Chidōkan - Tsuruoka

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Contact Chidōkan

住所 :

11-45 Babacho, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 997-0035
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9AM–4:30PM
Monday 9AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–4:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–4:30PM
Friday 9AM–4:30PM

11-45 Babacho, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0035, Japan
鄧偉中 on Google

『莊銀Tact 鶴岡』是首次到日本自仙台空港>仙台車站>鶴岡,這段短暫參訪中,眼睛所見俯拾皆寶,特別是在走訪一趟鶴岡中發現儘管是十三萬人的小鄉鎮,卻能罕見的保有許多古蹟建築,像演藝廳旁也保留著一處古蹟,也體驗到日本人對世代傳承著先人的戰績與和平努力的用心處處可見。 照片中可以看到入口牌坊上《TACT》經瞭解意思是鶴岡+藝術+文化+集合場所 的縮寫,代表著先進國家扎根文化美學教育的像徵。當然這完成的個案是SANAA事務所精心設計的,Shogin Tact Tsuruoka內全新打造的演藝廳,廳內採用山形縣林木打造的木頭椅,座起來真的舒適合乎人體工學聽介紹說到椅墊是採用日本吉祥鶴花紋的繡花椅墊,你只要一進入演藝廳就聞到木頭氣味香氣,可為身、心、靈帶來穩定的力量。在走進舞台區看見更讓人吃驚的9.5m高*20m長的布幕,是以日本最高等級鍛造製作並由是當地知名畫家『千住博』所設計的『水神』,代表著以山形縣鶴岡的 出羽 三山融化的雪水以及月山豐富的水資源為原型,將舞台空間與現實隔開,讓人彷彿置身在山林間的寧靜與震撼。去一趟讓自己的身、心、靈都親臨感受。
"Zhuangyin Tact Tsuruoka" is the first time to go to Japan from Sendai Airport > Sendai Station > Tsuruoka. During this short visit, the eyes see the treasures, especially when visiting a trip to Tsuruoka and discovering that it is a small township of 130,000 people. However, it is rare to preserve many historic buildings. There is also a monument alongside the auditorium. It also shows that the Japanese people can see the achievements of the ancestors and the peace efforts of generations. In the photo, you can see the "TACT" on the entrance archway, which means the abbreviation of Tsuruoka + Art + Culture + Collection Place, which represents the symbol of the aesthetic education of rooted culture in advanced countries. Of course, the completed case was carefully designed by SANAA, and the newly-built auditorium in Shogin Tact Tsuruoka. The wooden chair made of Yamagata Prefecture forest is really comfortable and ergonomic. The chair cushion is With the embroidered chair cushion of the Japanese lucky crane pattern, you can smell the aroma of wood as soon as you enter the auditorium, which will bring stable strength to the body, mind and spirit. In the stage, I saw the more surprising 9.5m high * 20m long curtain, which was forged in Japan's highest grade and was designed by the famous local painter "Thousands of Life". It represents Yamagata Prefecture. The melting snow of the three mountains of Tsuruoka and the rich water resources of the Moon Mountain are the prototypes, separating the stage space from reality, making people feel like the tranquility and shock of being in the mountains. Take a trip and let your body, mind, and spirit feel in person.
佐藤朱美 on Google

The only remaining clan school in Tohoku. A valuable historical heritage that clearly shows the state of the clan school at that time. It's nice to see it for free.
Walt on Google

It is a facility that you can visit for free, and it is said to be the only clan school in the Tohoku region. It was raining and there were no people, so I was able to take a closer look.
堀井晶 on Google

先日、鶴岡に用事あって行った時に、初めて寄りました!! 当日は入口の所に、無料と書いてましたので無料で中を見れました(^-^)/ 昔の建物とか…見るのが好きなので、色々見てまわれたので良かったです(^o^)/
The other day, when I went to Tsuruoka for business, I stopped by for the first time! !! At the entrance on the day, it was written that it was free, so I could see inside for free (^-^) / Old buildings ... I like to see them, so I'm glad I saw them in various ways (^ o ^) /
富松利典 on Google

It seems that only here is the clan school in Tohoku. You can see the history of the clan school on the panel. The contrast with the modern building next door was interesting.
海宝道大 on Google

良かった!! 鶴岡の歴史、庄内藩の歴史が分かる 良い場所です おそらく ここで国を良くしようと 若者が切磋琢磨して学んでたのを感じる パワーを貰える場所でした また 日本古来の木造建築や庭園が素晴らしい 是非行ったほうが良い場所 金取れば良いのに…
it was good! !! Understand the history of Tsuruoka and the history of the Shonai domain It's a good place Probably trying to improve the country here I feel that young people have worked hard and learned It was a place to get power Also The ancient Japanese wooden architecture and gardens are wonderful A place you should definitely visit I wish I could get the money ...
h kazu on Google

Dai K on Google

Very interesting place. Here I could learn about Sorai-gaku, one of the way of study. One of the interesting thing I found is that the people in this area keep studying Rongo, ancient Chinese textbook in their own way. You can find some posts from Shonai students inside.

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