クリスタル・ワールド マルイファミリー海老名店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クリスタル・ワールド マルイファミリー海老名店

住所 :

Central, Ebina, 〒243-0483 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.crystalworld.jp/%3Ffrom%3D01_pc_st082_shop-detail_intro_table
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Central, Ebina, 〒243-0483 Kanagawa,Japan
ykfunaki on Google

It wasn't crowded and I was able to shop comfortably
山下仁 on Google

There were many beautiful things and I bought a lot until a while ago. I haven't had a place to put it recently. .. .. I think the scale is big and interesting!
毒苺 on Google

Not a power stone, but a proper mineral shop. I think it is reasonable at all costs. If I and others who are not familiar with minerals go there, I can enjoy many things such as these ores. The clerk is also kind and will illuminate the light and teach you a beautiful view.
伊東剛志 on Google

It's about a month and I'm here. It's a break. The inside of the store has a bright atmosphere, and you can be smart when shopping, and you can choose good things at a good price. Both the store manager and the staff are extremely good at serving customers, and they can enjoy shopping freely. Thank you to the store manager and staff!
あんどのり on Google

子供の趣味で、アメジストを探しに行きました。スタッフの説明も丁寧で、帰宅してからも「お店の人、沢山教えてくれたね」と嬉しそうにアメジスト入りのブレスレットをケースに飾って眺めています。 詳しく、採取地による石の違いを教えてくれたショップはこちらがはじめてでした。 値段も、お安いものもあり子供はおこずかいの範囲で購入しました。 化石、岩塩も販売していて岩塩は大きくて綺麗でした。石に興味のない私でも、見ているだけで面白かったです。
I went to search for amethyst as a child's hobby. The staff's explanation is also polite, and even after returning home, I admired the case with a bracelet containing an amethyst, saying, "You told me a lot of people in the shop." In detail, this was the first shop that taught me the difference in stones depending on the place of collection. The price was also cheap, and there were some children, so I bought them at a reasonable price. We also sell fossils and rock salt, and the rock salt was big and beautiful. Even me who was not interested in stone was interesting just looking at it.
アメジスト on Google

パワーストーンのお店を探していてクチコミが良かったので、こちらに来ました。 たくさんのパワーストーン、化石などがあり店員さんもクチコミ通り親切にたくさん説明して下さいました。 迷いに迷ったあげくお値引きして頂き珍しい北投石を購入しました。 とてもパワーを感じ今では、なくてはならない存在になりました。 またお伺いをしようと思っております。 その際は宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
I came here because I was looking for a Power Stone shop and the word of mouth was good. There were many power stones and fossils, and the clerk kindly explained as many as the word of mouth. I got lost and got a discount and purchased a rare Beitou stone. I felt so powerful and now it has become indispensable. I am going to visit again. In that case thank you m (_ _) m
なみなみ on Google

手軽な値段設定なので、安心できます。店員さんも 直ぐには話し掛けてこなく 様子を見て 困っているようだと判断したら 来るようです。 押し付けもなく 予算にあったもの を紹介してくれました。
You can rest assured that the price is easy. The clerk does not talk to me immediately, but when I see the situation and decide that I am in trouble, it seems to come. What was on the budget without imposition Introduced me.
you ka on Google

駅から近いので便利です。 種類も豊富な方で比較的安いので求めやすいです。 私は家からも近いので、このお店で5回程購入しました。 しかし、毎回、お店の外側を少し見ていただけでも声をかけてきて、何度かウロウロされたり、声をかけてきたりして気が散ってゆっくり見れませんでした。 また、運が悪いのか毎回、常連さんらしき人が店員と長話をしながらガハガハと大笑いしたり、自分のスゴさをひけらかしたりして、うるさかったです。だから?って感じの自慢話で聞いているこっちが恥ずかしくなります。 研磨係の店員が「失敗しちゃった(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)」と軽く他の店員に話ていて、「真面目に仕事してるのかな?」と不安になりました。 こっちは静かに清らかな気持ちで商品を選びたいのに、これでは石の声が聞こえず行くだけで気疲れします。 私は、なるべく行かないようにして欲しいものをある程度ためてから、気合いを入れて購入時にため買いしています。 できれば、あまり行きたくないお店です。
It is convenient because it is close to the station. It is easy to find because it is relatively cheap with a wide variety of people. I bought it about 5 times at this shop because it is close to my house. However, every time I looked at the outside of the store for a while, I called out to him, and I was distracted and couldn't see it slowly because I was wandering around and calling out several times. Also, every time I was unlucky, a person who seemed to be a regular customer talked with the clerk for a long time and laughed out loud and showed off his awesomeness, which was noisy. that's why? It makes me embarrassed to hear this boastful story. The clerk in charge of polishing lightly told other clerk that he had failed (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵), and he was worried, "Are you working seriously?" I want to choose a product with a quiet and pure feeling, but this makes me tired just because I can't hear the voice of the stone. I collect a certain amount of things that I want to avoid going as much as possible, and then I am enthusiastic about buying them at the time of purchase. If possible, it's a shop you don't want to go to.

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