
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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住所 :

Chayamachi, Kurashiki, 〒710-1101 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://happiness-labo.com/menu/
街 : Okayama

Chayamachi, Kurashiki, 〒710-1101 Okayama,Japan
青木有季 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正がしたくて、通い始めました。たくさんのサロンの中で、こちらを選んだ理由は、子連れで行けて、女性のスタッフさんに、お客さんも女性という安心感で、決めました。 矯正も、(痛いのが苦手なので)恐る恐る受けましたが、痛くないし、しっかり締まるし、大満足です☆
I started going to school because I wanted to correct my pelvis after giving birth. Of the many salons, I chose this because I could go with my children and the female staff gave me a sense of security that the customers were also female. I was afraid to correct it (because I am not good at hurting), but it does not hurt, it tightens firmly, and I am very satisfied ☆
K Y on Google

3人目の産後でなかなか痩せなくて 骨盤もちゃんと治したかったので 今約3か月くらい通ってるけど 立ち姿が見違えるほど変わり自分でもわかるくらい 骨盤が戻ってるんだなって思えた。 後、体重も減ってきているし 足がよく浮腫んで痛かったのも治った。 スタッフの人も気さくで喋りやすくて いつもアドバイスもしてくれるしで 私はここに通って本当に良かったと思ってます。
I couldn't lose weight after giving birth to the third person I wanted to heal my pelvis properly I've been going for about 3 months now It changes so much that you can see it standing I thought my pelvis was back. After that, I'm losing weight My legs were often swollen and hurt, but he was cured. The staff are also friendly and easy to talk to He always gives me advice I'm really glad I went here.
羽納亘 on Google

太ももの太さを改善したくて通い始めました! どうやら骨盤が開いているようで、通い始めるとみるみる肉が落ちました。 立ち方や座り方などを教えてもらえて助かっています。 スタッフの方々も気さくでとても話しやすいです。
I started going because I wanted to improve the thickness of my thighs! Apparently the pelvis was open, and when I started going, the meat fell off. I am grateful that I was taught how to stand and sit. The staff are also friendly and very easy to talk to.
yako yama on Google

I went to the pelvis correction after giving birth. Since there are measurements before and after the treatment, I was always looking forward to seeing the effects of the treatment. The scheduled course was completed in about 4 months, so I would like to go through maintenance about once a month in the future.
ayano uchida on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で通わせてもらいました。 体のことや、産後のことについていろいろ相談に乗ってもらえて、気持ちもスッキリしました。 子ども連れでも通えるので助かります。
I was allowed to go for pelvic correction after childbirth. I felt refreshed when I was asked to consult about my body and postpartum matters. It is helpful because you can go with children.
堀温子 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で伺いました。 少しずつウエストもお腹周りもサイズダウンして、きつくなっていた服が再びストレスなく着れるようになりました。激痩せとはいきませんでしたが、産後太りを解消することができて良かったです。 そもそもこのお店を選んだ理由は子連れでも通えることです。わが子は人見知りもあって施術中よく泣いていましたが、それでも優しく応対してもらえてありがたい限りでした。お店の方はみなさん優しく、気さくに話ができて息抜きにもなりました。
I asked for pelvic correction after childbirth. The waist and abdomen have been gradually reduced in size so that you can wear tight clothes again without stress. I wasn't very thin, but I'm glad I was able to get rid of my postpartum fatness. The reason I chose this shop in the first place is that even children can go there. My child was shy and often cried during the procedure, but I was grateful for the kindness he received. Everyone at the shop was kind, and I was able to talk freely and take a break.
n no on Google

二人目出産後、体のライン変化や腰痛に悩み通い始めました。骨盤の歪みを治してもらえるのはもちろん、反り腰、前腿の張り、水分不足など自分の体のことを教えてくださり、的確な対処法もアドバイスくださるので、自宅で自分に合ったストレッチも行うことができました。毎回の計測でサイズダウンしているのがモチベーションに繋がっています。 毎回気軽に相談できることや、子連れで行っても温かく受け入れてくださるのがありがたいです。
After giving birth to the second child, I began to suffer from changes in my body line and back pain. Not only will you be able to heal your pelvic strain, but it will also teach you about your body, such as warped hips, thigh tension, and lack of water, and will also give you advice on how to deal with it properly, so you can stretch at home. I was able to do it. The motivation is that the size is reduced in each measurement. I am grateful that you can feel free to consult with me every time and that you will be warmly accepted even if you bring your children.
E on Google

2人目の産後、骨盤矯正で通い始めました。 ラジオ波がとても気持ちいいです。 骨盤矯正はベルトでの維持は少し大変ですが、毎回2㎝程は締まっているので頑張れました! 産後ダイエットなどの相談ものってくださり、色々メニューを試しながら自分に合うメニューを教えてもらえます。女性のスタッフさんなので色々相談しやすかったです(^^)
After giving birth to the second person, I started going to pelvic correction. The radio waves are very comfortable. Pelvic correction is a little difficult to maintain with a belt, but I did my best because it is tightened by about 2 cm each time! You can consult with us about dieting after childbirth, and you can try various menus and tell us the menu that suits you. It was easy to talk about various things because it was a female staff member (^^)

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