to women.

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