Chicken curry cafe park pao - Tottori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chicken curry cafe park pao

住所 :

3 Chome-2482-2 Karochominami, Tottori, 680-0909, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 680-0909

3 Chome-2482-2 Karochominami, Tottori, 680-0909, Japan
筒浦Уллар on Google

住宅街の中に突如出現するカレー屋さん チキンカツカレーをチョイス、辛さは中辛のオーダーで辛さは控え目な印象ながらスパイシーで汗はいい感じに出てきます。香り、味ともに良くバランスの良さを感じました 鳥取で増えてきている薬膳スパイスカレーでも無く、洋食屋さんのカレーでも無く、さりとて日本の家庭風ともまた一味違う正統派の美味しさ 鳥取の中心部からは少し距離がありますが近くにあったら割とリピしそうです。場所柄、静かにカレーを楽しむには良いという点もあります
Curry shop suddenly appears in a residential area Choice of chicken cutlet curry, spicyness is medium spicy order, spicyness is modest, spicy and sweat comes out nicely. I felt a good balance of both aroma and taste It is not a medicinal spice curry that is increasing in Tottori, it is not a curry of a Western restaurant, and it is an orthodox taste that is a bit different from the Japanese home style. There is a little distance from the center of Tottori, but if you are near it, it seems to be relatively ripi. Because of the location, there is also a good point to enjoy curry calmly
on Google

雪混じりの強い西風が吹き付けるなか入店、薪ストーブが暖かく燃え盛る横に着席、他に客ははいない。 手作りのアンティークな店内は何処か懐かしさと親近感あり。 シャバチキンカレーに後珈琲で990円❗ チキン手羽元はチャーシューのような軟らかさにコクがしっかり染みている。珈琲豆は豊岡の老舗「蜩日(ひぐらし)珈琲」から仕入れ。 喫煙確認しなかったが灰皿は見当たらなかった。
Entering the store while the west wind blowing in the snow is blowing, the firewood stove is seated next to the burning fire, and there are no other customers. There is nostalgia and a sense of closeness in the handmade antique shop. Shaba Chicken Curry with coffee for 990 yen. Chicken chicken wings are rich in softness like char siu. The coffee beans are purchased from Toyooka's long-established "Higurashi Coffee". No smoking was confirmed, but no ashtray was found.
Jamjam Jam on Google

めっちゃ良かったです! お店は手作り感のあるお洒落さがあり、暖炉あり、煙突あり、小物あり、店先にはお花が彩って雰囲気いいですね。 今回お仕事帰りに立ち寄ったのですが、12時過ぎたら来客が多くオススメは早めの時間(ご飯が切れたら時間かかるからね。)ゆったり出来ますよ。 あれ?ラジオってこんな楽しかったっけ?なんかBGMもオシャレで音もよく、お腹だけじゃなく心も満腹になるような……。とにかく雰囲気が良ければ相乗効果で満たされる感が大満足でした。⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ メインとなるカレーは私の好みでシャバカレー。スープカレーのようにサラサラなカレーが好きなのですが、コレって結構難しいんです。カレーの味がしっかりだせるのか、香辛料とかハーブとかのバランスが悪ければただの苦辛いカレーになるし。 でもパルクパオのカレーは上手い!苦くないし辛さも選べるし!骨付きチキンとかスプーンで刺したらプリンッて向けるし!ちゃんとカレーの味がしっかりしてて苦くないこのカレーは良かったですよ! 食後にパルクブレンドを暑かったのでアイスで頼んでこれもまたいい(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ どんなブレンドなんだろうね。えぐみが無いし、ほんとちょうどいいの。理想のアイスコーヒー!ブラック好きな方はオススメですね。 お洒落な看板から花の入口に迎えられ、雰囲気の良い店内にゆったり出来ていいお店発見って感じです。来客は近場とか常連さんが多いのかな?昼過ぎから満席必須なので平日がいいみたいですね。 ゆったりしたいなら早めから利用したいパルクパオでした。 ほんと満足です(*´ω`*)
It was very good! The shop has a sense of handmade fashion, there is a fireplace, there is a chimney, there are accessories, and flowers are in the storefront and atmosphere is good. This time I stopped by at work after work, but at 12 o'clock, many visitors are recommended early time (because it takes time if it is out of rice). that? Was it fun like radio? Something like BGM, fashionable and sounding, and not only stomach but also heart will be full ... Anyway, if the atmosphere was good, I felt very satisfied with the synergy effect. ((٩ (๑˃̶͈̀ ˂̶͈ ˂̶͈ ۶) ۶)) Main curry is my favorite curry. I like sara curry like soup curry, but this is quite difficult. If the taste of curry is firm, or if the balance between spices and herbs is bad, it will become just a bitter curry. But Park Pao's curry is good! I can choose not too bitter or hot! If you pierce with chicken with bones or a spoon, you will try to push it! This curry is good because the taste of curry is firm and not bad! Since it was hot after the meal, I asked for ice by ice and it is also good (こ れ • ̀ ᄇ • ́) و✧ What a blend. There's no such thing, and it's just right. The ideal iced coffee! If you like black, I recommend it. It is a feeling that you can find a nice shop that you can relax in a nice atmosphere from the stylish signboard. Are there many locals or regulars for visitors? It seems like a good weekday because it is a must-do from late afternoon. If you want to relax, I would like to use it as early as possible. Really satisfied (* 'ω `*)
やまひで on Google

カレーはまあまあ美味しかったが、注文してから40分待たされるのはありえない。 それを我慢できる方しか満足出来ないでしょう‼️此処より美味しいカレーはたくさんありますから他所に行った方が懸命ですね。「お待たせしてすみません」って言われましたが 自分を含めてお客は6人カレー注文して待つ時間ではない❗味も普通に美味しいって感じのカレー 小辛 中辛 大辛 あり大辛を注文 全然辛くない⤵️ 他所のお店の小辛位の辛さです❗若い方が作っていたが手際が悪すぎるのでしょうね。私は二度と訪問することはないです‼️
The curry was pretty good, but it's impossible to wait 40 minutes after ordering. Only those who can stand it will be satisfied‼ ️There are a lot of delicious curries here, so it's better to go elsewhere. It was said that "I'm sorry to make you wait", but customers including myself had to order 6 curries and it wasn't the time to wait. Ordering spicy ⤵️ It's a little spicy in other shops ❗ It was made by a younger person, but it might be too tricky. I will never visit again‼ ️
りきぼん on Google

Visit for Sunday lunch. Hinomaru chicken fried curry (850 yen), small rice (-50 yen), small spicy. The salad came and the curry came. I was not good at spicy food, but I was able to enjoy it while enjoying the deliciousness of spices. It was delicious. The parking lot has enough space for 3-4 cars in front of the store. There was no parking line, so I stopped by after asking the clerk. There are many drink menus, and I'm curious about Shaba curry, so I'd like to try it next time.
M m on Google

11時ごろ来店しました。 シャバチキンカレー大辛、スパイス感がありとっても美味しかったです♫サラッとしているけど、玉ねぎの甘みあり、爽やかな辛さあり…ちょうど欲しいなぁと思った味でした。固めご飯もとても合う⭕️! 店内には少し変わったフィギュアが沢山あります。面白い店内でした。 マップ情報では9時から開店しているようですが、カレーライスは朝からは食べられないようなので注意です。
I came to the store around 11 o'clock. Shabachikin curry was very spicy and spicy. It was very delicious. It was smooth, but the sweetness of the onion and the refreshing spicy taste ... I just wanted it. Hardened rice also goes very well! There are many unusual figures in the store. It was an interesting shop. According to the map information, it seems to be open from 9 o'clock, but be careful as curry rice is not eaten from morning.
tomo Beat on Google

I had a medium spicy shaba chicken curry. The aroma was good and not too spicy, and it was delicious until the end. It was a little small for me, so I will make it large next time. Thank you for the meal.
T Y on Google

I had Hinomaru chicken fried curry. The curry was spicy and rich and delicious. It was good that the fried chicken was also in the curry. I was also interested in other menus, so I would like to go there again.

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