
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パスタの家Cielo

住所 :

Central, Misato, 〒341-0034 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889878
Webサイト : https://cielo.owst.jp/
街 : Saitama

Central, Misato, 〒341-0034 Saitama,Japan
kui “hiro” on Google

料理もワインのラインナップも一流です。 安くはないですが、料理の質を考えれば大満足です。
The food and wine lineup is top notch. It's not cheap, but I'm very happy with the quality of the food.
naoki tomita on Google

凄まじい食事体験でした。 最寄駅の店舗だったので見かける機会は多々あったのですが、タイミングが合わず今日やっと入店。 注文したのは ・オリーブの実 ・ブリュスケッタ ・アラビアータ ・クリームブリュレ だったのですが、どれもこれも一口毎に身体が震える美味しさでした。 特にブリュスケッタは、上に乗っているトマトが余りにも甘くて衝撃、気付いたら皿から消えるレベルです。 あと、サービスでミニパンが出てくるんですが、これがまたフワッフワで美味でした。 コロナ禍ということもあり暫く営業自粛ということで残念ですが、再開後はまた足を運ぼうと思います。
It was a terrific dining experience. Since it was the store at the nearest station, I had many chances to see it, but the timing wasn't right and I finally entered the store today. I ordered ・ Olive fruit ・ Brusketta ・ Arrabiata ·Cream Brulee It was, but all of them were delicious and the body trembled with each bite. Brusketta, in particular, is at a level where the tomatoes on top are so sweet that they are shocking and disappear from the plate when you notice them. Also, mini bread comes out as a service, but this was also fluffy and delicious. It's a pity that we will refrain from doing business for a while due to the corona disaster, but I will visit again after resuming.
sakiti on Google

Search from acquaintances-While walking in front of the station (here is!) ... There is no sign outside, so look up and look ?? Certainly it was delicious ? If you tell especially strong, you must eat pasta ✨ "Pasta shop" ☺️ It was a delicate and delicious restaurant ⭐️
ひぐちいちろう on Google

黒毛和牛の霜降りもも肉のソテーはとても味が良かったです。 ワインもリーズナブルです。アイパッドで注文しましたが、操作性が悪く掲載してる写真も暗く画像もいまいちなので変えたほうがいいかもですね。
The sauteed marbled thigh of Japanese black beef was very good. Wine is also reasonable. I ordered with an iPad, but the operability is poor and the pictures are dark and the images are not so good, so maybe I should change them.
Kazunon TSUNODA on Google

お味は中の上。ランチで伺いましたが、頼みすぎたせいか、最後は飽きちゃいました。 週末のランチで、このコロナ禍でもお客さんもそこそこいたのに、ホールには店員さんが1人しかなく、しかもちょっとした料理もしながら、お会計までやっていて、だいぶ待たされました。仕方ないけど、見ていて可哀想でした。
The taste is on the inside. I visited for lunch, but I got tired of it at the end, probably because I asked too much. At lunch on the weekend, there was only one clerk in the hall, even though there were so many customers in this corona sickness, and I was doing a little cooking while doing the checkout, so I had to wait a long time. It can't be helped, but I was sorry to see it.
なみてこ on Google

静かで居心地が良いです。 パスタが本当に美味しいです。特にカルボナーラはとってもミルキー。こんなカルボナーラは初めて食べました。ランチよりディナーの方が麺が美味しい感じがします。パンにつけるオリーブオイル+バルサミコ酢もあと引く美味しさです。
Quiet and cozy. The pasta is really delicious. Especially carbonara is very milky. I ate this carbonara for the first time. I feel that the noodles are more delicious at dinner than at lunch. The olive oil and balsamic vinegar that you put on the bread are also delicious.
Masaki IWASE on Google

The pasta is delicious. I had small shrimp, squid, okra perilla and green onion flavored tomato sauce pasta. It was a well-made pasta where you can feel all the ingredients. I would like to try other pasta as well. The dessert panna cotta was also delicious.
白い犬ゆきな on Google

There was hair in the pasta, and when I told the clerk, he silently lowered the plate and remade it without apology. I feel very sick. I think the taste is delicious, but the customer service is very disappointing.

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