Châteraisé Miyanogi - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Châteraisé Miyanogi

住所 :

1074-5 Miyanogicho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 263-0054
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM

1074-5 Miyanogicho, Inage Ward, Chiba, 263-0054, Japan
rienka o on Google

The price is reasonable. Japanese sweets are also delicious. At Christmas, etc., the parking lot will be full and you will not be able to turn right.
キラきら on Google

このお値段でこのお味はかなりクオリティが高いと思います。びっくりしています。 普段から結構来ていて、自分のおやつを買いに来てしまいます。 たまに新商品があったりするので、テンションが上がります。
I think this taste is quite high quality at this price. I'm surprised. I usually come here quite a bit and come to buy my own snack. Sometimes there are new products, so the tension goes up.
ひなな on Google

駐車場の警備員が横柄ですごく不愉快。 何様のつもりで叫びながら指示してくるのか… 意味が分からない。 店長さん、警備員に金払う位なら満車センサーのシステムを導入した方がマシですよ。 お店はちゃんとお客さんの声を見た方がいいです。 ま、二度と行かないけど。オンラインで買います。
The parking guard is arrogant and very unpleasant. What is the intention of screaming and giving instructions ... I don't understand the meaning. Store manager, if you are willing to pay the guards, it is better to introduce a full sensor system. The shop should see the voice of the customer properly. Well, I won't go there again. Buy online.
Brave Waves on Google

朝9時からオープンしているので手土産に重宝します。 近年は低糖だったり低カロリーだったり甘い物を控えている方にも喜ばれる商品があるので本当に助かります。 最近買ったアップルパイがおすすめです。タイミングが合えば焼き立てが購入できます。 時間を掛けて焼き上げているので生地はサクサク中はトロトロの大きい林檎とカスタードクリームが溶け出します。シナモンはあまりきいていないので苦手な人もハマると思います。 冷めても紙袋でレンチンすればサクサクあつあつになりました。 取り扱いは全店では無いようです。 量り売りワインも買ってみたい。
It's open from 9am, so it's a great souvenir. In recent years, there are products that are pleasing to those who are low in sugar, low in calories, and refrain from sweets, which is really helpful. I recommend the apple pie I bought recently. You can buy freshly baked if the timing is right. Since it is baked over time, the dough is crispy and the large apples and custard cream melt out. I don't really listen to cinnamon, so I think people who are not good at it will be addicted to it. Even if it gets cold, if you rent it in a paper bag, it will become crispy and hot. It seems that the handling is not all stores. I also want to buy wine sold by weight.
おとうやん雅弘 on Google

記念日があり、ケーキを買いに行きました。 味とコストで時々利用しています。 店内は広いのですが、私が行った時は結構お客様がいて、混んでいました。 駐車場は広く、いっぱいでも少し待てば入れますが、右折での入場を禁止されているので、車で行く方は注意か必要です。
There was an anniversary and I went to buy a cake. I sometimes use it for its taste and cost. The store is large, but when I went there were quite a few customers and it was crowded. The parking lot is large, and even if it is full, you can enter it if you wait for a while, but it is prohibited to enter by turning right, so be careful if you go by car.
小柳静雄(ジュピター) on Google

商品の種類は豊富で価格も安い、 ワインも置いてあります。
There are a wide variety of products and the prices are low. Wine is also available.
Johan Nienkemper on Google

Great ice cream and desert shop. Always busy. They offer point card. Situated away from the train station but in a busy road.
Simon Rigney on Google

This chain has to be one of the best value shops around. First encountered in the outskirts of Tokyo, it has a good selection of fresh cakes and desserts. But what I really go for is their ice cream. Great take home packs. Rum and raisin is always stocked up in my freezer.

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