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Contact おおもり歯科クリニック

住所 :

Chibaderacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0844 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://ohmori-dental-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Chibaderacho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0844 Chiba,Japan
蓮堂浴衣 on Google

Thank you for the treatment of alveolar pyorrhea and tooth decay. I was impressed that I had never been treated so carefully.
山崎浩重 on Google

I went to various dentists, but this dentist saw me most carefully. Listen carefully to me and ask for help. Even a little thing, I'll call you right away.
mii aaa on Google

とても丁寧で優しい、安心出来る先生です。 歯医者さんに行くのが怖かったのですが おおもり歯科クリニックに通い始めて恐怖心が無くなってきました。 衛生士さん、助手さん とても優しく良い歯医者さんです!
He is a very polite, kind and reassuring teacher. I was afraid to go to the dentist, but I started going to the Omori Dental Clinic and my fear disappeared. Hygienist, assistant A very kind and good dentist!
i w (pianocurve) on Google

うちの年ごろの幼稚園児も含めて家族全員でお世話になっています。 この時分、感染対策もしっかりととられており、輪をかけて丁寧な診察と治療で、一番リスクの高い職業といわれていますのに頭が下がる思いです。 みなさんおっしゃるとおり歯医者さんの腕も確かだと思いますが、私はここから見える眺めが好きなのでその話しを。 まず、診察台の窓からは、並木道にお店が並んでいるのが見えて、人々がそこを通りすぎるのを、ちょうど並木によじ登って眺めている感じの風景が見えます。 どこかで見た絵本のように、犬の散歩中の人が挨拶を交わしたり、子どもが車避けのポールによじ登ってお父さんに怒られていたり、鳩やカラスが何かをつついていたり。 そんな風景が切り取られています。 それに輪をかけて、いつも素敵なBGM(おそらく先生のセンスの良い選曲)が流れているので、私としては診察台で待つのも苦痛ではありません。 もう一つ。この歯医者さんの入っているビルのエントランスから外を見たときの眺めも好きです。 並木通りに向かって少し長い吹き抜けのエントランスが、例えば洞窟の中から外の風景を見るような雰囲気なのです。 どちらも借景のような感じですね。 どんな人がこのビルを設計したのでしょうか? 建物の外観はそれほどデザインに凝っているようには見えないのですが(ごめんなさい!そこの辺は見る目がなくて)、その内側に居て感じるのは、どこか写真家か画家的なセンスです。 建物そのものよりそこで暮らす人々にとっての美を重んじてる。 今度、歯医者さんに聞いてみよう! すみません!眺めの話ばかりで。。。 歯医者さんは、もちろん素晴らしいです! いつもありがとうございます!
The whole family, including our kindergarten children, is indebted to us. At this time, infection control measures have been taken firmly, and I think that I am struck by the fact that it is said to be the highest risk profession with careful examination and treatment. As you say, I think the dentist's skill is certain, but I like the view from here, so let's talk about that. First of all, from the window of the examination table, you can see the shops lined up along the tree-lined road, and you can see the scenery as if you were just climbing the tree-lined trees and watching people pass by. Like a picture book I saw somewhere, people walking dogs greeted each other, children climbed up poles to avoid cars and were angry with their fathers, and pigeons and crows were poking at something. Such a landscape is cut out. It's not a pain for me to wait at the examination table because there is always a nice background music (probably the teacher's good selection of music) playing around it. one more. I also like the view when looking out from the entrance of the building where this dentist is. The entrance of the atrium, which is a little long toward the tree-lined street, is like looking at the outside scenery from inside a cave, for example. Both are like borrowed scenery. Who designed this building? The exterior of the building doesn't look so elaborate (sorry! I can't see the area around it), but what I feel inside is a photographer or painter's flair. .. We value the beauty of the people who live there rather than the building itself. Let's ask the dentist next time! Excuse me! Just talking about the view. .. .. The dentist is great, of course! I am always grateful for your help!

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