Chiezō-san - Musashino

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chiezō-san

住所 :

平井ビル 1F 2 Chome-33-5 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 180-0004
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–6:30PM

平井ビル 1F 2 Chome-33-5 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004, Japan
S R on Google

Various kinds of groceries and condiments that store owners' attention are likely to be handled are handled. Dried persimmons were sold at discounts at stores' wagons, which seemed to be very delicious.
明日明後日 on Google

It was kind. There are foreign sweets that you can buy from the smallest unit, and you will want to try it
ヨシダスミエ on Google

こじんまりとした、素朴な食のセレクトショップ。 すべての品を店長が味をみてから仕入れを決めるとの事。
A small, simple food select shop. The store manager decides to purchase all the items after seeing the taste.
Taka Ono on Google

If you go here, you can buy delicious food for the time being
Mei Takano on Google

オーナーさんに話しかけられると危険です。 1つ1つの商品のこだわりやストーリー、魅力を聞いていると買うつもりのなかったものもついつい欲しくなり、買いすぎてしまいます。
It is dangerous to talk to the owner. When I listen to the particulars, stories, and charms of each product, I just want something I didn't intend to buy, and I end up buying too much.
O Nori on Google

I went there for the first time because I was fascinated by the signboard on the table. Rare foods, good old foods, foreign foods, etc. were placed in a narrow space. Easy to see even though it is small! And above all, I think we have all the dishes that you want to eat. I will visit you again.
佐々木くらのすけ on Google

良く研究を重ね、味わって選ばれた食品の数々は、コンランショップに近い拘りの結晶と言うべきか、より安全で美味しい食の博覧会を凝縮したものか。スーパーやコンビニさんに比肩すると決して安くはないが、品質は倍以上だ。価格は、メーカーや製作者の追求の結果とするなら、いとも簡単にそれに費やされた時間と汗というプロセスを買えるのだから、相当安いのかもしれない。 どれか一つでも買えば、何回か楽しめるなら、プチ贅沢は、月に数個でも良いのだと思う。今日は、なかなか手に入らないピスタチオチョコバターの小瓶を購入。パン食は勿論、隠し味としてのバリエーションは数しれないレシピを産むのだ。 もう一つ買った。ウコンタップリのカレー粉は、奄美大島産だ。冬に身体を温めてくれる事間違いなく、免疫力にも寄与するだろう。
The many foods that have been carefully researched and tasted are the crystals of the Conran Shop, or are they a condensed version of a safer and tastier food expo. It's not cheap compared to supermarkets and convenience stores, but the quality is more than double. The price may be quite cheap, as a result of the pursuit of manufacturers and producers, because it's very easy to buy the process of time and sweat spent on it. If you buy one and enjoy it several times, I think you can buy a few petit luxury items a month. Today, I bought a small bottle of pistachio chocolate butter, which is hard to get. Not to mention bread food, variations as a secret ingredient produce innumerable recipes. I bought another one. Turmeric curry powder is from Amami Oshima. It will definitely warm your body in winter and will also contribute to your immunity.
emi rena on Google

その時期その時期の「イイモノ」がズラリと並ぶ店内。時期が変われば品揃えもガラリと変わる為、「お客様をがっかりさせたくないから店内撮影禁止」という徹底ぶり✨なので地元の人の挨拶は「今のお勧めは何??」だそう。 調味料にこだわりたい人は来てみて損はなし。大量買い間違いなしです。 店長さんの許可を頂きお店の外を撮影しましたが時期が変われば商品を入れ替えるので、直接赴いて外の木のお勧めを買うのがBestです? ちなみに私が行ったときは、春の行楽にもってこいの手間要らずな牛すじ煮込みがありました。
At that time, the inside of the store is lined with "good things" at that time. If the time changes, the product lineup will change drastically, so it's the first time to say "I don't want to disappoint customers, so I'm not allowed to shoot inside the store", so the locals say "What's your recommendation now ??" If you want to stick to seasonings, there is no loss. There is no doubt that you will buy in large quantities. I took a picture of the outside of the store with the permission of the store manager, but if the time changes, the products will be replaced, so it is best to go directly and buy the recommendation of the outside tree ? By the way, when I went there, there was a hassle-free stewed beef tendon that was perfect for spring vacations.

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