(有)オート小笠原 モトユニ レンタルバイク広島 呉駅前店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)オート小笠原 モトユニ レンタルバイク広島 呉駅前店

住所 :

Central, Kure, 〒737-0051 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://motorcycle-dealer-565.business.site/
街 : Hiroshima

Central, Kure, 〒737-0051 Hiroshima,Japan
吉原修作 on Google

He / she responds quickly to repair and is kind and polite. In addition, we can easily talk about consultation on new and used motorcycles.
ひめひめ on Google

とても親切で感じが良い! バイク屋では初めてで感動した。
Very kind and pleasant! It was my first time at a motorcycle shop and I was impressed.
とり on Google

広島旅行で利用しました。 駅から近くて便利で、お店のご主人も気さくで釣りの情報なども教えて頂きました。 遊びに行った際は、また利用したいです。
We used in Hiroshima trip. Convenient because it is close to the station, the owner of the store was friendly and taught us fishing information. I want to use it again when I go to play.
takamitsu somei on Google

I bought a generator (used) that has been maintained. It comes with a 6-month warranty. There is a generator in the store! It is interesting that it is on display! It's a motorcycle shop, but it seems that the engine system is being repaired, so I learned a lot. It was very helpful for me to give me some advice on self-maintenance. I would like to bother you again because it seems that you can order useful maintenance goods that can be purchased online, or if you supply parts such as parts.
かわあき on Google

オイル、タイヤ交換で行ったのですが、予約してなかったけど、すぐにしてくれて助かりました。次回から予約いれてから利用したいと思う。 また、店員さんも感じが良かったです。
I went to change the oil and tires, but I didn't make a reservation, but it was saved immediately. I would like to use it after making a reservation from the next time. Also, the clerk felt good.
とらのとらすけ on Google

レンタルバイクでお世話になりました。とても良いお店です。 またカブツーリングしたいなー。
Thank you for your help with the rental motorcycle. It's a very good shop. I want to do cub touring again.
ちゃりーこぎこぎ on Google

I used it for rental around the island, but I thought it was a good bike shop.
斉木太郎 on Google

Even if the tube of the motorcycle was replaced just before the store was closed, it was very helpful for me to work carefully. The price was low, and he advised me not to repeat the same failure. I want to use it again.

Write some of your reviews for the company (有)オート小笠原 モトユニ レンタルバイク広島 呉駅前店


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