炭火焼鶏 和香

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼鶏 和香

住所 :

Central, Ushiku, 〒300-1234 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/g2cxty6b0000/%3Fsc_cid%3Dres_qr_n02
街 : Ibaraki

Central, Ushiku, 〒300-1234 Ibaraki,Japan
茂幸岩崎 on Google

月1~2ぐらいで利用させてもらっています お酒や刺身など好みなものが多く美味しいです
I use it about 1-2 times a month There are many favorite things such as sake and sashimi
金子貴寛 on Google

揚げ物、焼き物ほぼ全部冷めてました。暖かい状態で出てきたのは春巻き位でした。 料理の量、品質ともにちょっと酷いと思いました。
Fried foods and grilled foods were almost all cooled. It was spring rolls that came out in a warm state. I thought the quantity and quality of the dishes were a bit terrible.
たかよし on Google

月一くらいペースで利用させて頂いていますが、接客もお料理も文句なしの満点です? 我孫子に住んでるゆえになかなか頻繁に伺えませんがもし近場にあったらほぼ毎日行っちゃう(笑) スタッフの人数が少ない中でハイパフォーマンスをめざしてるスタッフさんの意識の高さが脱帽です! 素敵なお店なので皆さんぜひ(^^)
I use it at a pace of about once a month, but both customer service and food are perfect without complaints. Because I live in Abiko, I can't ask very often, but if I'm nearby, I go almost every day (laughs) The high awareness of the staff who is aiming for high performance while the number of staff is small is taking off the hat! It's a wonderful shop so everyone's (^^)
Taku Matsuo on Google

The content of the meal was far from the menu. It is impressive that there were 7 slices of thin sashimi that was on the boat of sashimi. 7 slices for 5 servings. When I asked the person in charge, he said, "The menu is planned." All fried foods were cold.
U1 “トランキーロ” E on Google

出張の際にお邪魔しました。 色々と食べさせて貰いました、どれも美味しく、また値段もリーズナブルで大満足。出張の際は来訪確定です。 次は生サバ(時価)頼みます。
I visited you on a business trip. I was allowed to eat various foods, all of which were delicious and the price was reasonable and I was very satisfied. When you are on a business trip, your visit is confirmed. Next, I will ask for raw mackerel (market price).
bou ma on Google

When I checked the receipt later, the unsolicited cola was added to the accounting. I don't think the clerk will respond well and will never go again.
フォーカス大志(フォーカス) on Google

学生時代の友達10人で集まって飲み会をするのに予約して利用しました。 5,000円程のコースでお願いしましたが出てくる料理の大半が冷めており最後の名物の水炊き鍋も味がかなり薄く塩や醤油を注ぎ足さないと食べれるレベルではありませんでした。 料理のボリュームも1人5,000円と思えない程少なくせっかく久々に会う友人達との飲み会になのに非常に残念なお店でした。 早々に近くにある別の2軒目に移動してここより安価で満足の出来る飲み会をして来ました。
I used to make a reservation to have a drinking party with 10 friends from school days. I asked for a course of about 5,000 yen, but most of the dishes that came out were cold, and the last specialty hot water pot was also quite thin and could not be eaten without pour salt and soy sauce. It was a very disappointing place to have a dinner with friends who have met after a long absence. I quickly moved to another nearby house and had a satisfying drink at a cheaper price.
Fumitaka Morishita on Google

結論から言いますと写真は美味しそうでしたが美味しくありません。 期待して量を最初に頼んだのですが、二人で15,000円ぐらいで、本当残念すぎる味。 コロナ禍なので、素材が仕入れられなかったかはわかりませんが本当に美味しくなかった。 焼き物は電子レンジでチンしたレベルの唐揚げや焼鳥。 刺身に関しては旨味が全部逃げてます。5点盛りで一つは炙り。この炙りも味がない。古いネタだから炙りにしたのかというレベル。 本当に美味しくなかった。 ※クレジット、電子マネー使えません。 唯一の救いは店員さんの対応が良かったので星は2。
In conclusion, the photo looked delicious, but not. I first asked for the amount in anticipation, but it was about 15,000 yen for two people, and the taste was really too disappointing. I don't know if the ingredients weren't purchased because it's a corona bruise, but it wasn't really delicious. The grilled foods are fried chicken and yakitori at the level of microwave oven. As for sashimi, all the flavor is gone. Assortment of 5 points, one is roasted. This roast has no taste either. It's an old material, so it's a level that it was roasted. It wasn't really delicious. * Credit and electronic money cannot be used. The only salvation was that the clerk's response was good, so the star was 2.

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